All core devs – execution (ACDE) 179
January 18th, 2024


Tim Beiko’s recap of all core devs – execution (ACDE):

Screenshot from Eth R&D Discord:
Screenshot from Eth R&D Discord:

ACDE Recap - this was a big one, so brace yourselves! Dencun

  • Teams are satisfied with how Goerli went: issues have already been triaged, fixed, and new releases shipped. We are therefore keeping our Sepolia/Holesky schedule. Client teams should have a release out with activation set for both testnets by early next week. See EIP-7569 for epochs/timestamps. CL spec was just released, too (see announcements)

  • We tentatively agreed to move forward with this JSON RPC PR ( once (1) we've merged the 4844 naming changes ( and updated the PR to reflect those, and (2) ideally have @RyanSchneider (or another future user!) confirm that the JSON RPC PR looks good

  • We're good to deploy the 4788 contract to mainnet. First one to do this and post a txn hash here gets their gas refunded


  • Lots of conversation on the call, won't summarize everything here. If you care about what's going in the fork, make sure you watch the recording!

  • EL teams agreed that we should aim to do a fork in 2024, which likely means excluding Verkle and having it in the next fork. That said, there is likely bandwidth for one "harder thing" in that fork.

  • All EL teams agreed that 2537, 6110 and 7002 should be prioritized in the next fork. I've drafted a Meta EIP to reflect this, and given 2/3rd of these EIPs also involve the CL and we didn't get a formal +1 from them, I've put all 3 in the "CFI" bucket for now:

  • On the next ACDE, we'll discuss the 3 potential "big things": Verkle, EOF and 4444. If you have specific questions/points you'd like to cover about those, please raise them on either the call agenda (, here, or with the champions for those initiatives.

Hopefully, after that we have a feel for where Verkle should go, and what space is left in Prague!


Tim Beiko’s tweet thread notes of ACDE:

Video Recording

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