KHV: A Geometrical Model of the Gold Atom that offers explanation for its unique Electron Spin nature

For the first time in scientific record and blockchain history, Key Tan, aka KHV, reveals the geometrical theory for the subtle process that gives gold its unique electron properties. This claim of origination of this theoretical model as well as this publication’s entire contents is for scientific purposes only and record keeping for the future generations. With this record, KHV and the Ka Lab reserves the right to legally challenge and investigate the extent of intellectual property infringement by other parties who have derived technologies based on the knowledge of this publication, especially that which involves the knowledge of the structure of the gold mono atom, without acknowledgement to its originators.

Gravitational Nature of Protons and its Basis for Platonic Solid Material Structures

Gravity is the unification of the macroscopic forces and quantum mechanical influences, for all objects from the atomic nucleus to planets and stars cannot escape the pull of gravity, upon itself and one another. Extending the law of gravity through time to the primordial times when atoms and molecules are formed, we observe that protons each generate its unique pull of gravity through the spin of its innate quantum field, this gravitational spin enables protons to be attracted to each other and create more complex elements. As gravity must be centipedal in nature, the most primordial atomic structure of elements formed forth by protons must be geometrical in nature, based on the platonic solids. The sequence of formation starts with the most stable, which is the octahedron, to the shape with most vertices, the icosahedron. The solids are stacked within one another, as the platonic solids are nested within one another.

Common Geometrical Atoms in Nature

In the very beginning, there are only Hydrogen (H) atoms, they are also the equivalent of protons. At this stage, shape is yet to take place, a proton remains a proton. As gravity pulls protons together to form heavier elements, nucleuses of various geometries take shape. The next stable platonic solid is the Octahedron, which has 6 vertices, with each vertex corresponding to a proton, an atomic nucleus that takes the shape of the octahedron would be Carbon (C). The next structure would be the Cube or Star Tetrahedron, both structures can be seen in equivalence in the microscopic world as both has the same 8 vertices, corresponding to the atomic nucleus of Oxygen (O). Both Carbon and Oxygen are essential to the formation of the human body. Star Tetrahedron is the connecting geometry between the Cube and Octahedron, as the Octahedron can be embedded entirely within the Star Tetrahedron, and the Star Tetrahedron within the Cube. By embedding the Octahedron into the Star Tetrahedron/Cube, we get a total number of 14 vertexes, this corresponds to the Silicon (Si) nucleus. Silicon is the main component of the Earth’s crust and the basis of all computational devices.

Following the cube, the next stable platonic solid would be the dodecahedron, which has 12 vertices. A Cube, along with its embeddable components, can be embedded inside a dodecahedron. With all its embedded components (dodecahedron + cube + octahedron), we have a total of 26 vertices. If each vertex corresponds to a proton in the nucleus structure, we will obtain a structure that corresponds to the structure of the nucleus of the Iron (Fe) atom. Iron is the lightest element capable of generating a permanent magnetic field under normal metallic conditions, it is also the most common material for electrical conductors.

So far, we have:

Carbon (C) - 6 - Octahedron

Oxygen (O) - 8 - Cube

Silicon (Si) - 14 - Octahedron + Cube

Iron (Fe) - 26 - Octahedron + Cube + Dodecahedron

It is very interesting to note that these are some of the most abundant elements on Earth. There is a correlation in the abundance in occurrence of elements and the relative structural stability of its nucleus, which are under the force of implosive gravity in the quantum scale.

The icosahedron has 20 vertices. Adding this last platonic solid on top of the previously embedded geometries, which is the Iron nucleus, we would get the atomic nucleus of palladium, which has 46 protons. This is the element capable of generating a cold fusion reaction and is also being used widely in energy applications.

The Optimal Atomic Geometry for Perfect Charge Compression

The basis for cold fusion is perfect charge compression. The definition of perfect charge compression is the phenomenon where all the energy of the system in the form of mechanical or electromagnetic waves is directed towards one point in the system without causing destructive interference in the entire system. The perfect geometry for this process to take place would be a sphere, as seen in sonoluminescence, where light is spontaneously triggered in the water medium just with sound waves alone. This takes place within a gas bubble trapped in the water medium while sound is continuously promulgated towards the bubble from all directions. Similar processes are said to take place in stars, neutron stars, blackholes and the core of planets as well, in varying degrees. All of these systems have one similar condition, gravity or force is being pulled towards one center, which is the core of the sphere. On the contrary, if the conditions of gravity can be artificially generated, via a sudden pressure generated from all outward directions with equal force, then its zero-point, the center of the direction of forces would actually generate extra energy due to the implosive momentum of the atomic material surrounding the zero-point. If such a pressure condition can be created in the medium, then the only thing that hinders this energy from being released into the macroscopic environment would be the inherent structure of the atoms and molecules involved in the process. Most elements do not possess a nucleic structure that can be perfectly compressed in the atomic scale. To find the right structure for perfect compression of charges to take place, one must look to this structure: The Dodeca-Icosa.

The dodecahedron and the icosahedron are the only two platonic geometries that can be repetitively embedded in each other to infinity, this is the basis for perfect charge compression. As force is applied on this structure from all directions, the shape of the structure remains the same, even though this is the same for all platonic solids, the repetitive nature of the dodeca icosa embedding structure allows this implosive force to be promulgated in the scalar dimension. It is no coincidence that cold fusion appeared with the palladium in the first place as the palladium nucleus is the first to be able to inhabit an icosahedral structure with a dodecahedral structure embedded in it. If provided with the right catalyst to generate a surrounding implosive pressure, a cold fusion can be triggered within the palladium nucleus.

For more sustainable solutions, however, one must look to the Platinum nucleus, which contains 78 protons. Its nanoparticle counterpart is being widely used in electronic, energy, and medical applications. If the forces of time are stilled and the platinum nucleus is observed geometrically, one would discover its true value. If you allow the palladium nucleus to be embedded in another dodeca-icosa geometry, you would be adding 32 vertices to the original 46 it contains, this results in a geometry of 78 vertices, with the dodeca-icosa pattern repeating once. It is highly likely that heavier atoms would follow this pattern as it forms since it is the most sustainable geometry that resembles a perfect sphere, as a real perfect sphere does not exist in nature. Platinum is the first element that produces a sustainable dodeca-icosa fractal geometry within its atomic structure. However, it is still missing something to be the perfect structure for charge compression: An extra proton to act as a center for perfect charge implosion. Since 78 is an even number, it is impossible for any of the protons to occupy the center of the atom while maintaining a perfectly charge compressible structure. Ultimately, the structure would collapse due to the lack of a sustainable protonic geometry within the dodeca-icosa fractal. This brings us to gold, which has 79 protons in its nucleus. In its charge implosive state, gold can perfectly compress itself in the following geometrical arrangement (from outer to inner):

External icosahedron (20 protons) + External dodecahedron (12 protons) + Internal icosahedron (20 protons) + Internal dodecahedron (12 protons) + Cube/Star Tetrahedron (8 protons) + Octahedron (6 protons) + Origin center of gravitational implosion (1 proton) = Primordial Geometry of Imploding Gold Atom (79 protons)

The reason for the inclusion of the phrase “Primordial Geometry of Imploding” prior to elemental gold itself is because gold does not naturally exist in this state. Instead, gold naturally exists in a diatomic form, where its diatoms are bounded by metallic bonds. In order for gold to attain this self-imploding geometry, the gold metallic bonds must first be removed, then it must undergo a very well controlled crystallization process to cut off the last diatomic bonding, this crystallization process utilizes the chemical forces of molecular interaction as well as the mechanical pressure of the environment, the purpose is to simulate the conditions within the bowels of the earth, where heavier material elements are generated.

It is interesting to note that the exact step by step chemical process in procuring the stone is not mentioned in this treatise, this is because the chemical processes that may lead to the end goal are in fact numerous, and it is not the choice of chemical but the method in which the chemical is prepared and the manner the system is set up that can affect the quality of the end product. Yet this treatise has provided enough evidence that its originators are aware of the ancient processes in which the Philosopher’s Stone is produced and have in fact produced a version of it in a modern laboratory set up, this fact is very apparent to the scientists who are already aware even just parts of the process.

This is as much as the scope of this treatise can cover as KHV and the Ka Lab is only concerned with the process in which the Prime Material is generated and its principles within. Although its applications are wonderous, alchemy itself does not concern itself with the application of its products, but the generation of them. As this knowledge is gradually revealed to the mass, it will be up to the scientific establishment of the time to investigate and decide the value of its utility.

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