How Jeyamohan Reinvigorated My Tamil Identity and Inspires My Journey | GratitudeSeries 57/60

Introduction: A Source of Hope and Confidence

Jeyamohan’s words have been a constant source of inspiration for me, especially as I reconnect with Tamil literature. His life, filled with personal challenges and triumphs, has given me hope when I’ve felt lost. Every time I listen to his lectures or read his works, I find renewed strength and confidence, knowing that the path I’m on aligns with his vision of cultural and intellectual continuity.

A Journey from Despair to Purpose

One of the most remarkable aspects of Jeyamohan’s journey is how he transformed personal tragedy into purpose. He once contemplated ending his life after his parents' suicide, a pain that could have easily consumed him. But in what can only be described as a moment of divine intervention, he was captivated by the sight of a small worm glistening in the sunlight. That simple observation—seeing a tiny creature radiating so much light—made him realize that life, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, has the capacity to shine. If a worm could reflect such light, why couldn't he? This realization was the turning point that pulled him away from the brink of hopelessness and set him on the path to becoming the literary giant he is today​(

This story has always resonated with me. It reminds me that, even in moments of despair, we too can reflect light if we choose to persist.

Cultural Lineage and the Power of Intuition

Jeyamohan’s philosophy on cultural lineage is another area where I feel deeply connected to his work. He often speaks about how, like the termite that instinctively builds its mound with saliva and sand, we too are born with an innate connection to our cultural heritage. For me, as a Tamilian, this means that the values and wisdom passed down through generations are embedded in my very being. Jeyamohan argues that when we have the right tools—literature, art, and culture—we intuitively know what we are supposed to do, much like the termite building its complex structure​. It’s a powerful idea that has given me the confidence to pursue projects like The Internet of Value, knowing that my thoughts and efforts are part of a larger cultural continuum. This belief, rooted in Tamil philosophy, has been both humbling and empowering for me.

Virtue at the Thought Level: The Tamil Ideal

His critique of Western perspectives on virtue also made me reflect deeply on my own work. He often contrasts the Western approach of doing virtuous deeds with the Tamil ideal of Aram Seiya Virumbu, which means "desire to do virtuous things" at a thought level. This distinction is profound. In our culture, it’s not enough to simply act virtuously—we must want to be virtuous, embodying those principles in our thoughts before they manifest in our actions. This approach has deeply influenced my thinking around The Internet of Value, where the focus is on well-being and equitable contribution, rather than mere productivity​(

A Lesson in Dedication: Venmurasu and Beyond

Jeyamohan’s monumental project Venmurasu, a reimagination of the Mahabharata through a Tamil lens, is a testament to his incredible work ethic. Writing one chapter every day on his blog for 7 years?! is an extraordinary feat of consistency and commitment. His dedication to such a colossal literary task has been a personal source of inspiration for me. It serves as a reminder that even the most daunting projects can be tackled one step at a time, as long as the passion and discipline are there.

Intellectual Integrity: Critiquing with Depth and Respect

One of the most remarkable qualities I admire in Jeyamohan is his intellectual integrity. His lecture series critiquing Osho is a perfect example of this. He spends 95% of the lecture providing context, exploring Osho’s influence on society, and only then does he offer his critique. This approach has profoundly shaped the way I think about critiquing great works in the domains where The Internet of Value operates. It’s not just about tearing down ideas—it’s about understanding them fully, respecting their influence, and offering thoughtful critiques.

A Pat on the Back: Knowing We’re on the Right Path

What’s most heartening for me is the sense of alignment I feel with Jeyamohan’s vision, especially his ideas about the future of communism and globally connected labor unions. His belief that communities can be skill-based and interconnected feels like a direct validation of the work we’re doing with The Internet of Value. Every time I hear him speak about these ideas, it feels like a pat on the back, reassuring me that we are indeed on the right track.

Conclusion: A Lifelong Source of Inspiration

Jeyamohan’s life and work are a testament to the power of resilience, cultural continuity, and the transformative potential of literature. His influence on me has been profound, and I will always be grateful for the confidence and clarity he has given me. As I navigate my own path in economic systems and life, I carry his lessons with me, knowing that I am part of something much larger than myself.

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