Journey of Discovery: 2023-in-Review

It’s 8:00 pm on Friday, Dec 29. I had just finished a technical article and was hoping I would get no new comments on it till the new year. I then wrote a list of the highlights for the year, just like I did in 2022, and closed my PC to eat Amala.

2023 was a year where unexpected goodbyes and unforeseen hurdles reshaped my journey, teaching me the harsh realities of life's unpredictability. It was a year that held the promise of growth, a year where I poured my heart into plans for a better self.

In 2023, my most cherished achievement was fostering my relationship with God. Inviting Him into each step, decision, and thought transformed my days. It was hard at first, but I got the hang of it. Like everything else, it does get easier. Praying every day, asking God if it is the right decision, actually listening to God’s word and direction.

January 2023 was hectic; I was not myself; I wanted to be so done with exams; it was the first time I was away from home during the festive holidays, reading Pathology and Pharmacology. On the 22nd, I passed, and the Joy in me was complete; I vividly remember how it felt like when God literally shows up for you.

Going to the Orphanage this year was a great privilege. I found myself humbled by the sheer Joy that danced in their eyes as they sang for us. Each child, a portrait of strength in the face of adversity, taught me more than any textbook ever could. The hours spent with these vibrant souls were more than just moments;

Oh! I remember this was also the year I made an attempt to start a company; it was to be a Web3 Payment Infrastructure, a friend had already made a logo, and I was already working on building the product solo, but it failed 😂 Hopefully, 2024 will be kinder with me.

I got a full-time devrel role with a Web3 company, and my major responsibility was to write docs and tutorials. We did not work together for long; it was one of those companies that had no use of a devrel.


  1. I moved apartments - This was one of my goals stepping into 2023

  2. Passed my Medical Exams

  3. Got a lot of Technical Writing and Devrel gigs

  4. Spoke at a virtual event with over 1.5k+ listeners

  5. Wrote over 40+ technical content

  6. I was opportune to visit and give to an Orphanage - It was the most fulfilling thing I ever done in my life

  7. Started a Newsletter, “The Compass” - Subscribe here

  8. Helped a lot of people get started with their tech journey - technical writing and software development

  9. Co-organized a conference - Techdreal

  10. Started Playing the Guitar

  11. I met a lot of amazing people this year

  12. I joined an Online Christian community to improve my work with God

  13. Started reading consistently - send Chimamanda’s books my way

  14. Started writing Research papers on Zero-Knowledge Technology

  15. I had my Water Baptism this year

  16. Constantly receiving good reviews about my work

  17. Put GDSC OOU into the best hands - Wrote a review

In 2023, I tried new foods and visited new places, and I’ll tell you, the world is your oyster; open your mind and live.

This year taught me the importance of pursuing what is important to you. I did not care about a lot of things, and I did what I felt was right, and it eventually paid off.

I also could not travel like I wanted to or attend conferences and was unhappy about it.

My relationship with my family members increased. My mum would show up randomly at my place to drop off cooked food, knowing I probably would prefer buying food to cooking.

It was the year I ate Amala the most; its significance extends beyond its taste; its nurturing essence extends to the soul. As one indulges in its wholesome goodness, there's an almost magical ability to calm the mind. (All this grammar is to tell you how much I love it😂)

It was the year I learned that truly you miss chances you don’t take, and most times, the ability to pitch yourself with confidence can be the thin line between you and your dreams. (In other words, no gree for anybody😂🥷)

Lessons Learned:

  • Take steps and just start

  • No point doing life without Jesus - When things seem overwhelming, pray

  • Network with people - makes your Journey easier

  • There is no 100% correct way of doing something - The unconventional way might be your path

  • I love peaceful people

  • Aim to begin your day with positive energy

  • People are important. Never disrespect anyone

2024: Sneak Peek

For 2024, my main goal is to live authentically, freely and get to know God more. I want to explore all the varying bits of my creativity and take up new skills.

  • Launch a new community - I’ll explain the why later

  • I’ll be doing something around Healthcare Insurance

  • I've been experimenting with AI recently with a bunch of guys. I hope it turns into a startup in 2024

  • I want to explore Protocol engineering - Technical research and zk circuit development

  • Probably take more courses or try an online degree

  • Get back to the gym

  • Attend a physical masterclass with Vusi Thembekwayo

  • Speak at more conferences. Invite me to your event, I sabi die don’t worry

I tried a lot of things this year and enjoyed most of them. I’ll try that again next year. I am more confident that the Lord's light will guide my path come 2024.

Thank you to everyone who showed up for me this year. Everyone who supported me, ensured to send opportunities and mentioned my name in places where important shots were being called.

I appreciate y’all, and because of you, I know too that 2024 will be incredible!

Thank you for reading; see you next year ✨

Happy New Year
Happy New Year
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