Earn Big: Get Ready for Base's Upcoming Airdrop!

Base once again hints at airdrop 🪂🔵

The points system has started, and you can participate early.

Increase your rating and get a powerful multiplier for $BASE.

You can support us by minting this entry:

2/ First of all, let's start with the daily quests.

🔹Go to https://wallet.coinbase.com/ocs/share/summerpass?referral_id=33ac096e-6c56-4090-884a-f6bbf8a4330c&summerpass_id=0x3dc4cb21788205775d6302b25e8631b7bfdd66cb.

🔹Go to the Today tab.

🔹Complete the daily quests.

3/ Now complete the activities in the Play tab.

🔹Go to the Play tab.

🔹There are the same activities as the previous tab, but there are more of them, complete them too.

4/ Now go to the Progress tab where you will get badges.

🔹Go to the Progress tab.

🔹Scroll down to the Earn badges section.

🔹Earn badges.

🔹You can also spin the wheel daily, but you need to connect Coinbase Wallet to do so.

6/ You can now earn points and use them to buy items that will be available in the store soon.

🔹Go to the Shop tab.

🔹Now you can enter your email for updates.

7/ Also, don't forget an important part in the Base ecosystem - roles on the server. You can read a detailed guide about all available roles in the thread below.

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