Initial Baseline Value (IBLV) Event

Baseline mechanics were built with fairness in mind. As is common with any launch, however, technically advanced adversaries can and will use sniper bots to secure entry at the cheapest price, leaving the rest of participants buying at risk premiums.

To address this unfair dynamic, we’re launching the Initial Baseline Value (IBLV) Event!

The Initial Baseline Value (IBLV) Event

The IBLV Event is an opportunity for qualified community members to participate in setting the Initial Baseline Value (IBLV). A total of 340 ETH capacity (roughly $1M at time of writing) will be made available. The event will begin on first day of Blast mainnet launch, and last for 24 hours.

During this time, qualified users can deposit ETH up to their maximum allocation. Right after, the contract executes a bulk purchase of YES tokens against the Baseline pool, and then distributes those tokens, pro-rata.

How to qualify

To make conditions as fair as possible, the IBLV event will allocate 228 ETH, or 67% of total, to qualified community members and 112 ETH, or 33%, to Jimmy Stimmy Recipients.

500 community members can qualify for an equal allocation of 228 ETH in one of two ways:

  1. Play Base Invaders game to get Jeet Slayer Discord role (100 spots)

  2. Be based to get Based Discord role (400 spots)

In addition, if you are a Jimmy’s Stimmy Recipient (see Jimmy’s Stimmy Plan for more), you can qualify for a pro-rata allocation of the 112 ETH by minting an NFT.

Community members can increase their total allocation by having multiple roles.

Opportunity 1: Play Base Invaders (100 spots)

Help the protocol defend the Baseline Value (BLV) against jeets! Play the game at, slay the jeets, and secure your spot in the IBLV Event. If you score in the Top 100, you will automatically get a Jeet Slayer role in Discord. There is a caveat, however: you can lose your role and qualification if someone out-scores you anytime before Blast L2 launch. You can continue playing an unlimited number of times.

Opportunity 2: Be Based (400 spots)

Based individuals embody the ideals we believe in. These are the people who are excellent to each other, extend help without expecting anything in return, and are genuinely interested in what Baseline has to offer. The team will grant the Based role to community members who believe in our vision, drive awareness and engagement to the protocol (e.g. write threads, videos), contribute creatively (e.g. sick graphics, memes), and/or add good vibes in the community server.

Opportunity 3: Mint Jimmy Stimmy NFT (1,146 spots)

If you are a Jimmy Stimmy Recipient, you can qualify by minting the Jimmy Stimmy NFT before the Blast L2 mainnet launch. The NFT mint link is here:

To see a list of all wallet addresses that can mint the NFT, see:


  • 500 community members qualify for the 228 ETH allocation. Each person can deposit a maximum of ~$1,333.33 (denominated in ETH) into IBLV contract.

  • Only 100 community members qualify for the 228 ETH allocation. Each person can deposit a maximum of ~$6,666.66 (denominated in ETH) into IBLV contract.

  • Every Jimmy Stimmy Recipient claims the NFT. Top recipient can deposit a maximum of $58,752 (denominated in ETH) into IBLV contract.


  1. Now until Blast launch - IBLV Event details shared. Opportunities to qualify begin.

  2. First day of Blast launch - Snapshot is taken. IBLV event begins. Qualified users deposit ETH.

  3. 24 hours later - Deposits close. YES token goes live.

Next Steps

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