Launching a Mint and Membership Loyalty Application with Nocturnal ID

What is Nocturnal ID?

Nocturnal has a collective of creative talent who produce digital and physical works across a variety of different art and entertainment verticals—all being connected by the pursuit of important emotional impact and storytelling. The company was founded by Matt Morgan and Toby Lasso, both of whom are experienced in global talent management and have experience launching successful art-based NFT projects. This paved the way for the Nocturnal team to create Nocturnal ID.

Nocturnal ID is an NFT-based program for artists that helps them build their community of followers through events and other efforts. It does this by giving its community early access to drops of its well-known artists. It also works with the artists themselves to grow their recognition in the industry and their following.

Through Nocturnal ID, Matt and Toby hope to give artists the support they need to quickly grow and connect with their audience. They also help coach young artists who may not have experience with the inner-workings of the art industry.

Nocturnal ID currently has four artists signed up in their early access program, including Vinnie Hager, Jack Bridgland, Devon DeJardin, and Parin Hidari. The team expects rapid expansion after its launch on January 12 when it will un-gate access to its Nocturnal ID platform.

In order to mint the digital membership, users will be prompted to connect their ethereum wallet.  The Europa application framework currently supports the leading methods, including Metamask, WalletConnect, and Coinbase Wallet – as well as injected web3.js through the browser.

Overview of Minting Application

At Europa Labs, we helped Nocturnal create a Minting and Membership Loyalty application, leveraging the Europa web3 app framework.

When users navigate to, they will find a landing page that displays key information about the mint, including the price (in USD and ETH terms), description, and mint history – with relevant links to Etherscan included in the app page.

Landing page example for
Landing page example for

In order to mint the digital membership, users will be prompted to connect their ethereum wallet.  The Europa application framework currently supports the leading methods, including Metamask, WalletConnect, and Coinbase Wallet – as well as injected web3.js through the browser.

![Connect Wallet example (Coinbase Wallet Shown)


After connecting their wallet, and selecting the “Mint” button, a modal will pop up, prompting the user to mint the digital membership.  After selecting the “mint” option, the user will receive a notification to their wallet to confirm the asset mint – which will initiate the transaction on the ethereum blockchain, using the contract address “0x8a3Cbe9d1F8a908F26C36B4f4dc00a60caf0A0eF

After completing the mint, the user will have the Nocturnal ID membership asset in their wallet, and will be able to take action under the loyalty section of the application (titled “My Tokens”).

Overview of the Nocturnal ID Loyalty Dashboard

When users navigate to, either directly or from the navigation bar, they will be able to access the initial loyalty application for Nocturnal ID.  If their wallet is not already connected, the user will be prompted to authenticate by connecting their wallet.

To view loyalty benefits, user must “connect wallet” via button in top right corner
To view loyalty benefits, user must “connect wallet” via button in top right corner

Once the user has connected their wallet, the Europa application framework will query the users wallet address against the native subgraph, ensuring that the user owns the correct Nocturnal ID asset, and can thus take action on it.

Gated Loyalty page, with eligible wallet
Gated Loyalty page, with eligible wallet

In addition to composable benefits, like whitelists, access to future artist drops, communications, etc – at the loyalty page, users can also take direct action on their Nocturnal ID membership token.

Users can “Generate a Pass” – which let’s them create an Apple Wallet (or Google Android) QR code that will let them into future, IRL events.

Generated Pass inside of Apple Wallet
Generated Pass inside of Apple Wallet

Users can also download their asset art from the decentralized cloud, letting them pull from over 80 nodes in parallel to access the art file on their computer.

![Example of “Download Art” option from Storj DCS


Partnering with Web3-native Protocols

As part of it’s mission to empower digital artists using web3-native technology, Nocturnal ID is utilizing a number of web3-native infrastructure providers to deliver the application in a secure, decentralized, and ethereum-native manner.

The website assets are stored on a decentralized cloud platform called Storj DCS (decentralized cloud storage) – which splits all of the static object content in to small pieces, streaming them in parallel from over 17,000 endpoints across the globe – thus enabling quick load times across the world without the need for data replication or a CDN.

For the dedicated Nocturnal ID loyalty App, Europa has built its own metadata rendering service instead of using a third-party data service (such as OpenSea API) to retrieve NFT metadata.  This service natively indexes key collection content and events using a dedicated subgraph with The Graph.

Authentication is accomplished utilizing the Wagmi-kit from the Rainbow Wallet team  Europa application framework currently supports the leading methods, including Metamask, WalletConnect, and Coinbase Wallet – as well as injected web3.js through the browser.

The EthPass API is used for pass generation and mobile-wallet authentication.

Finally, Instead of using a centralized provider, the application uses the Pocket Network to create a more secure, decentralized, and resilient backend for the connection between the Ethereum network and the loyalty application.

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