BPandoX of HumanityForce.io

Born in 1978, BPandoX (JG) is an anonymous self-taught digital mixed media artist who offers a fresh and poetic introspective of the mind, heart and soul. BPandoX – singular, accomplished musician, artist, & entrepreneur is a lover of life, constant learner and musician – above all, a man with a unique view of the world. Exploring the possibilities offered by computer science, chaos and oppression, he developed his creative vocabulary to create a means of fearless personal artistic expression. 

Inspiration for his work often comes in visions. Ever since he was young, he would visualize art when listening to music, or hear music when drawing or painting. He later discovered digital art on the blockchain as he was researching Bitcoin. With a deep curiosity and sensitivity to any subject, he injects abundant creativity into his digital artwork, just as he did before the blockchain.

What is my background in art? I’ve always been a musician/singer/artist and over creative, even with web design or videography. Ever since I was young I would visualize art when listening to music. I would hear music when creating art and still do when I’m drawing or painting. I have never been trained to sing or create art. I just create. 

I have been singing since I could talk. My first painting was on a giant sawmill blade at 15 years old. I was the youngest person to design my junior high yearbook cover. I drew a mockup for someone’s puppet design. Those early experiences were pretty unique for me as a child in establishing belief in myself. Grew up on dirt roads, early in life, but at least it was in San Diego. Lived on the West Coast, East Coast, and Texas. Played every sport in high school and was a certified personal trainer my senior year. Taught dance classes in college while I worked as a network administrator to pay for college. Started two businesses and ran one for 20+ years, Platoon Media. I’ve recorded music in studios, performed live in front of thousands of people over the years with different bands. I sat a few hundred yards away from Simon Cowell for an audition on X-Factor, but their union workers had to stop auditions due to “time limits”. I turned down a chance to audition on American Idol a year before that due to them wanting to fabricate a fake story about my life. Performed acapella for a Latin Grammy Music Award winners’, Danilo Montero, private Christmas party. Commissioned by the National Autism Association for a summer long music performance to raise funds and awareness at Joe’s Crab Shacks across Houston. Didn’t find my soulmate until I was 30 even though I never thought I would get married. I had a top-secret security clearance in the military, end of that story. I’ve traveled to 7 different countries to help build orphanages, feed people and build homes for refugees. Do I think any of that makes me better than you reading this? No, we all have our own story to live, but many never even get to the point of living. 

I guess looking back collectively over 40+ years there have been many pieces, places, and people that shaped my background. I’m not certain I can recall one single instance that put me where I am today, but without all of it I wouldn’t be here. The sweet is never sweet without the sour.

How did I get here/into crypto art? I stumbled into crypto art. Honestly, I’m not even sure how I went down that rabbit hole. I must have seen something on Twitter that caught my attention. That’s how most of my blockchain experiences have occurred. Given my lifelong experiences with different forms of art and creating, it just all made sense. The more I looked, searched, and found, the more I knew I should be involved. It had been over 4 years since I made anything serious or for commission. I was extremely sick during that time period and was finally starting to feel better when this happened. It was one of the many life moments I’ve had where everything connected and fit into place. Thinking back, I wish I did a better job of writing down the moment when it just all came together and led me to making my first digital art piece for a gallery. I’ve made thousands of graphics for web sites and videos commercially, and not to mention the 75 websites I ran for myself. Add the commercial websites, intranets, and flyers for businesses over 20 years, and I guess I have always been creating something for someone. Just never an online art gallery until recently. I’ve come to realize that the crypto art space is no different from crypto trader’s space, which is where I was hanging out the most recently. I still hang around that group, along with the crypto gaming & mining space, and it’s humorous how everyone has the same problems in each space yet they think their problems are unique, whether it’s complaints about whales, gatekeepers, or lack of generating income/gains.

Who inspires me? I’ve been inspired by Van Gogh, David Hockney, Picasso, Rage Against the Machine, Smashing Pumpkins, Tupac, KRS-One, Public Enemy, Run DMC, countless authors, coaches from 20 years of sports, my parents, grandparents, teachers, and so many others I could never list them all. Given my time in multiple creative forms of expression, I have been fortunate enough to share time with so many incredible people. I see and hear art everywhere, whether it’s good or bad. I spent years with self-made millionaires who didn’t have high school diplomas, and luckily during this young age of my life, I had the respect and sense to listen to what they taught me. I traveled to third world countries on different missions and learned from people that have never experienced first-world life. I’ve taken it all in and their collective energies embody who I have become, and I must create in their honor. 

Why do I create digital art? That’s a loaded question that depends on the moment. Sometimes I am inspired by something very specific. Maybe I hear a song, read an article, see a social media post, wake up in a certain mood or arrive at the center after meditation. It always depends, but I never sit down with an agenda. That to me puts a limit on the creative mind, or at least I feel this way. Everyone has their own creative process; however, and I would never tell another true creative how to be creative. Sometimes my mind goes to a memory, a place in time, or to a specific person. I see the place, feel the person there with me...see their faces or recall how I felt while at that particular place/time. A lot goes on, not sure how to explain it really. I’ve always been different. I’ve never felt understood, so much so that I stopped caring what others thought very early on in life. Art gave me a release though. Whether it was drawing, painting or music. When I was young, I would spend summers with my grandfather. He passed away a few years ago, but he taught me how to build things with my hands. This experience helped me expand my understanding of art. I loved being in his shop and working with wood, metal or other materials. Although I did not take my craftsmanship further than his shop, I did complete my first painting there on a huge old sawmill blade, once used to cut through trees. I still have it to this day, and I plan to display it on my new personal site I am creating. 

Photo-manipulation? Intrinsically yes…but he likes when the technique used is as discreet as possible and never uses premade filter or software effect ready. He uses his photographic elements as a painter uses his color palette. “Art is the engine of my actions!” Each work is unique. He likes his work to amaze and give everyone a different feeling.

What is my process or meaning of my art? I get focused quickly and easily when it comes to art. Often I start creating without any direction or end result in mind. I wasn’t trained by anyone. I never took a music, vocal or art lesson, but I’ve been paid to do all three for one reason or another. When I create any form of art, it just happens. I sometimes rush my process and need to slow down, but it feels like floodwaters breaking a levy - an overwhelming feeling of creativity that hits me all at once. Given my isolation and sickness for 3-4 years, I think there is a lot of energy that I haven’t been able to release/express for at least that long. I’m slowly coming to a place where my body is healing and the pain is leaving, so my focus and awareness of the world around me is clearer. I am trying to find focus in my art while not limiting myself to what other people think or say. I am focused on creating art I enjoy, and I understand negative feedback is sometimes a part of the process. I create art based on anger, joy, depression, pain, and love. Life can never be sweet without the sour. I have no regrets or apologies for who I am or what I create. I mean what I say and say what I mean so my art and music mimic that mindset often. 

Has crypto art impacted my life? I have only been here for 6 weeks. I was chosen as the artist of the week on @EOS_Pix and fell into creating a digital art magazine called FOMA (wink). Then I found myself completing this questionnaire to have my profile featured on BAE. I somehow sold 6 pieces of art without any website, personal history, or background in this space. Nobody knows me, at least not yet. I consider myself extremely fortunate at this point for being around such a short time compared to other incredible artists. If I was someone that compared myself to others compulsively, then I would say I don’t deserve what I have been given at this point. Then again, I’ve always excelled with my creativity without stressing about how I’m going to earn a living. I’ve received call after call from strangers who have found my music online, heard of my work with web sites or businesses, or needed help with some technology project. I believe that if I’m busy helping others and making myself better each day then that positive energy comes back in waves. The few artists and gallery owners that I have met and talked with extensively, I’ve learned are some incredible people. While I’m here, there are two I will mention. First, I will never forget Sparrow (@blackboxdotart). She was the first person to buy one of my digital art creations, and that would have never happened if I didn’t find BAE and list my first pieces of art here. So Sascha and Sparrow were pretty huge in helping me feel like I belonged here. I later met Fred from PixEOS

What advice do I have for new crypto artists? Be careful. This space, just like the others mentioned previously, is full of shady, greedy people who only want to take what you have created. In that same token, there are plenty of incredible people with great energy flowing from their creative souls also. Learn, read, and research. Blockchain is a brave new world and a wild west of lawless crooks, rebellious cowboys, and anonymous vigilantes. I’d be with the vigilantes most likely. The establishment controls everything and everyone. People don’t invest in themselves enough and then claim ignorance if something bad happens to them. If they had just spent time learning, asking questions, or researching the mistakes of others before them then maybe we could focus more on supporting each other. If you look at the digital art world as a whole there is still a lot of division simply based on greed and hypocrisy. Don’t be part of that group. Invest in yourself and others, and be part of the incredible art community that I’ve experienced and connected with. Don’t get caught up on what you have or don’t have online. Don’t allow yourself to be boxed into a certain style based on the judgement of non-creatives. Never create anything just to make someone like your art or for money. Just be you.

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