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💡 Unidata - 提供人类友好的 Web3 数据的便捷访问

May 07
Web3 的魅力在于数据属于用户自己,但由于区块链低效的效率和设计,再加上数据格式标准的缺失,访问和展示自己或用户的 Web3 数据是一件极度困难的事情。所以我做了开源项目 Unidata,给 Web3 开发者提供人类友好的 Web3 数据的便捷访问。
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💡 Unidata: Providing Easy Access to Human-Friendly Web3 Data.

May 07
The beauty of Web3 is that everyone owns their data. However due to blockchain technology's inefficient design, combined with a lack of specification standards, accessing and presenting your own or your users' Web3 data is an extremely difficult task. That's why I made the open-source project Unidata, to give Web3 developers easy access to human-friendly Web3 data.