Introducing the Lifetime Membership Pass NFT for

It’s been almost a year since the launch of Since then, we’ve grown to become the largest Axie Infinity player tracker, serving hundreds of millions of requests to tens of thousands of Lunacians across the globe. We’ve also received tremendous support from the Axie Infinity community in so many ways.

Thank you ❤️

Today, we are announcing the launch of our Lifetime Membership Pass NFT. This is a utility NFT which grants holders full access to all Pro features on There will be a total supply of 999 NFTs, each with a mint price of 0.12ETH.


Minting will be open to the public starting from August 3rd, 12pm EST. No whitelist is required. You will be able mint directly from this page using the widget above!

Alternatively, you can mint from our Manifold page:

Make sure to join our Discord for important updates and announcements.

Why an NFT?

We launched Pro subscriptions with a pay-as-you-go model on back in April (the current price is $10.00 for 30 days of Pro membership). Since then, there have been numerous requests from our users to add an option for a one-time fee for lifetime Pro access.

Having our lifetime membership option in the form of an NFT allows players to resell their NFT on the secondary market if they ever decide to stop playing, or no longer have a need for Pro features in our app. This means that holders will be able to recover the initial cost, or even profit from their initial investment.

There will never be any other way for users to gain lifetime Pro membership to in the future, other than obtaining this NFT.

What are the benefits of Pro Membership?

You can view the full list of features and details about our Pro Membership here.

  • Gain access to the Top 10,000 Axie: Origins leaderboard builds

  • View any player’s PVP Challenge & E-Sports teams and battle history

  • View meta analysis for the Top 1K and Top 100 players

  • Unlock full Axie Team Analytics

  • Unlock the Axie floor price checker

  • Unlock Guild Tracker analytics and features

  • Remove all ads from

  • … and more to come

Who should mint?

  • Competitive Axie players

  • Guild owners/managers

  • Axie breeders, flippers, and any involved with the Axie economy

  • Investors who see the value long-term value in our app

Why on Ethereum?

Currently Ronin Network and Mavis Marketplace are not open for public deployment of contracts and NFTs. Once this changes in the future, this will open up the possibility of migrating the NFTs to Ronin Network.

Why Manifold?

Manifold’s platform provides all the required infrastructure and tools to make this happen. It has been tested and proven by countless artists and creators. By utilizing Manifold, we can focus on building our new features for the app, rather than writing and auditing a custom minting contract from scratch.

How many users does have?

Screenshot from Google Analytics. Does not include users with AdBlock installed.
Screenshot from Google Analytics. Does not include users with AdBlock installed.

We have experienced steady season-on-season growth since launch. Currently, we are averaging 25K monthly active users and over 1.5 million monthly pageviews. There are also over 1,000 guilds currently signed up to our Guild Tracker tool.

All of our growth has been organic, mostly through search engine traffic and recommendations from our loyal users on Discord, Twitter, Twitch and YouTube.

How will mint funds be used?

Proceeds from the mint will be used to fund development of new features on, and support recurring server costs and overheads involved with running the site.

Some new features that will be built using the funds raised:

  • Market analytics and sales explorer

  • Ronin portfolio tracker

  • Guild automation tools

  • Axie: Homeland tools

  • Alerts and notifications

  • Discord bots/browser extensions

What will happen to existing Pro subscriptions?

The pay-as-you-go subscription model will remain in place. If you have an existing long-term Pro subscription and want to mint the Lifetime Membership Pass NFT, open a support ticket in our Discord server.

We are looking forward to launch our Lifetime Membership Pass NFT on August 3rd, 12pm EST. In the meantime, follow us on our official channels for updates.


We will never DM you first to ask for funds or private information. Watch out for scammers and impersonators!

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