Beginning of the next chapter.
January 13th, 2022

Treating this post as if it was a journal entry. Welcome to my road map.

Late 2020 I split with my label. I don’t have any regrets regarding my situation with a major, to be honest I learned a lot. Some good, some bad. No losses, just lessons. My whole day to day world was completely new to me. Covid, no traveling, no label or manager… had to do some relearning. Had to do some unlearning.. I spent the next 6 months unlearning aspects of my creative process I picked up while having many people in my ear over the previous 2 years. Also prioritized my mental health which is still a process, but that’s for another post.

Fast-forward to March 2021, I rented an airbnb on the beach in Ventura, CA. Paying for the trip was one of the moments that made me miss having some label budgets, but to be honest it felt amazing investing in my music. Malibu was too expensive and Ventura was honestly perfect. Quiet and not remotely the busy LA I am used too, while also close enough to load the whole studio into my sister’s Jeep and drive out. The house was literally right on the sand. I’ll add some photos. Whenever I make a group of songs in a remote location with my friends I get the best results. I made my album with the same set up in Big Bear, CA a week before the pandemic started. & I did my album artwork and music videos in a cabin in Yosemite National Park up north. Advice: take a trip to Yosemite, you won’t regret it. Back to Ventura. We made about 7 full songs in 6 days and those are apart of my roll out plan for 2022. Since way before my record deal, I wanted to consistently release singles without paying any mind to the results. For a laundry list of reasons I haven’t been able to do so. Or at least I was convinced not to do so. Now that I have no one in my ear or head, I am doing what 21 year old me wanted to do.

Here is my 2022 road map, roughly.

Starting late early/mid Feb, I will be releasing a song on all DSPs every other week. The reason it took a while was because I wanted to have them all done before the first one drops so I am able to fully focus on NFTs and marketing. I have had to scramble to finish up mixing, mastering, artwork, etc between releases and it never works. Too overwhelming and I always end up chasing people. I want to be the only person in my way.

Each song will premiere as an NFT on platforms like Catalog and hopefully Sound. (Along with other music NFT marketplaces I come across.) I’ve spent most of my time recently drenching my brain in NFT knowledge, hoping most of it sticks. I feel the same energy from this world as when younger me discovered Soundcloud or even MySpace.

I’m doing my best to connect with all the artists in this space along with the collectors that make all of this possible. Aka I am on Twitter a lot.

Just an update for whoever may be reading this besides my Mom who already knows, I’ve sold the 4 records I’ve pressed on Catalog. I also dropped a collection on Opensea that comes with lifetime access to any show I do, along with a private discord for unreleased music. There are only 9 available and every song that drops moving forward, another one is added.. So ideally I will build a community of like-minded people that all share similar interests. The NFTs in the Opensea collection are custom Pokemon cards that represent different songs of mine. I’ve been making hard copies of these for a while so I thought it was very on brand for these to be my first drop. I got holographic hard copies made of the cards that I’m giving to the collectors. You can also find me on Foundation where I will be sharing my film photos. My first drop from Jamaica is below.

Moving forward from my opening sales, I plan on using ETH that I make on my independent music career. Excited to be shooting videos again, go on another writing trip, pay my producer friends, and make more clothes. We have some crazy music videos up on Youtube from my previous projects along with many songs on streaming platforms so if you are not familiar with me, please check all of that out. I would love to connect and talk with every single person that spent the time reading this. I am beyond pumped to be here and the universe set this all up perfectly. I’m very grateful for everyone who has lent me some knowledge on web3 and invested in projects I’ve dropped. I feel very welcome and that is a representation on this whole community. Great to meet you and look forward to participating in the future of music.

My little kitten has been jumping on the keyboard this whole time so if there are no typos, know that this was a mission.. Juju says hi

Ventura, CA writing trip set up
Ventura, CA writing trip set up
Ventura, CA writing trip view
Ventura, CA writing trip view
Big Bear, CA writing trip set up
Big Bear, CA writing trip set up
Big Bear album cabin on the lake
Big Bear album cabin on the lake
'Everything's Backwards' Album Artwork in Yosemite National Park
'Everything's Backwards' Album Artwork in Yosemite National Park
Last photo from Big Bear... Album has been written..
Last photo from Big Bear... Album has been written..
Jamaica Trip, January 2020
Jamaica Trip, January 2020
Shooting album artwork with my closest friends in Yosemite National Park
Shooting album artwork with my closest friends in Yosemite National Park
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