Hello, mirror.xyz

I’m about to learn you.

What do all these things do?

Do I need this?

Not sure if want...
Not sure if want...


  • Web3
  • Looks clean
  • No ads
  • No gas
  • IPFS


  • Feels rigid, writer-focused
  • Doesn’t appear to be a collaborative space
  • No OpenSea integration
  • All contract plugins seem to be limited to ETH on mainnet

Blocks of Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus in tempus ex, ut vestibulum orci. Vestibulum lacinia suscipit lacus et faucibus. Duis vulputate lobortis tempus. Pellentesque accumsan sapien mollis eros fermentum, in rhoncus risus condimentum. Proin condimentum enim bibendum porta auctor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent vestibulum leo in nisi congue eleifend. Aliquam posuere volutpat suscipit.

A selection of the paragraph can be quoted or highlighted.

Aenean sit amet massa aliquam, viverra ex in, hendrerit nisl. Nunc at facilisis nibh, ut dapibus tellus. Nullam turpis sapien, porttitor non sodales ac, semper vitae lorem. Maecenas vitae ipsum sed odio accumsan ullamcorper. Vivamus consequat risus et feugiat vestibulum. Etiam id leo in velit tincidunt lacinia a sit amet turpis. Suspendisse nisi nulla, tempus sed dolor in, sollicitudin ornare risus. Duis et aliquet diam. Nunc ut dapibus ligula, viverra egestas purus. Mauris non consectetur nulla. Sed eleifend orci in diam tempus, in dictum augue imperdiet. Proin ut lectus erat.

Important text or code can be added to stylized code blocks

I’ll embed a Crowdfund

It wants me to enter an address and that’s all!

I spent some time after this step learning about all of the different plugins

No More Embeds

There are other options, but all of them are built around publishing and minting on mainnet and none of them support OpenSea.


Doesn’t seem like want. It seems great for writers, but that’s not quite what I’m looking for here… I wonder if posts can ever be deleted? Let’s find out…

Yes. And edited.

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