Recently, Telegram (TG) and Ton networks have frequently become hot topics. On August 28, due to the surge in the transaction volume of $DOGS, the Ton network was congested, resulting in an overload of garbage collection functions, and many verification nodes temporarily lost consensus. In order to restore the normal operation of the network, the verification node needs to be restarted at around 12 noon.
So, what are the applications on the Ton network? Who is its user base? Let's explore.
Ton ecosystem relies on TG's 1 billion users, after half a year of rapid development, the number of active wallets on the Ton chain has reached 14 million, but the penetration rate is only 1.4%.
In contrast, wechat Pay has a penetration rate of about 80% in 2023. From this point of view, Ton ecology has a huge potential user market.
At a recent conference, Ton officials set a goal of attracting 500 million users to Web3 in the next four years.
When it comes to Ton ecology, the most striking thing is Ton games. Like Axie Infinity back in the day, the most recently discussed game on Ton is Catizen.
With the introduction of Dogs, hot spots are rapidly shifting. At the recent KWB event, there was a lot of discussion about who the next phenomenal game will be and what kind of story it will bring.
Developers who have a lot of contact with the Ton Foundation will know that the Ton Foundation has not been supporting projects for a long time.
In addition to changes in supply and demand, simple Clicker games have taken up a lot of users' time Users are tired of such fascia gun games .
Currently, there are only two paths to commercializing Clicker games:
Diversion for other projects
However, there are very few projects that get accepted, and users may play many games and end up with nothing.
For the user, the result is a bunch of boring Clicker games with lots of tasks.
In the long run, bad money will drive out good money, and users will gradually lose interest in TG games and lose trust in TG ecology. When activity drops, developers leave.
These Clicker games often do not need a "chain" because of their simple goals, and can complete the Game logic in a centralized way, but they consume Ton's resources and do not serve Ton.
Faced with such a situation, how will the Ton official guide?
In the traditional Internet, "Man, goods and field" is an important concept And Ton officials are aware of this, and by hosting various developer events to promote the development of ecology.
People: refers to users. In the Ton ecosystem, the user is the core. Just like the evolution of wechat ecology from "jump" to "sheep a sheep" to "find a big thousand", users need to be cultivated and educated through high-quality games and applications. Ton is working hard to attract more users into its ecosystem and provide them with a fun and valuable experience.
Goods: refers to content and services. In the Ton ecosystem, games and apps are "goods." The content needs to be engaging and innovative to meet the needs of users. Ton encourages developers to create great games and apps that enrich ecological content, and encourages innovation through a variety of events and support programs.
Field: refers to the platform and environment. The Ton network itself is a "field" that provides a decentralized platform for users and developers. Ton official can unite with some potential partners that can help break the circle, such as Web3 native companies and traditional game companies, to enrich the ecological content. Through these partnerships, Ton will not only provide developers with a wider range of resources and support, but also attract more users and drive the entire ecosystem to thrive.
So the author started from the "field" and saw that many traditional wallet giants have held Ton Campaign activities, such as Bitget Ton Carnival, OKX CryptoPedia, Safepal Ton Fest and so on.
This time, we will analyze the games selected from the list of recently started Safepal Ton Fest events.
Domestic developers often say a word is: "the wechat small program on the game to move over."
In the project list, I found a "crazy" category of games, this game highlights the word "cool".
Players no longer need to constantly beat miscellaneous soldiers to increase their level, nor do they need to fight for equipment in a copy of the game.
In the game, the treasure chest is placed in front of you, equipment, experience, gold are inside, you can open it.
The types of weapons players can fire are:
Weapons rarity is divided into nine broad categories, as shown in the chart below:
After reading these, everyone is not at a glance to think of a very hot project: Loot.
The narrative of on-chain universal assets as described by Loot was accepted by many, but lost its use value because it only solved the production side of the problem and had no high playability applications.
Ton Heroes put the production and use of props on the ground.
Through continuous unpacking, users can obtain equipment with higher quality and better advanced attributes. When the player opens the treasure chest, he needs to make decisions in the advanced attributes and basic attributes, and try to make the hero obtain stronger combat effectiveness in the battle.
Players can obtain additional resources and treasure chests through PVE battles, while challenging other players, PVP for battle rewards and higher rankings.
In the "crazy" category, users spend up to 60 minutes online, with an active ARPU of 9.8, a paid rate of 7.7 percent, and a paid ARPU of 126.
This proven genre is a cash cow in terms of user numbers, and with Loot's narrative and use of generic game assets, the game has a lot of potential.
At the same time, the author found Ton Heroes on the official recommendation of TonKeeper and OKX, which shows the background and strength of the team.
At the time of writing, the game appeared at the top of the latest recommendation on Telegram's official AppsCenter.
The Ton Heroes above are the representatives of the "goods" in the "human goods", and the representatives of the "people" belong to the MEME game with fans and social networking.
NokNok has built a fan economy from a "people" perspective.
Players can "hit the list" for each character by knocking on hot figures such as Trump, Musk and Harris, showing the number of times each character has been hit in the form of a leaderboard.
Players can earn hammer coins for their actions in the game. At the same time, various hammer skins can be obtained daily through the treasure chest.
According to official social media, they will soon launch an NFT system that allows players to cast their collected hammer skins into NFT.
I found this to be similar to a Banana on Steam.
Although there is a similar Banana project on TG, it is not developed by the same manufacturer, and the data certainly cannot be played, but NokNok released his own game on the PC side on Steam, which is the first Ton game that has been played on multiple terminals.
This is also an important reason for the author to analyze him first.
Unlike most existing clicker games, NokNok features a "light gameplay" where players can earn money by hanging up.
Like Banana, NokNok has also launched a campaign to limit the rewards for skins, and players can directly receive rewards from the official after opening a limited hammer, directly anchoring the value of items.
In the task list, the author saw two familiar logos, one is Binance, Safepal is the earliest incubation project of Binance, and can cooperate with Safepal, then there must be a certain connection with Binance.
The core of Dogs' broken circle is to bring TG users to CEX, so NokNok's narrative on multiple ends has not attracted Binance's attention?
Another task is IOSG, which, as an investment and research institution focused on blockchain technology, is a presence in the Web3 space that cannot be ignored.
Although the author did not find relevant information from public sources, this part is left for everyone to explore.
In this issue, we will analyze these two games first, and then, according to your needs (you can submit the goal of the author's research), we can more in-depth analysis of some games with new gameplay and new narratives on Ton.
1、Tonkeeper :
2、Ton Heroes:
3、Ton Heroes white paper: