Hardware for ZKP

It’s a summary of article from Georgios Konstantopoulos and my understanding.


ZKPs are slow and expensive to produce due to a large number of expensive math operations.

ZKP usage

  • Outsourced Verifiable Computation

ZKPs allow a third party provider to also output a proof of computational integrity which guarantees the output you received is correct.

  • Private Computation

ZKPs allow you to selectively hide some or all inputs around a computational statement.

Optimization is necessary

ZKP is generated like below:

  1. Computation Expression
  2. Generate proof

The computation in proof generation mostly reside in:

  1. MSMs: Multiplications over large vectors of numbers (field or group elements), specifically variable-base and fixed-base multi-scalar multiplications
    • Typically 70% time
    • Vector of 2e25 elements
    • Can be parallel but still slow with hundereds of cores
  2. FFTs: Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) and Inverse FFTs
    • Typically 30% time
    • Data shuffling
    • Not suitable for computing cluster and need much bandwidth

Hardware Solution


Mining Market:

  • Bitcoin: $15B
  • Ethereum: $17B
  • ZKP: may be similar size to Bitcoin/Ethereum

My understanding

  1. GPU is the best option from the developer’s perspective, as programming friendliness is very important in industry’s early stage and there are more than 2 million GPU developers worldwide.
  2. In the case when cost & power is more important, FPGA is the best option.
  3. Once the ZKP mining industry really emerges, ASIC will prevail, just like bitmain’s product.


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