A Good Family is a University - #GratitudeSeries 56/60

The Blessing of a Virtuous Family: A Gratitude Series

1. The Pillars of Love and Virtue: My Parents

My parents have lived a life filled with virtues, and their love is an endless source of inspiration to me. After nearly 45 years of marriage, their bond has only grown stronger. A few months back, while they were staying with me, my dad had to travel to Bihar for work. My mom, being her loving self, would call him every 3-4 hours to check in. On days when she forgot, my dad would be the first to call her. Their unshakeable connection after all these years made me realize how rare and precious such devotion is. How many couples can say they still share such intimacy and care after almost five decades together? It’s a living testament to what love, respect, and commitment truly mean.

Though love is the highest virtue I have learned from my parents, their unwavering commitment to faith and consistency has left an equally profound impact on me. My mom, for instance, has never missed conducting her Tuesday family prayer meetings, no matter the circumstances. Rain or shine, her dedication to this weekly ritual reflects a level of consistency that shines as an example for all of us. It’s a reminder that true devotion isn't just about belief, but about living that belief through every action, big or small.

My dad, on the other hand, becomes a force of nature when he steps on stage. His public speaking skills are nothing short of mesmerizing, and the energy he instills in his listeners is electric. He had a grand vision of spreading the Gospel to every state in India. At one point, he even envisioned having 28 children—one for each state! While they stopped at four due to financial constraints, his vision and conviction remain a constant source of admiration for me. It’s this deep sense of purpose and unwavering faith that has shaped not only his life but also the values and foundation of our family.

2. Transformation Through Love: My Elder Brother and Sister-in-Law

My elder brother was once considered a bit of a rogue—maybe it’s a Tirunelveli thing—but I have witnessed an incredible transformation in him after his marriage. My sister-in-law has brought out the best in him, standing by his side and supporting him with love and wisdom. It's been a joy to see him evolve into a better version of himself, and it serves as a powerful reminder of how love can elevate a person to new heights. Their relationship is a wonder to me, and I am constantly inspired by how they’ve built a strong, supportive partnership.

3. The Entrepreneurial Spirit: My Second Elder Brother

My second elder brother is the business mind of the family. From starting a computer center during his college days to navigating the world of banking, and then back into entrepreneurship with ventures like holiday homes and now a prenatal clinic, his journey has been remarkable. Through it all, his loving wife and wonderful children have been his constant support, and together they are building a legacy. Watching him manage all these ventures with such determination and grace inspires me every day. His ability to balance family and business is something I admire deeply.

4. A Second Mother: My Sister

Growing up, my sister was like a second mother to me. I’ll never forget how we used to walk home from school together when my dad would sometimes be late due to work. In those moments, she protected me, taught me values, and nurtured me like only a big sister could. I was a sister’s boy through and through, and I am forever grateful for the love and guidance she gave me. Today, her family is a loving nest, and I can’t be happier to see her so fulfilled. Her kindness and strength continue to inspire me.

5. Why I’m Free to Explore My Path

People often ask why I’m not yet focused on building a family of my own, and my answer is simple: my family already has all the combinations. With the strong foundations my parents have built, the transformation I’ve witnessed in my brothers, and the loving guidance of my sister, I have the freedom to explore ideas like community capitalism and other theories I’m passionate about. The Tamil adage “nallathoru kudumbam, palgalai kalagam” (a good family is like a university) rings so true for me. I’m blessed to be a part of this family.

Like any family, we have our minor disagreements, whether around religion or other matters, but they pale in comparison to the love and support I’ve received. To not do what I am doing—pursuing my own path, supported by such a strong family—would be a sin.

Closing Thoughts

In a world where family bonds can sometimes seem fragile, I feel deeply fortunate to have the unwavering love and support of mine. They are my greatest teachers, and they have shown me what it means to live a life of virtue, love, and strength. If I can carry even a fraction of their wisdom and values into the work I’m doing, I know I will be on the right path.

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