ōLand Rulebook [2 of 3]: Tribes 🛖 & Licks 👅

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Tribes 🛖

The six treat tribes.
The six treat tribes.

ōFriend’s are free to those who find them in ōLand. They are summoned to your ōLand whenever you place an ōTreat, building upgrades on your land as a “thank you” for the delicious snack. If you are very lucky, an ōFriend may decide to stay.

As the ōFriends go on various missions, they teach their owners how to become expert participants in the world of blockchains, ōLand, and beyond.

Every ōFriend is born into one of six “treat tribes”, while their rank may change in the tribe the ōFriend is permanently accepted to that tribe forever.

The six treat tribes.

As of the time of this writing Shredded Cranberry Goat is in the lead.

Each tribe’s activity token will go into the AWS Vault / Overline wallet and is in the ōFriend DAO. You can tell which tribe your pup is in by finding his or her favorite ōTreat. For instance this is the FCL tribe: https://opensea.io/collection/ofriends?search[stringTraits][0][name]=Favorite oTreat&search[stringTraits][0][values][0]=Frozen Caramel Lobster

In special events, such as Mission 1: Part 2 - Stowaway on AVAX, these tribes can compete with each-other to win prizes as a tribe by utilizing their licking abilities. For the ōFriends, licking each other is a communal act, not a selfish one. The winners of these competitions are those who give the most licks and the rewards have a direct impact on the ‘power’ of the winners.

Get your treat tribe 🛖 role in Discord!

A great way to get started is to simply click the #collabland-join channel in our Discord, click "Let's go", and then follow the instructions. If you have an ōFriend but aren’t already in the ōFriend holders room, this will let you in there as well. If you are already in the room, this will check to see which Treat Tribe your ōFriend belongs to and will let you into that group’s chat room. Trust me, you’ll probably want to coordinate with each other.

My dog is space walking.

Congratulations you are the focus of this entire mission! Your dog is going to get a ton of “power”. He is also safe from the stowaway, for now. As dogs back on earth (or on the rocket) lick you, they give you 10x more power than any other time oFriends. Only astronaut pups can ever space walk and so their ability to accrue power like this makes them very valuable. Don’t worry he can’t stay out there long, we need him or her back and mission control.

Dogs back on earth will have to go to mission control soon, which is an adventure in itself as they will have to use a wormhole to visit an entirely different universe on an entirely different chain.

Licks 👅

Give Power (without spending it) by Licks.

Licking is an ultra-cheap way (cheaper than sending an ERC20!) for ōFriends to support each-other.

Licks are all about giving and, depending on your pup, sometimes the licks are very powerful and award even more power to those getting licked.

Power is scarce.

You can ONLY get power by being licked by another ōFriend. Only a unique lick gives you power meaning you cannot get power by being licked from the same ōFriend multiple times. Since there are a minimal number of ōFriends, the power you collect (and how you use it) is scarce.

How do I use power?

Power charges your ōFriend’s power bar at the top of your ōFriend’s card. Some have only a little power left, some are almost full. You can use a fully charged ōFriend to protect your land during land combines and help you craft potions and build vehicles faster.

I was licked! What do I use the power for?

You can check the current power (in blue) of the ōFriend at the top of his/her frame.
You can check the current power (in blue) of the ōFriend at the top of his/her frame.

The power will be convertible to charge your ōFriend’s power bar. This is used all across ōLand but one of the biggest use cases is when building lands to get to higher levels.

How can I lick?

Paste the ōFriend NFT contract address in the toLickContract box, the ōFriend you are licking in the toLickTokenId box, and your ōFriend doing the lick in ōFriendTokenId.
Paste the ōFriend NFT contract address in the toLickContract box, the ōFriend you are licking in the toLickTokenId box, and your ōFriend doing the lick in ōFriendTokenId.

If you want to use it right now use https://etherscan.io/address/0x84c3d6f517fa1a3a627dc894b9fea05db9f0cbb3#writeContract#F7 on the ōFriend contract, but on March 20th Overline will enable the user interface for licking for those of you who want to use the website and not interact with the contract.

Every lick is stored on-chain and in order. For example, the first ōFriend to lick a contract or a specific NFT in that contract is stored permanently on the Ethereum blockchain. In this way, each ōFriend lick represents a time chain similar to that proposed by the Ordinal Protocol for Bitcoin. Ownership of the specific ōFriend represents provenance for all licks signed by that ōFriend which make for very interesting and useful games in the future.

Do licks drain my power? NO!

NO! Licks only give power to whoever is getting licked. These are infinite licks!

Is power oCash?

No power is rechargeable and only a max amount can be used. It’s an in-game currency for ōFriends.

How powerful is my lick?

There are dozens of factors to look into--remember it’s all about how powerful your lick is for the person receiving it. The power is a costless gift (except gas) to whoever you lick!

  1. Licking dogs on spacewalks is much more valuable than licking dogs on Earth. HOWEVER, you cannot lick while you are spacewalking.

  2. You also cannot lick while your dog is in Mission Control.

  3. If you are the first dog to lick a spacewalking dog, you get a ton of points.

  4. If you are a Galaxy (1000% booster), Super (500% booster), Primal (166% booster), you have a ridiculously powerful lick.

  5. Holographic and Immortal ōFriends have a very unique way of increasing all power. Holographic (x1.2) and Immortal (x1.1). So if you had a bonus for the spacewalk of 1000 power, if you were a holographic your licks would give 1200 power (+200).

  6. If you are a Dragon or Unicorn you give changing but power licks AND you give whoever you licked a collectible lick.

  7. Licking the same members of your team gives you a big added boost!

  8. The longer the dog walks without being licked the bigger the reward but your team may not be the one who gets the reward.

Boosts Matter

Boosts are very important giving your dog abilities across chains and metaverses.
Boosts are very important giving your dog abilities across chains and metaverses.

Some oFriends have power boosts, these are deeply integrated in the ōLand universe. The most important boost for licking is “Explorer”. If your dog has this boost you can find it on your dog’s profile or you can look at all explorers here.

Check to see which of the above apply to your ōFriend by searching for their OpenSea profile. For example this is the search for “11778” https://opensea.io/collection/ofriends?search[query]=11778

ōFriend Attributes Matter

All rare forms of ōFriend collect give lick powers for their team. Laser Eye pups however can recharge themselves if they lick other project NFTs.
All rare forms of ōFriend collect give lick powers for their team. Laser Eye pups however can recharge themselves if they lick other project NFTs.

Any dog with Laser Beam Eyes has an incredible gift. If they lick other NFT contracts outside of the ōFriends, they can recharge their own power. They are the only ōFriends capable of doing this.

If you are a dog with any of the below items you have Rocket Lab expertise, so this means you receive more power when other dogs lick you. This goes extra for spacewalking dogs with space or cyborg equipment.

Clean (naked) ōFriends

Finally if your dog is “naked”, meaning no hat or clothes to weigh them down, there is an additional boost in points. Lick on!

 McRekt pups give great tasting licks!
McRekt pups give great tasting licks!


If you are “Wearin” the McRekt clothes and serving up some delicious burgers your licks are loved by all. Super powerful (300% boost).

So I should lick good people?

Lick whoever you want. Licks are all about the community supporting itself and whoever they believe in. Powerful dogs can give hugely powerful rewards so catching their eye with great contributions will hopefully get you licks.

The Treat Tribe Competition 🛖

SCG in first place with 9 ōFriend's already having given 25,758 power points in licks.
SCG in first place with 9 ōFriend's already having given 25,758 power points in licks.

As of this writing first place is Shredded Cranberry Goat, however the leaderboard will be up very later this week and the results will surely be different.

Tribes compete to give away the most licks, so the most generous tribe is the one awarding the most members. After you lick someone you can't lick them again and there are extra points for dogs that have never been licked so plan out how your tribe can best give the most licks if your tribe wants to win.

Unlike Tweet-To-Earn, licks are on Ethereum so every lick has already counted to the score of your tribe. The public leaderboard summarizing the scores for the tribes will be released the week of March 12th.

Lick Collections

Every dog can collect licks from ultra-rare and rare types of ōFriends. These licks show you have attracted the attention of a rare ōFriend and will be particularly useful in the future. Ultra-rare licks being from Galaxies, Dragons, Unicorns, Supers, and Primals. The lick book will be enabled after Mission 1, Part 2 is complete and the stowaway has been discovered.

Dragon Licks = 🐉
Unicorn Licks = 🦄
Super Licks = ✨
Primal Licks = 🐺
Galaxy Licks = 🌌

You can also collect rare licks from Immortals, Laser Eyes, and Holographics. The collected licks will be accessible on your land profile, visible on your ōFriend profile., and visible in the land level rooms when they come out.

Will licks apply to building race teams and wolf packs?

Yes but the way the lick is done will be different and specify a different contract.

Most important part.

Have fun and lick your friends.

PS: Want the tribe data?

All licks are on the Ethereum chain but if you want to tinker with the data to see the points (before Overline enable’s the user experience on the website) you can use the link API directly. Feel free to ask questions in the ōFriend Treehouse in Discord.

// Get all Tribes and their positions.
HTTP GET - https://licks-mainnet.overline.network/tribes
    "tribe": "Shredded Cranberry Goat",
    "ofriends": 9,
    "givenPower": 25768,
    "givingRate": "2863.11",
    "topGiver": {
      "ofriend": "11683",
      "image": "https://mainnet.metadata.overline.network/asset/4dfd0ef2a399e351b8cef2a0350a4edafe805cd37acc1965de1ba674d6415267.png",
      "score": 87

- "tribe" string: name of tribe
- "ofriends" number: the count of unique oFriends who have licked from this tribe. 
- "givenPower" number: the sum of all given power given by the tribe's licks of other dogs. 
- "givingRate" number: the average power given per lick indicting the general licking power of the dogs in the tribe.
- "topGiver.ofriend" [object.number]:  token id of the ofriend who has given the most power by licking other ofriends. 
- "image" string: The current token URI image of the ōFriend. 

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