P12社区角色清单以及获取方式 (P12 community roles and badges breakdown including method of accuisition)

今天来深度介绍一下P12 Project Twelve的Discord社区角色都有什么,以及怎么获得和获得后的潜在奖励。首先来回顾一下之前发过的徽章等级图:

(Lets do a deep-dive intro for P12’s community roles and badges, among the sophisticated rules and events, hope this will help you better understand the rarity of each badge and active/inactive way to acquire these badges!!)

P12徽章等级/P12 Badge Rank
P12徽章等级/P12 Badge Rank

**白色勋章(P12 Citizen Role):**这个勋章是最好拿的,每天去参加P12的日常问答就可以拿到,每天会进行两次,满打满算一个月可以拿60个(如果你真的能这么肝的话)是稀有度最低的勋章,相对应的也是P12等级最低的角色

White badge (P12 Citizen Role): Probably the easiest one to acquire among all badges, all you have to do is to participate the daily quiz in #asset-game channel! Each win entitles you a white badge once you completed all necessary steps.

Rarity/Rank: Level 1


Green Badge: This badge can be acquired through translation of official announcement and articles, contributing to the community. You may also see #announcement Channel in discord for specific events that are subjected to a green badge as reward.

Rarity/Rank: Level 2

蓝色勋章:目前唯一的获得方式是在#infraecons频道发布自己的艺术创作作品,前十名投票的作者可以获得一个蓝色的勋章作为奖励,稀有度比绿色更高。同时作为P12项目方大使也会拥有一个蓝色勋章,并且获得discord role:P12 Dreamweaver

Blue Badge: The only way to acquire blue badge is to participate in arkwork competition, artworks campaigns will be posted in #Infreacons Channel, by being the top 10 art work that has been selected, you will be rewarded with a green badge. Meanwhile being a P12 Ambassador will entitle you with a blue badge as well, also a P12 DreamWeaver role will be granted in discord.

Rarity/Rank: Level 3

**紫色勋章:**这个勋章目前没有获得途径,大家可能会发现discord有很多人都有紫色勋章,这是因为项目方在早期提供过discord助力的活动,**参与助力的社区成员都会获得一个紫色的徽章(P12 Nebula)**现在助力拿勋章的活动已经结束了~等后期开放吧,此勋章稀有度排目前所有的勋章第二名,比蓝色更稀有。相对应的discord role是P12 Nebula

Purple Badge: No active events or games to acquire this badge as of right now (6/2/2022), this badge was once the reward for discord server booster, everyone who boosted the discord server was once rewarded with a purple badge and the role: P12 Nebula in the discord channel. We should definitely wait for more events coming in the future!

Rarity/Rank: Level 4


Orange Badge: From the current information given, only dedicated developer within the P12 ecosystem will have this badge. community members method of acquire this badge unknown.

Rarity/Rank: Level 5


I hope this brief article can better help you understand the correlation between each badge and role! If there are any new announcements about events of getting rare badges, I will dive deeper and teach you how to participate! P12 Official has already announced the fact that: community members can claim tokens based on the badges they have (Rarity and quantity both counts). Join us now!!


This article contains person opinions, and does not represent any investment advise.

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