Brutalist Eclipse 🌖 - The Aftermath

🎬 Today, March 29th of ‘23, marks the closure of my Genesis Limited Edition mint “Brutalist Eclipse”

and… ¡Man oh man, how amazing have these last 10 days been!

❤️ First of all, none of this would’ve been possible without the trust and support of my 8 awesome early collectors (Total minted: 16)

(Mint chronological order)

🎨 The artistic part of this project has been in the work for months

From the conception of the idea (often the hardest part of the job tbqh), to the preparation for the shot itself (the arrangement of the permits required to access the location, measurements and calculations regarding the solar trajectory and its behavior during the day, constant weather monitoring to ensure we had the highest probability of success when it was finally time to take the shot, and many other factors that could impact the final quality of the photography.

🧠 So, after these hectic few days, I wanted to take some time to reflect on the aftermath of the mint, provide some answers and share my thoughts with you

1. ¡This, by itself, is already a dream come true!

This is how i expressed it to Anton when I was able to chat with him (Thanks again for your advise! <3)
This is how i expressed it to Anton when I was able to chat with him (Thanks again for your advise! <3)

Having the opportunity to talk with my collectors and get their feedback is invaluable to me. No amount of money is worth more than the chance to interact and learn from some of the top minds in the space, genuine artists, investors, and all of them true patrons.

On top of that, a total of Ξ0,69 minted is a really meaningful amount to me and gives me the courage I need to keep pursuing my artistic journey as an NFT artist and fine art photographer.

Thank you for your public support, Joe!

2. ¿Why go with a Limited Edition for my Genesis Mint?

One of the key decisions I had to make when the artistic process was completed was to choose the format of the drop (1/1, Open Edition, Limited Edition).

Let me share with you my reasoning to go with a Limited Edition, and specifically with a supply of 250:

Excerpt from a convo with the legend Path, whom I’ll be forever grateful to.
Excerpt from a convo with the legend Path, whom I’ll be forever grateful to.

The key concluding sentence here is:

<< That’s why I chose this format for the Genesis, because I think that it can help form a genuine, long-term community. >>

3 . ¿Why Ξ0,069?

Pricing is a fine line that can make or break a drop, and also a decision that can impact both the reach of the minted piece and the profile of your collectors.

Let me explain to you why I went with Ξ0,069 (As of today, its dollar equivalent is around $125, but you already know that, u nerds <3):

Imo, Ξ0,069/$125 is a sweet spot that fulfills the criteria I find most important:

It places value on the artwork

On the contrary, a Ξ0,0069 / $12,5 OE mint can be super cool but, unless you’re prioritizing a wide distribution + fundraising, or a fully gamified experience that requires to distribute a high volume of tokens, it will dilute the value of the edition and call for less committed collectors.

It’s affordable enough, but not too much

Even though Ξ0,069 is a lot of money to many, we (Ethereum L1 users) are used to pay for what we consider valuable and what we believe in, and have the economic means to afford it. Since I’m primarily a user and believer of the Ethereum L1 chain, and even more so when it comes to collecting NFTs, it only makes sense for me to deploy in said network.

[¡Big props to the vibrant Tezos NFT community tho!]

I believe in Ethereum long term and that’s why I build on it. Therefore, I have to price my artwork in accordance with my community’s NFT market, my experience as a photographer and as an artist, and taking into consideration the costs I incur to make this a reality and that I will keep reinvesting a meaningful chunk of any profits I may generate into the network and its NFT artists as much as I’m able to.

¡Last recce!
¡Last recce!

🤷 ¿Why tell us all this now, not beforehand?

As I explained to all the collectors I was lucky to talk to, I want to create a deep, long-term, bi-directional connection with them, my community. I owe all of this to the fact that I’ve been active on CT for over 4 years now, and people have had the opportunity to get to know me and believe in me as a person and as an artist.

For this reason, I wanted to make my Genesis Edition Mint relatively low-key, without excessive promotion (Literally 0 paid promo).

> It was a mint for the believers
> Those that didn’t need big promises to take the leap
> Those aware that we all should always

<<I honestly believe that in a world full of grifters, dopamine chasers and shallow, fad-following marketers, my moat is my integrity, my genuine love and caring for the crypto scene and its participants, and my creativity as an artist and a photographer.>>

🥶 Ok man, U got me all hyped. ¿What’s next? ¿Wen Utility?

⏰ I’m already working over the clock on my next project. ¡This was only the start!

🤫 Big things are coming as soon as April.

👀 Early Collectors have my eternal gratitude, and what that entails

(No, I’m not going to be more explicit than that atm)

🐱 Follow me on Twitter to avoid missing any updates, and feel free to DM!

ASCII Signature from the contract
ASCII Signature from the contract

🙏 ¡Thank you all who helped, shared, advised, and supported me in any way, this is only the beginning!

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