Brutally Based Doge (II)

BRUTALLY BASED DOGE, an onchain visual exploration by Adrià Masnou (PART II)

¡Good Sunday my beloved woofers!

🌱 I thought it was about time to write this article as a follow-up of the previous one I wrote introducing my new @titlesxyz @base @ownthedoge

B R U T A L L Y B A S E D D O G E collection,


(I) 🖼️The images I included on the original article weren’t the ones included on the collection.

Since I prepared all of the images on the browser app on Firefox and not on the iOS app, I lost them at refreshing the page. Even though I was briefly knocked out by that realization, I soon realized it was for the best:

It allowed me to prove the depth of the collection by being able to replicate the concept, the mood and the quality of the images when trying again (and pulling off an all-nighter, because why not, - after all, we ARE in a bull market -.

On top of that, the images lost on the TITLES platform were kept off-line on my computer, so I’d still be later to mint them later on.. 👀

                        Example of unminted "β - GROC" that should be a 6,9ETH 1/1 on Superrare - I don't make the rules
Example of unminted "β - GROC" that should be a 6,9ETH 1/1 on Superrare - I don't make the rules

(II) 🧙 **¡A lot has happened since I published the first one!
If you’ve been around here for a while, you know that time in crypto is like the hyperbolic time chamber in Dragon Ball, where one year inside the chamber is the equivalent to one day on the outside.

A smol chronology:

🐶 March 4th:

  • After weeks preparing the collection, I publish the article and share it on Twitter and Farcaster. THE SNOWBALL STARTS ROLLING

  • 👀 Sören from titlesxyz contacts me for an urgent meeting.

  • 🙀Path contacts me

🐶 March 5th:

  • I realize the original images I curated cannot be minted on Titles (-*ooops-*🤦‍♂️)
  • I have a meeting with Sören from titlesxyz <3

    [I can’t reveal what we spoke about yet but jfc
    you are so n o t r e a d y for what’s coming.] **
    🤝 All I can say for now is that Sören is an absolute legend.

  • I mint the test on Base via titles right before the collection went live:

  • Then, all I had to do was pull an all-nighter to prepare, curate and mint the rest of the collection.

    Here you can see it (and mint it) in all it’s splendor:

    BRUTALLY BASED DOGE, an onchain visual exploration by Adrià Masnou

  • I fall asleep KO after minting.

🐶 March 6th

  • I wake up with knocking on my door. The mailman arrives and look what it is I got:

    ¿A divine sign?
  • I start getting a lot of amazing feedback by the ownthedoge community - although I won’t disclose anything that’s not already public for now cause there’s a lot still on the works and I don’t want to get ahead of myself :).

    🪄But there’s hints :

@saladpingers, absolute legend from the ownthedoge community.

titlesxyz featured “Brutally Based Doge - β - TARONJA”

@boopsterzz, another dear member of the ownthedoge community

@vandy_prod, from both $dog and $nfd teams <3

@tridog, based team member at ownthedoge and @pleasrdao

*** @Smoke_theArtist, ops, BD & Partnerships @ownthedoge***

🐶 March 7th

  • 🌈Rainbow announces that they’ll be collaborating with the campaign via their
    /rainbow channel on Farcaster.
Announcement of the titlesxyz+ownthedoge+rainbow collab
Announcement of the titlesxyz+ownthedoge+rainbow collab
  • 🧑‍🎨 I rush to pull another all-nighter to push the rainbow variants and add them to the collection:

    Here you can see it (and mint it) in all it’s splendor:

🌈 BRUTALLY BASED DOGE, an onchain visual exploration by Adrià Masnou - The Rainbow variants


🐶 March 8th

  • I wake up and titlesxyz has also featured “Ω - ARC DE SANT MARTÍ - Rainbow”
  • I proceed to spend every hour of the day spreading the word about my collection and hanging out on the Farcaster /dog channel. I get lots of positive feedback from the community. <3

🐶 March 9th

  • ⭐ I write a gm post on Twitter and get a reply from…

@mustbeShubh, from socials and ops @ownthedoge <3

  • Since I was super excited, I replied with this:
  • And when I least expected it…
    ¡I get this reply!
  • A few hours later, @titlesxyz announces the end of the contest:
  • I enjoy a lovely Twitter chat with Smoke [content-redacted] and schedule a meeting.

  • I’m exhausted, I’ve slept 3h/day for weeks and did nothing but doge but I couldn’t be happier.

¿Passion or mental illness?
¿Passion or mental illness?
¿Love or obsession?
¿Love or obsession?

🐶 March 10th (Today):

  • I wanted to write this article to wrap up the Collection before the results are announced; because no matter the results, this has truly been an incredibly special experience.

  • This is only the beginning. You’re so not ready. Keep your eyes open.

  • I can’t wait to see the results of the contest :)

e v e r y o n e  w i l l  o w n  t h e  d o g ee l e v a t e  t h e  d o g e
e v e r y o n e w i l l o w n t h e d o g ee l e v a t e t h e d o g e

such love, much wow

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