Easy Guide to Gnosischain Validator - with Lodestar

This guide is help you set up a Gnosis Validator, this will cover the full set up on a local device installed with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. We will be using Lodestar for consensus layer client and Nethermind for our Execution layer client.

Gnosischain merge is on the horizon, this guide is intended to be merge ready the set up will cover steps and configuration needed to run post merge, and today.

Gnosischain is using Ethereum’s Proof of Stake consensus with the Beacon chain to select validators, a GNO validator requires only 1 GNO to run and the hardware requirements are similar to Ethereum. This makes it highly decentralised as it can be run locally without needing a data centre.

Structure will look similar to this
Structure will look similar to this

Hardware Requirements: Wired connection to a local device with at least 8GB memory (I am using 16GB with no issues), I would recommend starting with 1TB and to use higher grade SSDs or NVMe, as a node operator you're providing a service, so best to start with good hardware that will last and perform up to standard.

Assuming you have a fresh install of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Some experience with Linux will help, I’ve written this as best I can for those with minimal experience with the OS. Minimum install for security I would keep this as a dedicated device, some prefer a server but I find it easier to manage folders and files and mount USB’s with the UI.

1. Prerequisite Software

Update Ubuntu

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Install curl and git

sudo apt install curl git -y

Install Docker

Install Docker instructions from here.

curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
sh get-docker.sh
sudo rm -r get-docker.sh
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Check installed with (if correct will output version)

docker --version

Install Docker Compose

Install Docker Compose instructions from here.

sudo curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/v2.2.3/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose 
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose 
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose

Check installed with (if correct will output version)

docker-compose --version

2. Firewall Settings

sudo ufw allow 30303
sudo ufw deny 8545
sudo ufw deny 8551
sudo ufw allow 9000
sudo ufw enable

Check your firewall rules with

sudo ufw status

Port Forwarding (if running Locally)

Login to your router and update the firewall rules, will be slightly different depending on your provider you should check your manual.

3. Execution Layer Node- Nethermind

Create a working directory for Gnosischain

mkdir /home/$USER/gnosis
mkdir /home/$USER/gnosis/execution-data
mkdir /home/$USER/gnosis/consensus-data

Create JWT secret

We need to enable two-way communication between the execution layer and consensus layer, this is done via JWT secret (json web token), which is a secret key that is shared only between the two clients to authenticate one another.

mkdir /home/$USER/gnosis/jwtsecret
openssl rand -hex 32 | tr -d "\n" > "/home/$USER/gnosis/jwtsecret/jwtsecret.hex"

Create docker-compose.yml for node configuration

cd gnosis
nano docker-compose.yml

This is our docker-compose.yml for configuration of our execution and consensus layer clients, right now we will just fill in for Nethermind Execution layer.

Docker Image: nethermind/nethermind:

Find releases Here:

version: "3.9"
    stop_grace_period: 30s
    container_name: execution-client
    restart: always
    image: nethermind/nethermind:1.14.6
    - gnosischain
    - /home/$USER/gnosis/execution-data:/data
    - /home/$USER/gnosis/jwtsecret:/jwtsecret
    - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
    - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
    - 30303:30303/tcp
    - 30303:30303/udp
    - 8545
    - 8551
    - --config=xdai
    - --datadir=/data
    - --log=INFO
    - --Sync.SnapSync=false
    - --JsonRpc.Enabled=true
    - --JsonRpc.Host=
    - --JsonRpc.Port=8545
    - --JsonRpc.EnabledModules=[Web3,Eth,Subscribe,Net,]
    - --JsonRpc.JwtSecretFile=/jwtsecret/jwtsecret.hex
    - --JsonRpc.EngineHost=
    - --JsonRpc.EnginePort=8551
    - --Network.DiscoveryPort=30303
    - --HealthChecks.Enabled=false
    - --Pruning.CacheMb=2048
      driver: json-file
        max-size: 10m
        max-file: "10"
    name: gnosischain_network

IMPORTANT: spacing is really important here, I’ve got this to be easily copy and pasted into a .txt file with the right syntax. If you have errors it may be due to this, and characters not being copied over correctly.

Write out and save, usually ctrl + o then ctrl + x to exit the editor and return to the terminal

To Run the Execution Node

go in to the correct directory and run with the following command

cd gnosis
sudo docker-compose up -d execution

Check the Logs

List running containers with the following command you should see your container for our execution client (with Nethermind) is live.

sudo docker ps -a 
sudo docker-compose logs -f <service name>

This starts the logs, The Service Name in this case should be ‘execution’ as specified in the docker-compose.yml file. The Container name is execution-client if we view logs with docker only then sudo docker logs -f execution-client

Your Execution Node can take 1–3 Days to Sync depending on your Hardware, it took me just under 24Hrs, make sure this is running in the background to sync up. You can proceed to the next steps regardless.

You should see something like this after a while if started without error, currently syncing
You should see something like this after a while if started without error, currently syncing

4. Generate Keystores

Download the Key Generator

sudo docker pull ghcr.io/gnosischain/validator-data-generator:latest

Create Folder for Key Storage

In our working directory

mkdir /home/$USER/gnosis/keystores

Run the Generator to Create Keystore/s:

Note: good idea to disconnect from the Internet for extra security

This will create a new mnemonic seed phrase where your keystores are derived from, place the amount of Validators you wish to create for <# of val>, your ETH address in place of

sudo docker run -it --rm -v /home/$USER/gnosis/keystores:/keystore \
ghcr.io/gnosischain/validator-data-generator:latest new-mnemonic \
--num_validators=<# of Val> --mnemonic_language=english --chain=gnosis \
--folder=/keystore --eth1_withdrawal_address=<ETH-withdrawal-address>

You will be asked to enter a password of your choosing, this is our keystore decrypt key. Write this down as we need this later to create our password.txt

You will then have the seed phrase generated, you must WRITE THIS DOWN AND STORE SECURELY

this will now generate your keystore/s (validators keys) and place them in the directory /gnosis/keystores along with deposit_data.json

Create File for your Decrypt Key (your password for keystore/s)

nano /home/$USER/gnosis/secrets/password.txt

This is our decrypt key that we created earlier

Optional: Adding New Validators to your Node.

if we wish to add more validators at a later stage, we must replace the command new-mnemonic with existing-mnemonic

an additional flag must be added, --validator_start_index=START_NUM this number should be where you left, example if you made 10 validators keystores in 1st run, the START_NUM=10

BACK UP YOUR SEED PHRASE & PASSWORD. The seed is displayed when Generated after inputting your password (decrypt key). Your validator node can run multiple keys (from the same seed) do not use the same keys in another validator as this can result in Slashing.

5. Consensus Client - Lodestar

The consensus client is our Beacon Node and Validator Node. Lodestar will run these as two separate containers.

Docker Image: chainsafe/lodestar:<version>

Find releases Here:

Create docker-compose.yml for consensus client

with the following services consensus: the beacon node & validator: validator node

this will be added to our docker-compose.yml in /gnosis

cd gnosis
sudo nano docker-compose.yml

paste the following into your terminal, after the execution services section, and before networks:

    stop_grace_period: 30s
    container_name: consensus-client
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: chainsafe/lodestar:v1.2.2
    - gnosischain
    - ./consensus-data:/var/lib/lodestar/consensus
    - ./jwtsecret:/tmp/jwt/jwtsecret
    - 9000:9000/tcp
    - 9000:9000/udp
    - 5054:5054/tcp
    - 4000
      NODE_OPTIONS: --max_old_space_size=6144
    - beacon
    - --preset=gnosis
    - --dataDir=/var/lib/lodestar/consensus
    - --network=gnosis
    - --eth1=true
    - --eth1.providerUrls=http://execution:8545
    - --execution.urls=http://execution:8551
    - --logFile=/var/lib/lodestar/consensus/logs/beacon.log
    - --logFileLevel=info
    - --suggestedFeeRecipient=<FEE-RECIPIENT-ADDRESS>
    - --port=9000
    - --rest=true
    - --rest.address=
    - --rest.port=4000
    - --rest.cors=*
    - --discv5=true
    - --targetPeers=50
    - --metrics=true
    - --metrics.port=5054
    - --jwt-secret=/tmp/jwt/jwtsecret/jwtsecret.hex
    - --checkpointSyncUrl=https://checkpoint.gnosischain.com
      driver: json-file
        max-size: 10m
        max-file: "10"
    container_name: validator-client
    image: chainsafe/lodestar:v1.2.2
    - gnosischain
    - 5056:5056
    - ./validator-data:/data
    - ./keystores:/keystore
    - ./secrets:/secrets
    - validator
    - --network=gnosis
    - --dataDir=/data
    - --importKeystores=/keystores
    - --importKeystoresPassword=/secrets/password.txt
    - --logFile=/data/validator/logs/validator.log
    - --logFileLevel=info
    - --server=http://consensus:4000
    - --metrics=true
    - --metrics.address=
    - --metrics.port=5056
    - --suggestedFeeRecipient=<FEE-RECIPIENT-ADDRESS>
    - --graffiti=<CUSTOM-GRAFFITI>
      driver: json-file
        max-size: 10m
        max-file: "10"

Run the Beacon chain Node and Validator Node

Go to working directory and run the Lodestar Beacon Chain Node

cd gnosis 
sudo docker-compose up -d consensus

Run the Lodestar Validator Node

sudo docker-compose up -d validator

The validator node, will first import the keystores on start up

Check the Logs that everything is running okay.

sudo docker-compose logs -f validator 
sudo docker-compose logs -f node 

At this point we are waiting for our Execution client and Consensus clients to finish syncing. This can take a while (12-24hrs or days depending on hardware)

Our validator node on first start up should look like this, it will find local keystores which means it has been imported correctly, if the Consensus client is still syncing it will appear on the logs

This screen, is connected to a synced beacon node, execution node and keystores imported, the next step is deposit
This screen, is connected to a synced beacon node, execution node and keystores imported, the next step is deposit

Note: Currently Lodestar validator logging, Discovered new validators count=0 is normal this means that the validator is not detected on the beacon chain which is expected until you make the deposit. As long as the beginning of the logs finds X of keystores they have been successfully loaded to the validator.

6. Make Deposit

Ensure your Consensus client (beacon node) is synced and running without errors and connected to the execution node.

When ready you can make the Deposit using your deposit_data.json file in ./validator-data

Can now be done Via UI which is much easier: https://deposit.gnosischain.com/ there’s no need to convert to mGNO, as its done in the process. If you have GNO on Ethereum you will need to bridge to Gnosischain, you can Use the OmniBridge to move GNO from Ethereum.

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