🚀 Launch a public website without sharing any personal information

Step 1. Create a Njalla Account

Njalla is a “privacy-aware” domain registrar. Using a traditional domain registrar like GoDaddy to buy a domain like thisismyprivatewebsite.com requires that you provide your “name, address, telephone number, date of birth, email address, billing and payment information, and other data collected that could directly or indirectly identify you.” 😬

It doesn’t help that when we give out our personal information it always seems to get hacked. When you use Njalla, none of that applies. All you need is cryptocurrency. Go to their site and create an account.

Public website: https://njal.la/

Onion website: njallalafimoej5i4eg7vlnqjvmb6zhdh27qxcatdn647jtwwwui3nad.onion

Njalla account signup screen
Njalla account signup screen

Step 2: Find a Domain

Click on the “Domains” tab and search for a domain.

Njalla allows you to pay using Zcash, a private cryptocurrency. A premium domain costs around $20 USD per year, so we’ll send that much to our Njalla Wallet. Wait for the transaction to complete before navigating away from this page - I waited 5-10 minutes for the payment to be confirmed.

Added a domain to my cart
Added a domain to my cart

Step 3: Add a Server

Click on the “Servers” tab and add the package that meets your needs.

Server tab different offerings
Server tab different offerings

Step 4: Add Your SSH Key

Next, add an SSH key in the field at the bottom of the form.

Add your public key to log in securely
Add your public key to log in securely

Step 5: Deposit Funds

When you click "Checkout" you'll be taken back to your cart. Add funds to continue.

Njalla allows you to pay using Zcash, a private cryptocurrency. After sending the funds, wait for the transaction to complete before navigating away from this page - I waited 5-10 minutes for the payment to be confirmed.

Zcash payment screen
Zcash payment screen

Once you've completed the checkout process you'll be taken back to the "Domains" tab and will see a success message.

Successfully registered a domain
Successfully registered a domain

Step 6: Find Your Server's IP Address

Click on the "Servers" tab and look for its IP address.

Servers tab
Servers tab

Step 7: Install NGINX

Log in to your new server and install NGINX using this guide.

Command-line view after installing and starting NGINX
Command-line view after installing and starting NGINX

Step 8: Update Your Domain’s DNS Settings

Now, click on the "Domains" tab and click the "Manage" button next to your domain. On the "DNS Settings" subtab, update the "Content" field of the Type A DNS record with the IP address of your server. Click "Save Changes" when you’re done.

Updating the DNS records
Updating the DNS records

Step 9: Visit Your New Website

Enter your domain name into your browser and visit your new website!

Default NGINX landing page on our private domain
Default NGINX landing page on our private domain

🎉 Congratulations, you just launched a website and kept your “name, address, telephone number, date of birth, email address, billing and payment information, and other data collected that could directly or indirectly identify you” private!

Questions? Follow me on Twitter @glennsorrentino.

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