Deep Dive into ZK on Ethereum and ZK on Solana

Scalability, efficiency, and maintaining privacy are critical challenges that developers strive to overcome in the evolving landscape of blockchain technology. One of the most promising advancements addressing these issues is the application of Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs). ZKPs have significantly contributed to blockchain scalability by enabling efficient transaction processing while preserving privacy and security. Two cutting-edge Zero-Knowledge (ZK) solutions like ZK-Rollups and ZK-Compression have emerged as promising advancements aimed at enhancing the performance of their respective networks Ethereum and Solana respectively. This article delves into these technologies, exploring how they work, their advantages and disadvantages, and their potential use cases.

Zero-knowledge on Ethereum (ZK-Rollups) are Layer 2 scaling solutions that increase throughput on Ethereum Mainnet by moving computation and state storage off-chain, processing thousands of transactions in a batch, and only posting minimal summary data to Mainnet, cutting down on-chain data and gas fees while upholding strong security via zero-knowledge proofs. Conversely,

Zero-knowledge on Solana (ZK-Compression) is a technique that utilizes zero-knowledge proofs to compress transaction data, optimizing storage and ensuring high throughput and low latency on the Solana blockchain, enhancing the efficiency and performance of Solana blockchain, making it ideal for handling a large volume of transactions quickly and securely.

By comparing the key differences between ZK-Rollups and ZK-Compression, this article provides a comprehensive understanding of their respective architectures, scalability potential, and security mechanisms. Additionally, we will examine real-world applications and explore which technology holds more promise for the future of decentralized applications and services. Whether you are a developer, investor, or blockchain enthusiast, this deep dive will equip you with the knowledge to navigate the dynamic world of blockchain scalability solutions.

Introduction to ZK-Rollups on Ethereum

Zero-knowledge rollups (ZK-rollups) is a cutting-edge layer 2 scaling solution designed to enhance Ethereum's throughput by shifting computation and state management off-chain. Ethereum can get pretty crowded and slow, especially when lots of people are using it. This is where ZK-rollups come in. They take a bunch of transactions and bundle them together into one big package. Instead of putting each transaction on the Ethereum Mainnet, they only post a small summary and a special proof that shows everything in the package is legit. This means there’s a lot less data clogging up the network, which makes everything faster.

Before diving deep into ZK-Rollups, it's beneficial to understand Ethereum's scaling challenges and the concept of layer 2 solutions. You can explore more about Ethereum scaling and layer 2 solutions from the resources at the end of this article.


What Are Zero-Knowledge Rollups?

ZK-rollups bundle transactions into batches executed off-chain, minimizing the data posted to the blockchain. Operators submit a summary of necessary state changes and produce validity proofs ensuring the accuracy of these changes. A smart contract on Ethereum maintains the ZK-rollup state, which updates upon receiving a validity proof from ZK-rollup nodes. ZK-rollups only need validity proofs for transaction finalization, eliminating delays in moving funds from the rollup to Ethereum. ZK-rollups write transaction data as calldata on Ethereum, a cost-effective way to store data on-chain, enhancing user fee efficiency through data compression. Interaction with Ethereum A ZK-rollup chain operates on top of Ethereum, managed by on-chain smart contracts while executing transactions off-chain.

Core components include:

On-chain contracts: Manage rollup blocks, deposits, and state updates.

Off-chain virtual machine (VM): Executes transactions and stores state, serving as the ZK-rollup's execution environment.

How Does ZK-Rollups Work with the Ethereum network?

At their core, ZK-rollups work through a smart contract on the layer 1 blockchain. This smart contract is crucial as it maintains an authoritative record known as the state root.

How ZK-rollups work. source:
How ZK-rollups work. source:

State Root: The state root is a Merkle tree of batches of information about the rollup’s accounts, balances, and contract code. Users, like the sequencer, publish new batches (a compressed collection of transactions) along with the old and new state roots (pre- and post-state roots). The smart contract then checks the old state root against the current root. If they match, it switches the current version to the new state root.

Deposits & Withdrawals: Naturally, rollups have to allow inputs and outputs from the “outside” to enable withdrawals and deposits. The transaction that submits the batch containing “outside” inputs also moves assets to the smart contract. When the transaction submits the batch containing “outside” outputs, the contract initiates the withdrawal process. Hence, the underlying smart contract synchronizes state changes across the base-layer and the rollup.

Post-State Verification: How to verify the correctness of the post-state root? Up until now, a malicious actor would have been able to submit any version of the state root (e.g., where they transfer all assets to their account). However, rollups have addressed this issue in two different ways: validity proofs and fraud proofs. Hence, we have two schemes: zero-knowledge and optimistic rollups.

Validity Proofs: ZK-rollups rely on validity proofs to ensure the post-state root contains no manipulations. For that reason, every new batch of transactions comes with a ZK-SNARK (or ZK-STARK) – an argument of knowledge that proves the batch computation indeed produces the same result as the new state root. And the most important part: even the heaviest computations can be verified quickly on-chain thanks to the highly complex math behind ZK-proofs.

Fee Structure ZK-rollup fees depend on Ethereum gas fees, influenced by state write costs, data publication as calldata, operator fees, and proof generation/verification costs. Transaction batching and data compression reduce user fees. ZK-rollups enhance Ethereum's throughput by offloading computation and increasing block transaction capacity.

Advantages of ZK-Rollups on Ethereum

  1. Scalability:

    • Increased Throughput: ZK-Rollups significantly increase the transaction throughput on Ethereum by batching multiple transactions into a single rollup block.

    • Lower Gas Fees: Aggregating multiple transactions reduces the overall gas fees per transaction.

  2. Security:

    • Strong Security Guarantees: ZK-Rollups rely on zero-knowledge proofs to ensure that all transactions are valid, providing strong security guarantees comparable to those of the Ethereum Mainnet.

    • Data Availability: All transaction data is stored on-chain, ensuring high data availability and integrity.

  3. Quick Confirmation: Once the ZK-SNARK proof is verified, the transactions are immediately finalized, providing instant transaction finality.

  4. Enhanced Privacy: ZK-Rollups can optionally provide transaction privacy by hiding transaction details within the ZK-SNARK proof.

Disadvantages of ZK-Rollups on Ethereum

  1. Complex Implementation: Implementing ZK-Rollups requires sophisticated cryptographic techniques, making them complex to develop and maintain.

  2. Heavy Computation: Generating ZK-SNARK proofs can be computationally intensive, requiring significant resources.

  3. Ethereum Congestion: ZK-Rollups still rely on the Ethereum Mainnet for data availability and finality, so they can be affected by congestion and high gas prices on L1.

Current and potential use cases for ZK-Rollups on Ethereum

Decentralized Finance (DeFi):

Current: ZK-Rollups are extensively used in Ethereum's DeFi ecosystem to enhance scalability and reduce transaction costs. Applications like decentralized exchanges (DEXs), lending protocols, and automated market makers (AMMs) benefit from faster transaction throughput and lower fees.

  • Examples:

    • dYdX: An exchange platform utilizing ZK-Rollups for improved performance and reduced fees.

    • Loopring: A platform supporting tokens, NFTs, and AMMs, leveraging ZK-Rollups for efficiency.

Potential: As DeFi continues to grow, ZK-Rollups can support more complex financial instruments, improve user experience with faster transactions, and enable higher throughput for lending, trading, and asset management protocols.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs):

Current: NFT marketplaces on Ethereum leverage ZK-Rollups to handle high transaction volumes and reduce gas costs associated with minting, trading, and transferring digital assets.


  • Loopring: Also used for NFTs, providing lower gas fees and faster transactions.

  • ZKSpace: Supports tokens and NFTs, utilizing ZK-Rollups for efficiency.

Potential: Future applications could include integrating ZK-Rollups with gaming platforms, virtual worlds, and digital art marketplaces to scale NFT interactions and enhance user engagement.

Scaling Ethereum 2.0:

Current: ZK-Rollups are proposed as a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum 2.0, complementing the transition to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. They aim to increase transaction throughput and reduce latency while maintaining Ethereum's security guarantees.


  • zkSync: Positioned to scale with Ethereum 2.0.

  • Scroll: A universal platform compatible with Ethereum 2.0 scaling.

Potential: Integration with Ethereum 2.0 could lead to interoperable solutions that improve overall network efficiency and support a broader range of decentralized applications (dApps).

Cross-Chain Interoperability:

Current: ZK-Rollups can facilitate cross-chain interoperability by enabling efficient token transfers and data exchange between Ethereum and other blockchain networks.


  • zkSync Lite: Focuses on payments and tokens, facilitating cross-chain transfers.

  • Polygon zkEVM: Supports universal applications, including cross-chain interoperability.

Potential: Future developments may focus on enhancing interoperability protocols to support seamless asset transfers and decentralized finance activities across multiple blockchains.

Introduction to ZK-Compression on Solana

On June 21, the blockchain community witnessed a significant advancement with the introduction of ZK-Compression, a novel Layer 1 (L1) scaling technology by Solana developers Light Protocol and Helius Labs.

This announcement was quickly lauded by industry experts and developers, who praised ZK-Compression for its innovative approach to enhancing scalability. Unlike traditional methods that focus on merely increasing transaction throughput, ZK-Compression aims to significantly reduce the data footprint of transactions on the blockchain. This breakthrough technology leverages zero-knowledge proofs to compress transaction data, making it more efficient to store and process within Solana's high-performance framework.

For example, let’s say you have a huge stack of papers (this is your transaction data). Carrying the whole stack around is slow and takes up a lot of space. ZK-Compression is like taking all those papers and shrinking them down into a tiny, lightweight booklet. It does this by using smart data compression methods, so you still have all the information, but it takes up much less space.

This means Solana can store and process a lot more transactions without slowing down or costing a fortune. And even though the data is compressed, it stays secure, fast, and easy to use, just like before.

Here’s a literal example to make it clearer:

  • Without ZK-Compression: Think of it like writing out the full text of every book in a library by hand. It takes a lot of time, effort, and paper.

  • With ZK-Compression: Now imagine you can shrink all those books into tiny e-books that fit on a small flash drive. You still have all the same books, but they take up much less space and are much quicker to access.

By using ZK-Compression, Solana makes sure it can handle lots of transactions quickly and cheaply, without losing any important information or security. Let’s dig deeper into how ZK-Compression function on the Solana network.

How does ZK-Compression function on the Solana network?

ZK-Compression on Solana leverages advanced cryptographic techniques to minimize the data footprint of transactions, improving the efficiency and scalability of the network. Here's an overview of how ZK-Compression functions on Solana:

  1. State Storage as Call Data: When a transaction is initiated, the state data required for that transaction is specified and stored as call data in the ledger. This design avoids the traditional rent costs associated with long-term state storage, optimizing cost-efficiency.

  2. Transaction Specification of State: Each transaction payload includes detailed information about the state it will access. This specification encompasses both read and write operations, ensuring that the transaction only processes relevant state data.

  3. State Validation Process:

    • Invocation: The Solana program related to the transaction invokes the Protocol System Program, initiating the process to update the compressed state.

    • Validation: The Protocol System Program performs a series of validation checks. It verifies the validity of the read state to ensure that the data being accessed is correct. Sum checks are conducted to ensure that state changes maintain consistency, and ownership checks are performed to confirm that the state modifications are authorized.

    • Schema Enforcement: During validation, the protocol enforces a schema transition from classic accounts to compressed accounts. Compressed accounts retain a similar layout to classic accounts but are optimized for reduced data footprint.

  4. State Updates as Logs: After the transaction completes, the new state data is recorded as a log entry on the Solana ledger. This log entry encapsulates the state update, providing a verifiable record of the transaction's impact on the state.

  5. Photon RPC Nodes: These nodes index the logs and persist the state updates, ensuring that the compressed account state is accurately maintained. They provide access to this state data via the ZK Compression RPC API, enabling clients to efficiently query and interact with the compressed state.

Advantages of ZK-Compression on Solana

  1. Cost Efficiency:

    • Reduced State Costs: Compression significantly reduces the state costs by storing compressed state on cheaper ledger space instead of expensive account space, making it cost-effective for developers.

    • Scalable State Management: By compressing the state, ZK-Compression allows applications to scale to millions of users without incurring high state costs.

  2. Performance:

    • High Throughput: Solana’s high throughput capabilities combined with ZK-Compression enable fast and efficient state updates.

    • Low Latency: Solana's low-latency architecture ensures quick transaction processing and state validation.

  3. Security and Composability:

    • L1 Security: ZK-Compression maintains the security guarantees of the Solana L1, ensuring robust protection against malicious actors.

    • Composable State: Solana programs can interact with both compressed and regular on-chain state, enhancing the composability and interoperability of decentralized applications.

  4. Minimal Rent Costs: Storing state as call data in the ledger eliminates rent costs, making it more economical for long-term data storage.

Disadvantages of ZK-Compression on Solana

  1. Ecosystem Adoption:

    • Emerging Technology: ZK-Compression is a new primitive on Solana, so widespread adoption and ecosystem support are still developing.

    • Tooling and Documentation: Limited tooling and documentation compared to more established technologies can hinder developer onboarding and implementation.

  2. Dependency on Photon RPC Nodes:

    • Reliance on RPC Nodes: ZK-Compression relies on Photon RPC nodes to index and persist logs, which can introduce additional points of failure or bottlenecks if not properly managed.

Current and potential use cases for ZK-Compression on Solana

Decentralized Applications (dApps)

Current: ZK-Compression reduces state storage costs for Solana-based dApps, making it feasible to store large amounts of data on-chain at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional methods.

Potential: Applications include decentralized exchanges, prediction markets, and gaming platforms that require efficient state management and scalable transaction processing.

Gaming and Virtual Worlds

Current: Gaming dApps on Solana utilize ZK-Compression to store game state and player interactions on-chain economically. This enables real-time gameplay and in-game asset management without significant overhead costs.

Potential: Enhanced scalability could support massive multiplayer online games (MMOs), virtual reality (VR) environments, and digital collectibles with seamless user experiences and secure asset ownership.

Financial Services

Current: ZK-Compression supports financial services such as payment processing, asset tokenization, and peer-to-peer lending on Solana. It lowers transaction costs and enhances transaction speed, making financial applications more accessible and efficient.

Potential: Future applications could include integrating ZK-Compression with decentralized banking services, insurance products, and automated trading platforms to expand financial inclusion and innovation.

IoT and Supply Chain Management

Current: Solana-based applications using ZK-Compression can securely manage IoT device data and supply chain logistics on-chain. This ensures data integrity, enhances transparency, and reduces operational costs for global supply networks.

Potential: Further developments may focus on integrating ZK-Compression with IoT sensors, smart contracts, and data analytics platforms to optimize resource management and streamline logistics processes.

Key Differences Between ZK-Rollups on Ethereum and ZK-Compression on Solana

Fundamental Technology and Purpose

ZK-Rollups: Utilizes zero-knowledge proofs to batch and verify transactions off-chain. Designed to enhance scalability on Ethereum by reducing on-chain computation. Focuses on aggregating transactions into a single proof to be verified on-chain.

ZK-Compression: Introduces a new primitive on Solana, combining zero-knowledge proofs with on-chain compression. Aims to reduce state costs significantly by storing compressed state data on the Solana ledger. Enables scalability by minimizing the cost of storing state while maintaining security and performance.

Architecture and Implementation

ZK-Rollups: Operates as a Layer 2 scaling solution, processing transactions off-chain and submitting a validity proof to Ethereum’s main chain. Relies on Ethereum’s smart contract functionality to execute and settle transactions. Requires specific rollup-specific smart contracts and a bridge mechanism for interaction with Ethereum’s main chain.

ZK-Compression: Integrated natively within the Solana blockchain architecture. Stores compressed state data directly on the Solana ledger, reducing the cost of maintaining state. Utilizes zero-knowledge proofs to ensure the validity and integrity of compressed state without revealing detailed data.

Scalability and Performance

ZK-Rollups: Improves Ethereum’s transaction throughput by processing transactions off-chain and settling them on-chain. Offers potential for significant scalability improvements by reducing gas costs and increasing transaction speeds.

ZK-Compression: Enhances Solana’s scalability by reducing the cost of on-chain state storage. Facilitates applications to scale to millions of users while maintaining the performance and security guarantees of Solana’s Layer 1.

Security and Trust Model

ZK-Rollups: Relies on the security of Ethereum’s main chain for finality and consensus. Ensures transaction integrity through zero-knowledge proofs, reducing the need for on-chain computations and potential vulnerabilities.

ZK-Compression: Leverages Solana’s Proof of History (PoH) and Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanisms for security. Implements zero-knowledge proofs to verify the validity of compressed state, ensuring data integrity and privacy.

Use Cases and Adoption

ZK-Rollups: Widely adopted for scaling decentralized finance (DeFi) applications on Ethereum. Used for reducing transaction costs and improving user experience by speeding up transaction confirmations.

ZK-Compression: Primarily targeted at reducing state storage costs for applications on Solana. Enables developers to build scalable applications with lower operational costs, suitable for various use cases including gaming, decentralized applications (dApps), and financial services.

Future Potential and Development

ZK-Rollups: Continues to evolve with research and development efforts focused on enhancing scalability and interoperability with Ethereum 2.0.

ZK-Compression: Positioned to evolve as Solana ecosystem grows, potentially integrating with other Layer 2 solutions and expanding use cases across different industries.

Concluding with which technology is more promising and why.

When deciding between ZK-Rollups on Ethereum and ZK-Compression on Solana, it ultimately depends on what you are building. Hopefully this deep dive into their advantages, disadvantages, and use cases can help you select the technology that best meets your specific needs.

After considering various factors, my perspective is that ZK-Compression on Solana is more promising for several key reasons:

  1. Cost Efficiency and Scalability

    • Reduced State Storage Costs: ZK-Compression significantly lowers the cost of storing on-chain state compared to traditional methods. This cost reduction is crucial for decentralized applications (dApps) on Solana, enabling them to scale more economically and accommodate large amounts of data without incurring prohibitive expenses​.

    • Scalability: By optimizing state management, ZK-Compression enhances Solana's transaction throughput and overall network scalability. This capability is essential for supporting high-demand applications across diverse sectors, including finance, gaming, and IoT​.

    Performance and Speed

    • Real-time Transactions: Solana's architecture, combined with ZK-Compression, enables real-time transaction processing and data validation. This capability is vital for applications requiring instant settlement, such as high-frequency trading, gaming, and interactive dApps​.

    • Low Latency: Transactions executed with ZK-Compression benefit from minimal latency, ensuring responsive user experiences and efficient application performance. This feature enhances usability and encourages broader adoption among developers and end-users​.

    Security and Reliability

    • On-chain Security: ZK-Compression maintains Solana's robust security standards by leveraging its underlying consensus mechanism and data validation protocols. This ensures the integrity and immutability of on-chain transactions and data, which is critical for maintaining trust in decentralized applications​.

    • Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs): By integrating ZKPs, ZK Compression enhances privacy and confidentiality in data transactions while proving the validity of compressed state updates. This feature is pivotal for applications handling sensitive information and complying with regulatory requirements​.

    Interoperability and Flexibility

    • Composability: ZK-Compression allows Solana dApps to seamlessly interact with both compressed and traditional on-chain state. This composability fosters innovation by enabling developers to integrate diverse functionalities and interact with multiple protocols within the Solana ecosystem​.

    • Cross-chain Integration: Future developments may extend ZK-Compression's capabilities to facilitate interoperability with other blockchain networks. This potential cross-chain compatibility enhances Solana's utility in a multi-chain ecosystem, promoting broader adoption and use-case diversity.

    Use Case Diversity and Innovation

    • Industry Applications: ZK-Compression supports a wide range of applications, including decentralized finance (DeFi), gaming, supply chain management, and IoT. Its cost-effectiveness and scalability make it suitable for both consumer-facing applications and enterprise solutions seeking to leverage blockchain technology.

    • Innovation Potential: As Solana continues to evolve, ZK-Compression paves the way for innovative solutions that address scalability challenges while maintaining high standards of performance, security, and user experience. This innovation potential positions Solana as a leading platform for decentralized applications and emerging blockchain use cases​.

    In summary, while both ZK-Rollups on Ethereum and ZK-Compression on Solana offer significant benefits, ZK-Compression stands out due to its cost efficiency, integrated Layer 1 solution, high performance, and potential for broad adoption. For developers and businesses seeking a scalable, economical, and secure blockchain solution, ZK-Compression on Solana is a promising choice.


  1. Ethereum Documentation

  2. Solana Documentation

  3. Ethereum Scaling

  4. Ethereum layer 2

  5. "ZK-SNARKs: Decentralized and Privacy-Preserving Proofs" - Vitalik Buterin

  6. "ZK-STARKs: Scalable and Transparent Zero Knowledge Proofs" - Eli Ben-Sasson et al.

  7. The beginner’s guide to zero knowledge proof

  8. Understanding Zero-knowledge proofs through illustrated examples

  9. "The Role of Zero-Knowledge Proofs in Blockchain" - CoinDesk

  10. How ZK-Rollups work by Ethereum.

  11. A visual explanation of ZK-rollups. video

  12. State compression. video

  13. What is zero compression?

  14. Everything you need to know to start developing with ZK Compression on Solana.

  15. Light Protocol and Helius Labs introduce 'ZK Compression' to further scale Solana apps

  16. Blockchain Layer 1 vs Layer 2 Scalability Solutions

  17. ZK Compression on Solana Explained: New Era of L1 Scalability?

  18. ZKSync:

  19. Loopring:

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