Nomis ScoreFront –– the Place to Leverage Your Onchain Reputation

“One man's evil is another man's good”

Imagine if the major monopolies in goods, services, and various other sectors IRL had access to all your banking transactions and activities... It might feel like a complete dystopian scenario, isn't it?

Even though the idea of receiving personalized offers, terms and rates could be appealing, the thought of sharing data that unveils every aspect of our lives is something most of us would shy away from. Details like: our residence, hangout spots, the coffee shop around the corner where we grab morning coffee –– these little things build a clear picture of who we are and how we live each day. On top of that, there's the added worry that private data given to financial institutions could be lost or end up in the wrong hands, making it vulnerable to cyberattacks.

That’s about IRL, but does it work the same way in crypto? It's likely that you don't use crypto for IRL daily payments, and even if you did, your personal data has no relevance to it by design. Crypto transactions are impersonal in nature, and it's up to the users themselves to reveal IRL credential if they choose to. At best, one can speculate only about favorite NFTs and preferred protocols associated with a given wallet address.

Some people might argue back about Reputation Protocols using social networks for scoring or the fact that most folks join crypto through centralized services, which might reveal their wallet's connection to their IRL identity. But there's one clear point that settles this debate –– blockchain networks were designed to be transparent. With such a key factor in play, why not make the most of it and build a clear picture of who you are your wallet that can be leveraged for personalized web3 experiences at the next level?

And Nomis makes.

“Onchain data should be sufficient by design”

While not exactly our philosophy, we’re continuing to exclusively rely on robust onchain data in our Math Scoring Model so far, and believe, that it should be sufficient for onchain reputation. There are individuals who use a mix of wallets: one that's public (for things like ENS, NFT avatars, POAPs, etc.), and another that's private (holding most of their crypto assets, strategies, etc.). Currently, most Reputation and Identity Protocols would treat the public wallet as "belonging to a real person", granting special access and offers. However, they might mistakenly view the private one as a Sybil Attacker, even if it's actually a power user, albeit without a distinct identity.

Leveraging ML technology, the Nomis Math Model is advancing each day, while the implemented AI system empowers us to accurately identify Sybil Attackers' patterns across diverse ecosystems and projects. To ensure the best possible outcome, Nomis is also keeping a close eye on trends in the space and stay in touch with projects’ core teams. By aligning the core principles of blockchain networks with our approach, we can be confident in saying again: "Onchain data should be sufficient by design". You're good without any extra credentials!

“Permissionless solution as it should be”

Nomis Reputation Score SBTs are constructed from scored robust onchain data and designed as onchain assets: this approach uncovers another fundamental principle of blockchain networks –– permissionless. Reputation Scores are fully accessible and open for adoption by anyone and any project!

As an example, Galxe has seamlessly integrated Nomis Multichain Score to serve as a Sybil Prevention Credential. Similarly, any other buidler (perhaps that's you?) can enrich their project with our solution in diverse ways: acquiring power users by providing exclusive offers to 70+ Score holders, or streamlining conditions to onboard newcomers with a Score below 40. Use-cases are only bounded by buidlers’ creativity and specific needs of a given project! You can independently integrate Reputation Score SBTs into your project, or get in touch with us to be listed on...

”ScoreFront –– the Place to Leverage Your Onchain Reputation”

Nomis ScoreFront is just one example of how Reputation Score SBTs can be used to make the most of your onchain reputation and identity. Until recently, users had very few chances to effectively manage and benefit from their onchain reputation and contributions in the space. The main idea here is "managing" – rewards might have to wait, and sometimes they wait too long, or even worse, they might not appear at all.

What is Nomis ScoreFront?

Nomis ScoreFront is a one-stop platform that allows Nomis Scores holders to take advantages of their onchain reputation by leveraging it into gaining perks, rewards, special terms and accesses through our partners offerings listed on ScoreFront.

The space demands rewards that are fairly shared among those who truly contribute, those who were early to adopt, and those who actively participate. But the current state of web3 isn't quite aligned with this idea. However, Nomis is making steps to bring this vision closer to reality with ScoreFront – the Place to Leverage Your Onchain Reputation. By wrapping your onchain actions into Reputation Score SBTs, you can unleash your wallet's true potential using this platform and show that you're a native part of the web3 ecosystem!

We’ve started off by partnering with TiTi Protocol, Intswap and Lendz, providing tangible utilities for Multichain and zkSync Reputation Scores holders. Keep an eye out for special offers from Symbiosis and XDEFI cause they are coming soon too!

The next steps for ScoreFront involve adopting an even greater number of projects from different ecosystems as well as developing other strategies for leveraging different Score ranges. And this is only the beginning of a thrilling journey for our Scores holders! Visit ScoreFront Twitter Thread Announcement for further insights into project partners and eligibility criteria!

Find more about Nomis and how it works here: Why Your Nomis Score Is So?

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