Tips for Mints

Base Frens is the first NFT project funded via DEGEN Tips on Farcaster, thats right we will do a presale only with Tips. In order to participate in the presale you have to tip us 1,000 $DEGEN per BaseFren token with a maximum of 20,000 DEGEN / 20 Tokens per wallet.

We have received a lot of comments by Farcaster users who are interested in minting one or more BaseFrens but their daily $DEGEN allowance is lower than 1,000 and are afraid they wont be able to participate in the presale.

There’s nothing to worry about, we have a Dune Analytics panel called “Base Frens“ which allows us to track all tips received by different users. The panel consists of two queries:

  • Tips by Users Totals: Which corresponds to the total degen tipped by user. It’s a sum of all the different tips we have received by user.

  • Global tips by event: Which corresponds to the tips we have received by event and a link to the cast where the user tipped us.

    *If you have a free account at Dune Analytics you will be able to run the queries.

This will allow that every single Farcaster user who has a Daily Allowance lower than 1,000 $DEGEN to tip us in different days/events until he/she reaches the minimun of 1,000 $DEGEN needed to mint one Base Fren. Remember that the maximun number of BaseFrens to be minted by wallet is 20 / 20,000 Degen. You will need to tips us the following amounts per number of desired BaseFrens:

Starting today, that we have published our Dune Panel you can begin tipping our casts to secure a BaseFren. BaseFrens is about friendship, we are 10,001 frens with commercial rights, dropping on Farcaster and Base.

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