Atticc Community Update #7

Banks collapse, SEC sues exchanges, AI takes attention away from Web3, NFT projects go to 0, rugs are everywhere, scams are rampant, meme coins seem to be the only ones winning. We are now in an even deeper bear market. However none of this has stopped us from continuing to build both the community and the product. If you have endured multiple market cycles, you’d know that now is the best time to find opportunities with outsized return.

Keep believing in yourself, believing in Web3, believing in decentralization and believing in the power of the community. Let’s celebrate when we get to the other side.

🫂 Community

Caption Contest

We held a caption contest and experimented with Atticc’s first onchain governance activity. 78 people submitted their entries, 10 entires were selected by the Atticc team, and the ranking of top 10 was determined by 392 voters on Snapshot! We were impressed by the turn out of voters and we aim to have more activities where Atticc Guardians have a say!

$CYBER Public Sale

This one isn’t our own event, but is worth mentioning. Our partner CyberConnect announced and successfully completed the public sale of their $CYBER token. As one of the biggest apps within the CC ecosystem, we are very excited about what’s ahead for CyberConnect and the ecosystem as a whole.

EDCON2023 in Montenegro

Atticc participated in organizing some virtual side events together with Odyssey DAO for this exciting and important conference in the Ethereum ecosystem. While we couldn’t physically be there, we felt the enthusiasm from Ethereum builders around the world. The future is bright for Ethereum!

Gitcoin Grants sponsored by Mask Network and ENS

Atticc participated in the Web3 Social Round and the ENS Round on Gitcoin. We are proud to be a close 2nd in terms of number of votes received in the Web3 Social Round among 40 projects!

Twitter Spaces

We loving talking to our community, and we love chatting with our partner communities! In the last period we held a series of Twitter Spaces with partner communities to keep the spirit high during tough times, and to grow not just our community but the communities of great projects we partner with. Check out some of the recordings here:

OpenSea or ClosedSea?

OpenSea delisted our Atticc Early Adopter Pass collection without notice and without clear explanations. This is very ironic where one organization holds such large arbitrary power over an entire industry built on decentralization. We tried to get in touch with OpenSea at least 5 times, and the best explanation we were given is they think we violated their Terms of Service related to securities. We suspect this is related to the staking feature of our pass.

We should point out that, Atticc does not engage in securities offering or trading. The early adopter pass was a free mint to begin with and has a 0% royalty. We do not benefit financially in any way from the trading of the early adopter pass. Once the passes were minted, it was entirely up to the holders to determine what they want to do with them. Atticc’s staking feature of the early adopter pass is essentially a retrospective giveaway of future tokens to early users who contributed to the testing of our platform. If we allow staking of CryptoPunks and giveaway some token to CryptoPunks holders, does CryptoPunks suddenly become a security? That would be ridiculous.

We understand where OpenSea is coming from, they are just trying to protect themselves from the hostile regulatory environment in the US. However we wish clear reasoning was given, and we wish such decisions were consulted with the wider NFT community.

In the meanwhile, OpenSea isn’t the only platform for trading NFTs. You can still trade the Atticc Early Adopter Pass on other platforms such as Blur and OpenSea Pro.

Very few passes are listed and the 3rd month of the 12-month staking period had just began, get in the action now while it’s still very early!

Atticc Bottle Flip Contest

For those who are sick of flipping jpegs, we held a game contest where players could flip bottles to win from a $2000 prize pool.

We had nearly 1000 players, 17608 games were played and 131 lucky winners won prizes!

8 amazing partner communities sponsored the prizes to make the event happen!


Whitelist giveaways from Kizuna, Legend of Arcadia, PawPular and Farcana were held for Atticc Guardians. These days, high financial returns from whitelists are rare though not impossible. We try to assess the projects before agreeing to such giveaways to protect our community where possible, however you should always do your own research! We only accept projects of reasonably high quality but you should always DYOR and not only rely on our assessment.

No.1 on Smoothie Awards

We are proud to have won 1st place by number of votes on Smoothie. Whether it’s on Gitcoin, at the CyberConnect/BNBChain hackathon, at the DoraHacks/BNBChain grant, we were always the community’s favorite. Whenever the community has a say, the community does not disappoint.

Your support is the fuel enabling us to keep building regardless of the market conditions.

Official Community Partner of CoinfestAsia

Atticc is an official community partner of CoinfestAsia held in Bali on 24-25 August. If you’d like to go, don’t forget to use our exclusive discount code to get 10% off. The Atticc team will be there, do reach out and say hi if you are going!

Bubblemaps Listing

Atticc Early Adopter Pass is one of the most widely distributed NFTs in terms of unique holders and number of minters. To bring more transparency, we are now listed on Bubblemaps. Check out the holder distribution here:

💻 Product

Redesigned Communities Page

We implemented a complete redesign of the Communities page to
1. highlight NFTs being minted on Atticc
2. allow communities to be discovered by number of members, oldest and newest
3. allow NFTs being minted to be discovered by number of mints, oldest and newest
4. better search for the communities and NFTs you are interested in

Hope you like it.

Updated UI for Reposts

A new UI for reposts to highlight the original post, reduce footprint, while still allowing you to see who reposted and directly go to the poster/reposter’s profiles.

A Better Messaging Experience

On Atticc you can message any Ethereum wallet address in a decentralized way powered by XMTP. We made a number of improvements to this messaging experience making Atticc a leading XMTP client. Get a message on Lenster, reply to it on Atticc and vice versa, this is the magic of Web3.

Performance Improvements and Bug Fixes

You should notice some significant general performance improvements and encounter less bugs overall.

🔜 Coming Up Next

More exciting developments are ahead of us. Next week we will be having an event on Galxe with Linea, it will be massive 👀

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