This week in #DeFi(1/3-1/9)

努力争取到2021年5月1日之前成为一个Defi 行业的成熟Observer和Defier,未来会更多关注Defi 的发展,跟着行业一起进步。

上周的大跌对于Defi tvl 有不小的冲击,回撤了30B+ $

1/ This week in #DeFi, a thread There is $91b locked in DeFi on #Ethereum

@DATA_Index 1st quarterly rebalance is live

第一季度资产rebalance 新增ENS,减少了$BAT,增加$FIL和$LINK(上次应该买LINK 下次不知道什么时候有机会了)

The Graph(GRT) 这个项目不是很熟

The Graph is an indexing protocol for querying networks like Ethereum and IPFS. Anyone can build and publish open APIs, called subgraphs, making data easily accessible.

The Graph(GRT)是市场上最早的去中心化索引和查询软件之一,相当于区块链上的谷歌。


The Graph最近还集成了多种DeFi协议,包括Uniswap,AAVE,Decentraland,Gnosis,Balancer,Synthetix,Polkadot,Fantom等。

The Graph开发之前







The Graph使用GraphQL,这是Web开发人员社区广泛使用的一种开源查询语言。


The Graph

The Graph于2018年7月发布,2020年12月17日启动,在以太坊上运行,支持IPFS。

The Graph允许程序员构建API(应用程序编程接口,The Graph把它称为子图),提取基于Web 3.0构建的dApp的区块链数据。

The Graph能够索引来自以太坊,IPFS和PoA网络的数据。这样,The Graph消除了查询的技术障碍。

The Graph的主要目标是实现开发人员轻松访问链上数据,构建dApp。

Chainlink对dApp之间的数据共享至关重要,The Graph利用Chainlink将索引的数据可用于智能合约。

所有子图都是Chainlink预言机的潜在数据源,智能合约还可以使用Chainlink预言机触发The Graph上的数据索引。

The Graph如何工作



任何人都可以使用Graph Explorer门户浏览平台上的子图。



用户可以通过GraphQL API访问数据,当前在网络上部署了2300多个子图。

The Graph声称,可以使查询变得快速、可靠和安全,还允许任何人构建和发布子图(API,充当中介,允许两个应用程序相互连接)。

The Graph的组成

The Graph主要由索引人、策展人和委托人组成,它的组成离不开代币GRT的使用。

索引人相当于The Graph的节点,通过质押GRT,在处理查询时赚取收益。



Livepeer 是第一个完全去中心化的实时视频流网络协议,通过利用区块链技术的力量来彻底改变广播行业。

是建立在 Layer 2 上的 Web3 视频基础设施,Web3.0 赛道的视频板块

作者为Karim Halabi。



与许多其他资源类似,当数据被提炼并投入使用时,其价值就被释放出来。许多行业所面临的问题是,这些珍贵的数据中的大部分无法在第一时间被访问,从而无法从中获得洞察力。根据国际数据公司( International Data Corporation)的数据,世界上只有0.5%的数据被实际使用和分析,其余的数据都沉睡在筒仓中。



数据的代币化使其被视为是一种有形的、流动的资产。像Ocean Protocol这样的协议正在使数据的金融化成为可能。

掀起波澜的Ocean Protocol


  1. 鼓励数据的公开共享和货币化
  2. 允许个人或实体安全地分享敏感数据
  3. 通过为数据创造流动性更强的市场,实现更好的价格发现



Ocean Protocol由几个核心部分组成,包括:

  1. 提供者--即数据所有者,可以出售对资产的访问权,并运行访问控制代理(Brizo)接受、验证和执行访问请求。
  2. Ocean Protocol--EVM和智能合约的集合,包括Ocean代币合约,维护资产所有权的登记册,提供去中心化的存储,并促进安全的数据交换。
  3. Ocean Marketplace -- 去中心化数据资产交易所,使用Aquarius和OceanDB来存储资产元数据。
  4. Squid--将这一切联系起来的技术栈。

Ocean marketplace是该协议的一个产品,数据所有者可以在这里发布他们的数据集,并将其上市销售。由于Ocean协议由建立在以太坊上的智能合约组成,所以数据的共享在点对点的基础上执行,没有任何第三方的监督。这确保了所有者在出售前对其资产保留完全的所有权和控制权。


当一个数据资产被公布出售时,相应的 "数据代币 "也被创建--这就是在Ocean marketplace上实际出售的东西。数据代币是一种ERC-20代币,授予持有人对特定数据集或数据流的访问权。数据的所有者有能力决定他们想发行多少数据代币,以及他们希望以何种价格出售对信息的访问。


  • 准许一次性访问与永久访问
  • 赎回数据的时间段限制
  • 读取与写入访问




Ocean有一个 "计算到数据 "(compute-to-data)的功能,数据科学家、研究人员和其他感兴趣的人可以在有价值的数据集上运行算法和机器学习程序,而不需要实际拥有数据本身。有了这个功能,那些不能在市场上公开消费的敏感数据仍然可以被代币化并投入使用。




  1. Bob拥有他不想分享的私人数据,但也希望能将其代币化。
  2. Alice有兴趣使用Bob的宝贵数据来改进她的人工智能模型。
  3. Alice将她的算法发送给Bob,这样他就可以在他的数据运行之前审查该算法
  4. Bob批准/拒绝该算法。如果批准:
  5. Alice的算法会在Bob的数据上远程运行,而不会离开Bob的数字场所。
  6. 丰富的算法会返回给Alice
  7. Bob的隐私得到保护


当一个新的数据代币在市场上上市销售时,发布者可以设定自己的价格,或者通过 "数据发行 "让市场决定数据集的价值。这种数据发行的功能类似于Balancer上的初始DEX发行,其中数据代币被列出,并立即可按市场价格购买。






The Data Economy Index (DATA) is a digital asset index capturing the growth of data-based products and services. The DATA index is data centric and chain agnostic. DATA is the first decentralized index to capture the growth of the data economy and also the first to include non Ethereum-based tokens.

The Data Economy Index 押注的都是基础设施 最近据Link 表现强劲

@dydxprotocol relaunches gasless deposits

1st real world asset backed loan live on @AaveAave

@haydenzadams reports @Uniswap

LPs made $1.6b in revenue in 2021(血赚,现在估计就MetaMask和Uni最赚钱了)

@haydenzadams 是uniswap创始人


@Spencernoon releases @OurNetwork__ #103

The #1 on-chain analytics community.

@ElectricCapital drops Annual Developer Report

Electric Capital is an early stage venture firm focused on cryptocurrencies, blockchain, fintech, and marketplaces.

@feiprotocol adopts ERC-4626 standard

The Stablecoin For DeFi

Fei is a decentralized, scalable, and DeFi-native stablecoin protocol

@TheMetaFactory iROBOT DAO Season One has ended

Creating Fun Realities from the Metaverse.

The Evolution of Culture and Fashion in a digital-first world. Collectively owned and managed. Collaborative and Composable.

@sebaudet26 drops thread about exciting things in @zapper_fi for 2022

@zapper_fi 联合创始人 和CEO@sebaudet26


@AaveAave ARC attracts 30 institutions

@VesperFi Vesper Earn is now avaliable on @0xPolygon

Vesper is a platform for easy-to-use #DeFi products. Try the new Vesper Earn! Deposit one asset, earn yield in another. DeFi Simplified.

@WPeaster drops new @defipulse Farmer article

New @DefiantNews DeFi Alpha newsletter by @DeFi_Dad &

@yyctrader1 is out

The DeFi news platform — Finance is being rebuilt to put people in control. Here’s where you can track and join this revolution


@reflexerfinance and @OndoFinance engage in a partnership

We built RAI, the first non-pegged, stable asset which is only backed by ETH

Building a decentralized investment bank

@redactedcartel announces 4 new partnership proposals


@BanklessHQ releases 2022 predictions

@bobanetwork introduces incentive program

Lower gas, faster, secured in Ethereum, supercharged with hybrid compute.

New roles are up on @gaby_goldberg ’s Web3 Job Board


@romedaofinance announces collab with @OlympusDAO

Assembling the great houses to build an APYRPG on Kusama & Polkadot.

The easiest on-ramp to @Polkadot . Moonbeam is the most powerful Ethereum-compatible smart contract platform on Polkadot.

@Crypto_Wildwest releases Poly Pulse #3

@mstable_ introduces mStable Dashboard

A decentralised stablecoin ecosystem | $MTA | Twitter account is managed by a grant recipient.

Decentralised Stablecoin Ecosystem

Swap, save and protect your stablecoins on mStable, a decentralised, community driven platform powered by $MTA

@epnsproject is teaming up with @dydxprotocol

Ethereum Push Notification Service (EPNS) The communication layer of Web3. Create, send, and receive multi-chain push notifications among dapps & users


@kleoverse is now live 这个也是一个新项目 有点意思


Work with the leading Web3 organizations to gain objective proof of talent

@DIGITALAX_ Sub Thread Weekly by @alma_almaks is out

Champion indie web3 fashion labels directly through the patrons platform


@OokiTradeintegrates with @chainlink Keepers

Delivering financial independence by reinventing financial services for a decentralized future.

@RyanWatkins_ leaves @MessariCrypto

Previously Research @MessariCrypto | The revolution will not be centralized

@AndreCronjeTech drops ve(3,3) article

@regannotraygan drops Beginners Guide to Crypto Jargon: Decoding DeFi

@staderlabs announces proposal to include LunaX as collateral on

Stader is a non-custodial smart contract based staking platform that helps you conveniently discover and access staking solutions


@indexcoop $DPI December rebalance is live

@ApertureFinance private beta coming in January

Cross-chain Investment Made Easy

With integrated bridge solutions Aperture is your gateway to DeFi 2.0.

@futureswapx hosts 5th community call

The Future of Perpetuals Is Here

Leverage on any tokens with a protocol trusted with billions for its price execution, super low fees and reliability.

@QiDaoProtocol and @fraxfinance partner

Zero-interest crypto lending - making DeFi accessible for all

Mai Finance is a way for you to keep your crypto and still be able to spend its value. That means you're able to borrow stablecoins without having to sell your crypto assets, and do so at 0% interest.

The process is simple: create a vault, deposit your crypto assets, and start borrowing stablecoins against your collateral’s value.

Mai Finance is a website that connects users to the QiDao Protocol, which is where the vaults are created and stablecoins are borrowed.

@jaspermalamud teases mobile NFT notifications in @zapper_fi


@epnsproject releases 2021 Year in Reivew

@MinaProtocol Mina Foundation Annual Report is live

The world's lightest blockchain, powered by participants.

Mina is building a gateway between the real world and crypto — and the infrastructure for the secure, democratic future we all deserve.

@prometheusdao announces @reflexerfinance Bond Integration

MMORPG-based decentralized reserve currency on Polygon. Probably nothing.

@iearnfinance drops Yearn Finance Newsletter #52

@YamFinance asks for feedback on purchasing CRV/CVX to Mine Bribe Rewards


@TheDaoMaker was whitelisted on@Bancor

@snx_weave releases SNXweave Weekly Recap


By SNX Weave

SNXweave is a grantsDAO initiative to improve communication and transparency across the Synthetix ecosystem. This podcast will give quick weekly recaps of news and important updates from the Spartan Council, Core Contributors, gDAO, and aDAO. As we get closer to the end of the epoch, there will be more discussion that focuses on the individual outlooks, voting trajectories, debating arguments, and overall values of various DAO members, in order to help support well-informed voting around election time.

Twitter: @snx_weave

Discord: tokinetics#5629

@DeFi_Wonderland releases v1.0.0 of keep3r-network/cli

@perpprotocol gas rebate is live

Decentralized Perpetual Contracts

On-chain DEX with highly efficient liquidity provisioning and up to 10x leverage for makers and takers.

@zapper_fi now allows users to track @GMX_IO $GMX & $GLP


@BandProtocol oracle services are now on @CeloOrg

Secure, Scalable Blockchain-Agnostic

Decentralized Oracle

Band Protocol is a cross-chain data oracle platform that aggregates and connects real-world data and APIs to smart contracts.

Crypto Made For Mobile

Celo is a mobile-first platform that makes financial dApps and crypto payments accessible to anyone with a mobile phone

@GetCoinJar is integrating Chainlink Price Feeds

CoinJar is the simplest way to buy and sell popular digital currencies in UK. Whether you're just starting or an experienced trader, our platform is the easiest way to buy, sell, store and spend digital currency.

@BitGo now supports $MVI, $DATA, & $BED

@BalancerGrants releases Monthly Update #4

Community powered grants to support the development of the #Balancer ecosystem.

@OokiTrade drops Neon Genesis Ookilion Tee


@GearboxProtocol 2022 work report is out

Gearbox Protocol allows anyone to get leverage in a decentralized way and use it across various other protocols in a composable way: margin trading, leverage farming, and more!

@Gather_Network $GTH trading is back live

Gather L1 smart contracts will unlock the ability to create utility tokens, NFTs & dApps on Gather chai

n with low fixed gas fees in $GTH (~0.1$/tx).

@thekeep3r updated to 0.7.2

@CelerNetwork welcomes new partner

Building the best inter-blockchain and cross-layer communication platform. Celer solutions, news & community

a DeFi service system aiming to build a market for illiquid equity or tokens of early-stage crypto companies.

  • Chemix Ecosystem
  • Chemix Ecosystem is a DeFi service system which aims to build a market for illiquid equity or tokens of early-stage crypto companies.

@QiDaoProtocol1st round of vault incentive gauge is live


@deversifi adds @paraswap market PSP/ETH

Avoid gas costs and frustration, saving you time and money with every trade or swap. DeFi should be open to everyone, not just whales

ParaSwap aggregates decentralized exchanges and other DeFi services in one comprehensive interface to streamline and facilitate users' interactions with decentralized finance on Ethereum and EVM-compatible chains: Polygon, Avalanche, BSC & more to come.

@FinanceFirebird adds $HND on Fantom

An innovative one-stop defi, multi-chain yield farming and decentralized exchange aggregator.

$USDC bonds by @ShapeShift_io live on @OlympusDAO

Buidling a borderless financial system on open decentralized protocols

$UNI goes live on @NexoFinance

@goldfinch_fi announces $25m raise

Goldfinch is a decentralized credit protocol that allows anyone to be a lender, not just banks.

Goldfinch is a decentralized credit protocol for crypto loans without collateral. This is the missing piece that finally unlocks crypto lending for most people in the world.


@OlympusDAO announces@immunefiBug Bounty Program


Web3's leading bug bounty platform, protecting $100 billion in user funds

@indexcoop introduces the Bankless DeFi Innovation Index $GMI

@arcxmoney launches the @chainlink HODL Score

ARCx Passports powered by your on-chain identity

@wearenewt has 1st community call of the year

The smol group of experimenters at the Aave Companies

@BeanstalkFarms BEAN:3CRV pool is live on@CurveFinance

Beanstalk is a decentralized credit based algorithmic stablecoin protocol that is built on Ethereum. Beanstalk uses credit instead of collateral to create price stability relative to a non-blockchain-native asset. Beanstalk does not have any collateral requirements. The first Beanstalk issues a USD stablecoin (USD) on the Ethereum blockchain.


@coingecko updates their app UI

@Platypusdefi goes live on 1/14

Platypus, redefining #Stableswap with novel single-sided liquidity provision. Low slippage, high scalability and superb UX. Exclusively on #Avalanche

@furucombo releases spotlight on 2021 accomplishments

@TallyCashreleases Tally vs MetaMask article

@juliengaillard joined @AaveAave as Head of Data Science


@ProjectSerum IEF raises $100 million

Faster, Cheaper and more Powerful DeFi Serum brings the speed and convenience of centralized exchanges to DeFi while remaining fully trustless and transparent.

$GOG is listed on @BTCEX_exchange

A professional digital asset derivatives service provider.

@defipulse releases Dot Pulse #20

@OlympusDAO introduces V2 Bonds

@banklessDAO releases Weekly Rollup #36


@NexusMutual does product spotlight on @ribbonfinance

@ConnextNetwork is forming partnership with @layerswap

Fast, trustless communication between blockchains.

@DawsonBotsford adding @rabbithole_gg quests to

announces one-click testnet deposits are now available on


@maplefinance shares Q1 product developments

@kava_platform announces Kava 9 is coming 1/19

@kylascan gives @BanklessHQ TikTok recap

@Rewkang releases The @fraxfinance

Mega Thesis thread

@movrnetwork now supports @FantomFDN

18/ DeFi Job Postings

@phantomis hiring a Product Designer

@Syndica_io is hiring a Sr Fullstack Engineer

@dydxprotocol is hiring a Community Ecosystem Lead

@KyberNetwork is hiring a Head of Marketing

@SpoolFi is hiring a Chief Technology Officer

19/ DeFi Podcasts of the week

Based Space w/@TheCryptoMewtwo @LinkTea777 @ChaseCoins &

@BanklessHQ The Biggest Protocol Merge Ever w/

@TrustlessState @joey__santoro of @feiprotocol

&@jai_bhavnani of @RariCapital

20/ DeFi Podcasts of the week

@indexcoopConversations with the Coop w/

@Crypto_Texan @mechanikalk & @0xMidnight of @gridplus


@Blockworks_ Empire w/@JasonYanowitz @santiagoroel @KyleSamani


Mission DeFi Ep 35 w/@b05crypto & Rob Montgomery

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