Major update - Sept 2022

Goooood day Pacas!

Welcome to our page, the web3 variant of Medium. We will use this to share larger updates!

This will be a bigger general update from our side with the latest news. Let's go beyond "big things coming soon" and dive deep on exactly what & when you can expect certain releases.

Please note that every decision we make is to improve the brand and make Pacas sustainable long-term.

Alright, let's take a close look at each project and it's current status.

Paca Tournaments / Play to Earn

Pacas are going towards the competitive gaming direction (Esports) while still rewarding non-competitive players for their participation and efforts. Tournaments will be streamed live on Twitch, hosted by ‘Streamdoctors’, the same company that does Red Bull esports streams.

We take a very professional approach and have high goals in the competitive gaming scene, but also let's see how much traction we get on our first tournament before we make any large promises.

We hired a head of partnerships & sponsoring to get consistent prize money for tournaments. Will keep all of you updated!

Our dedicated Esports website can be found here:

Our very first tournament will be held on September 24, for which the Sandbox sponsored 8,000 $SAND in prizes. We are adding additional NFTs and POAPs to be won!

Help to save Chuckchee to win prizes & POAPs!
Help to save Chuckchee to win prizes & POAPs!


Our Merchandise is in the final stages. We delivered all the content to our Merchandise partner 'Maddies' and waiting for their final product delivery. Maddies promised us this will be live within a month, most likely way sooner.

We are also working on a partnership where people can order their 3D printed Pacas from our 3D collection. The company we will be working with can offer our community unique full colour 3D prints, which is extremely rare in 3D printing.

Paca Merchandise coming September 2022
Paca Merchandise coming September 2022

Paca Master Class

These were initiatives to keep the community up-to-date, informed and active. However, we noticed not many showed up, so we decided to use our energy on things the community is more excited about. It is better to use our time and efforts for things really wanted by the community instead of spending time for 30-40 listeners out of our 9500 unique holder base.

For now we keep doing Herd Huddles Twitter spaces. But we also need more engagement here from the community. Support the Pacas by showing up! Join and chill with Andrea, the Founders or other team members. You can literally chat about anything!

Mobile Game

The Paca mobile game is honestly a pain point right now. We paid a huge amount of money so far in development costs and we are simply not happy with the final result, we want better. We were highly involved in every step of the way, but the developer is simply stalling and underdelivering. We did not cancel this game but we are trying to improve it. Right now we do not have an ETA on the game.

We are now working with Arcade Metaverse on a new Paca Game that will be more competitive, visually attractive and fun. Stay tuned for updates. This game will roll out faster than the original mobile game.


Our Bipeds deserve a dedicated update and document, this will be a major rollout. Will share details in the next big update, but we are right on schedule to deliver this utility for Genesis holders in Q4 2022.

There are some uncertainties how animated traits will be executed perfectly, but rest assured we will find the best possible solution.

Bipeds are 2-legged Alpacas that will be free to claim for Genesis Paca holders. These biped avatars will have the exact same traits & rarities as your Genesis Paca!

Biped (2-legged Pacas) as free utility for Genesis Paca holders.
Biped (2-legged Pacas) as free utility for Genesis Paca holders.

Fractionalized Sandbox land

This is an awesome idea that we really want to offer to our community. Right now we don’t know if this will be supported by the Sandbox on launch. If in any way this is possible, then we will be the first to offer this to our community.

Mountable Pacas

The Sandbox has mountable feature on their roadmap. Pacas are the perfect mount, and we will be mountable! No wonder Meebits are our largest 3D Paca holders!

We do not control when the Sandbox officially releases the feature of Mountable NFTs, but this is just a matter of time!

Mountable Pacas!
Mountable Pacas!

Champions League / NBA tickets

Every 1/1 & 7-8 animated Genesis Paca holders qualifies for yearly Champions League or NBA tickets! Early October, we will have a dedicated page on our website where you can intiate the request to claim the tickets


To reward participants of any of our Esports & real-life events we offer POAPs to every participant. For Esports tournaments you can earn POAPs by giving it your best, even if you set the worst possible result.

Besides the great art by Chuckchee and it being a collectible, they might have utility in the future as well.

The POAP for the Paca-Attack tournament on September 24.
The POAP for the Paca-Attack tournament on September 24.

Personally I couldn’t be more bullish on Pacas. Right now we are in the best shape we’ve ever been, our team is extremely talented and motivated to deliver.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly in our Discord #General chat or #Support ticket.

We hope to see you on our first Paca Tournament on September 24!

Brainy & The Alpacadabraz Team.

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