How to Optimism? [EN].
Brain Labs VC
December 18th, 2022


Optimism - This is a Level 2 Optimistic Rollup designed to leverage Ethereum's robust security safeguards while reducing cost and latency.

Through a series of funding rounds, Optimism has managed to raise over $150 million in investments with investors such as: Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), Paradigm, ConsenSys Ventures, IDEO Ventures, Spark Capital, A.Capital Ventures, ConsenSys Mesh and others.

On March 25, 2022, Optimism made its first snapshot of users' wallets based on a number of criteria, based on which it handed out airdrop as early as the end of May. On average, participants received 2,500 $OP tokens each, which was about $3,000 at the exchange rate at the time the tokens were branded

The other day Optimism announced a second airdrop for $10 million in tokens $OP.

There are 10 million $OP tokens, or $11 million for the AIRROP. Let me remind you, in the first AIRROP there were about 250,000 wallets at different multipliers and with different amounts for drop. Now the question stands. Will Optimism do something simpler this time and won't sow multi-accounts? Of course not, most likely this time the conditions will be much stricter.

Additionally, the drop sum can be many times less. Use some simple math and the most axe-like values, and you'll see where I'm going with this. If last time the drop sum was impressive, this time I wouldn't be surprised to see some $500, however... All of this can be fundamentally changed if Optimism will be tough on multi-accounts and I hope so.

What do I need to know before drophunting $OP?

— Do not use wallets that have connections to others.- Use only warmed wallets that have had previous interaction with Optimism. — Be prepared to rewards many times less than before.- Airdrop tokens will NOT only be for users, but for projects as well.

Now every teabagger, thinks it's proper to claim the $OP drop, without the important detail that's stated in the announcement. "$10 million $OP will be distributed between people and projects....". The whole point of the drop will be the principle of RetroPGF
— This is the principle where the drop is not handed out to those who "Will Build a Happy Optimism Future," but to those who have already done something and proven themselves in some way.

What's the bottom line? Is it worth it to hunt Optimism's drop?

If you fit the criteria that I indicated earlier. I.e. you have a purse with a good history of interaction with Optimism, and at the same time does not have the tag drophunter and not connected in any way to other purses, then unequivocally drop is worth pursuing. Otherwise, I only advise to be guided by your finances. If the lost $100-200-300+ on commission will not upset you in any way, then even without having such a wallet, it is still possible to hunt for drops.

One of the most interesting activity blocks, because the end of the quests falls just near the airdrop. In a nutshell, Optimism has quests, by completing which you will get different NFTs. There are a total of 18 quests, as well as NFTs.

NFTs are divided into so-called TIERs (Levels). There are three levels in total and some people are starting to say that it is not necessary to do all 18 quests, because it is enough to do 10 in order to reach the maximum level. I, on the other hand, advise you to remove all these prejudices and take the drop as it should be by doing all the quests.

The quests themselves are tied to the interaction with protocols: Make a deposit, make an exchange, open a position, add liquidity. In general, completing the quests, you are already interacting with the next block (DeFi dumps), so you can kill two birds with one stone.

To start the quests, go to the official page. Then you can familiarize yourself with any of the quests and, in fact, move on to its execution.

Here's a brief description of all the quests:

  1. Stargate (Bridge) ( Transfer $100+ in USDC from network to network

  2. Pool Together ( Deposit 20$+ for 3 days

  3. Uniswap (DEX) ( 2 times exchange 20$+

  4. Quix (NFT) ( Purchase NFT for 15$

  5. Velodrome ( Deposit 20$ and steak 20$

  6. Synapse ( Deposit $20

  7. Qi Dao ( Liquidity, then loan 100 MAI for 7 days

  8. Rubicon (DEX) ( Exchange 20$ and deposit 20$+

  9. Hop ( Lock 200$ for 3 months or 2000$ for 9 days

  10. Clipper ( Lock 20$+ for 10 days and Lock 20$+ in any pool

  11. Beethoven X ( Lock 0.05 ETH+ for 24 hours

  12. Granary ( $50+ deposit loan

  13. Syntetix ( Steak 10.000 SNX+

  14. Lyra ( Long/short trade 100$+

  15. Kwenta ( Cross-margin position 100$+

  16. Perpetual ( Position 100$+

  17. Pika ( Position 30$+ and lock 20$+ for 3 days

  18. Polynomial ( Lock 50$+ for 7 days or 1000$+ for 24 hours

Sometimes the conditions of quests change, for example until recently, you could do all the quests without too much trouble, having in your pocket a couple of hundred. Now, in one of the quests (13), you will need to have $20k+, so follow the updates, even if you do not plan to perform this or that quest

Performing quests

Quest 1 : Using the Bridge from Stargate Finance

Required amount: 100 USDC.
Cost: <$1.
Time commitment: up to 3 hours.

  • Go to and connect the wallet.

  • Choose Optimism as one of the networks. The second network I advise to use a blockchain with low commissions, for example Polygon. Select USDC in both networks, then click "Approve", and then confirm the transaction.

  • Go back to the Optimism page with the quest and click "Get NFT".

  • At the end, just click "Claim".

Quest 2: Depositim in Pool Together

Amount needed: 20 USDC.
Costs: <$1.
Temporary costs: up to 3 days.

  • Go to and connect your wallet.

  • Choose 20 USDC to deposit into the pool and click "Review Deposit", and then click "Confirm Deposit".

  • After 3 days, click "Claim". After branding NFT, go back to the Pool Together website, and under the "Account" tab, click on your pool. Then click "withdraw" and confirm the transaction to take your money back

Quest 3: Exchanges on Uniswap

Required amount: 20 USDC.
Costs: <$1.
Temporary costs: up to 10 minutes.

  • Go to and connect the wallet.

  • Select the Optimism network in the right corner, then select the pair USDC/DAI.

  • Make two exchanges, first USDC/DAI, then in the opposite direction DAI/USDC.

  • After that, go branding NFT.

Quest 4: Buying on QUIX

Required amount: 0.03 ETH.
Costs: <$1.
Temporary costs: up to 1 day.

  • Go to and connect your wallet.

  • Choose any NFT, which has a large volume of trades and buy (Be sure to consider the cost, so that the task is credited).

  • After 24 hours, brand your NFT, and the one you bought - sell it on the same marketplace.

Quest 5: Velodrome liquidity.

Required amount: 30 USDC.
Cost: <$1.
Temporary cost: up to 10 minutes.

  • Go to and connect the wallet.

  • Exchange 15 USDC to 15 DAI and refresh the page.

  • Then go to the pools, select the pool DAI and then click on the pool sAMM-USDC/DAI (make no mistake).

  • Then click on "Manage" and select 15 DAIs, click on "Deposit & Stake" (It does not matter if there is less than 15 USDC, as long as the total value of the deposit is $20+. In total you will need to confirm 5 transactions).

Quest 6: Synapse Liquidity.

Required amount: 25 USDC.
Cost: <$1.
Temporary cost: up to 10 minutes.

  • Go to and connect the wallet.

  • We don't need to swap USDC to nUSD because we use the Zap-In feature. However, before depositing USDC, make sure the price impact is acceptable (<2%). Enter 21 $USDC and click "Add liquidity".

  • You can then brandish our NFT. To return USDC, go back to Synapse, click "Remove Liquidity," select USD Circle to make sure you withdraw 100% in USDC, click the available LP amount, and click "Withdraw.

Quest 7: MAI Loan on QiDao.

Amount needed: 200 USDC.
Costs: <$3.
Temporary costs: up to 1 week.

  • Go to and connect the wallet.

    Click "Vaults", then "Create Vaults". Choose Optimism and we see two QIDAO vaults. (In the example I choose to create vaults with WETH).

  • Make sure there's more than 100 MAI available, otherwise we can't finish the quest, then click "Create Vault".

  • Since the asset enclosed in the vault (The Collateral) is WETH, we need to get it. If you have ETH, you can exchange it for WETH. You can start with a health factor of at least 2, but it's better to choose a factor of 4 to be safer.

  • Once we have some WETH, go back to the QIDAO page, deposit WETH by clicking on "Deposit", specifying the amount of WETH you want to deposit, and at the end "Deposit WETH". After these actions we can borrow MAI.

  • We press "Borrow" and enter 100 MAI to borrow to complete the quest. We should now see the following: "The healthy ratio or pledge to debt ratio is really 400% (or 4). Your position will be liquidated if WETH falls by ~66% (which, is pretty unlikely)." We click "Borrow DAI."

  • After one week, we can brandish the NFT and close the credit. To do this, go back to, select your vault and click "Manage", click "Repay", then "ALL" and "Approve Mai". Then click "REPAY MAI" and, go to "Withdraw" and display our WETH.

Quest 8: Rubicon Exchange and Liquidity.

Required amount: 25 USDC.
Cost: <$1.
emporary cost: up to 10 minutes.

  • Go to and connect the wallet.

  • Exchange 25 USDC to WETH.

  • Then go to the pools, clicking on "Pools", choose a pool in which we want to deposit tokens in the amount of 25 USD. You can choose a USDC pool.

  • Select 25 USDC and click "Approve", then "Deposit". To withdraw funds from the pool, just click on "Withdraw".

  • Brand your NFT.

Quest 9: Hop Exchange Liquidity.

Amount needed: 400-2000 USDC.
Costs: <$1.
Temporary costs: up to 3 months.

  • Go to and connect the wallet.

  • Choose the token we want to deposit (Do not choose MATIC, as it is not part of the quest). The liquidity pool on HOP consists of two tokens, here WETH and hETH (Synthetic asset issued by Hop). First we need to convert ETH to WETH. We click on "Wrap or Unwrap ETH", choose the desired amount and click on "Wrap".

  • Then we convert 50% to hETH by clicking "Convert", enter 50% in WETH and click "Approve".

  • Go back to the tab "Pool", fill about the same amount of WETH and hETH and click "Add Liquidity". You can withdraw your position simply by clicking on "Remove Liquidity".

  • After 1 month (It is better to choose this option, as there is not much time left) brand your NFT (you can set a reminder not to forget about it).

Quest 10: Clipper Exchanges.

Required amount: 40 USDC.
Cost: <$3.
Temporary cost: up to 10 minutes (However, OP will be in the box for 10 days).

  • Go to and connect the wallet, selecting Optimism network. Pre-transfer 20 USDC to OP and 20 USDC to SNX.

  • Then we put 20 OP in the pool of OP liquidity. We choose a network "Optimism", then go to the tab "Liquidity" and select the Clipper Pool, press "Enter Pool". Then we put 20 SNX in any "cove", going to the tab "Liquidity" and pressing "Clipper Cove", press "Enter Coves".

  • Now click on "Add Deposit", select SNX and OP, provide liquidity. After that we can brand your NFT. To take out OP, click 10 days, in the "Liquidity" tab, "Clipper Pool", at the bottom of the page our OP will appear in "Locked Deposit" until 10 days have passed, then it will go to "Unlocked Deposit".

Quest 11: Beethoven liquidity.

Required amount: 0.05 ETH.
Costs: <$1.
Temporary costs: up to 1 day.

  • Go to and connect the wallet.

  • Click on the pool "Rocket Fuel", then "Invest". (Even if the pool consists of WETH and rETH, you can invest ETH directly, thanks to Zap Function.)

  • We deposit 0.05 ETH and confirm the deposit. After confirming your deposit we will get LP-token, which is a proof of your deposit, called BPT. BPT you will need to stack on the platform, for that click on "Stake now" in the message that will appear on the screen. Wait a full 24 hours and go brandish your NFT.

  • To withdraw your position, click on "Withdraw", then "Unstake", and "Single Asset Withdraw", selecting WETH. Swap WETH for ETH on the Swap page

Quest 12: Granary Lending and Loans.

Required amount: 50 USDC.
Costs: <$3.
Temporary costs: up to 10 minutes.

  • Go to and connect a wallet, I chose Optimism network.

  • Choose the market in which we want to lend and borrow. I chose USDC. (LTV = 80%, that is, 50 USDC we can borrow up to 40 USDC.)

  • First, we borrow 50 USDC. Click "Deposit" on the right side and deposit 25 USDC, then click continue. Then go to borrow 20 USDC. Click on the tab "Borrow", select USDC, enter 20 USDC. Click on "Borrow & Borrow".

  • Now we can brand our NFT. To return your USDC, go to the tab "My Dashboard" and click "Repay", after approving the transaction, go back to "My Dashboard" and click on "Withdraw".

Quest 13: Synthetix exchanges.

Amount needed: 10,000 SNX.
Costs: <$3.
Temporary costs: up to 3 weeks.

  • Go to and connect your wallet by purchasing SNX in advance.

  • Then we send our SNX to staking (More details can be found in the official article).

An epoch ends on Wednesday at 7pm (UTC+2), so steal by the end of the current epoch and brand your reward before the next epoch begins, or you will lose your reward. Earned SNX will be blocked for 1 year. Earned $sUSD can be exchanged back into stabelcoins.
  • After brandishing the reward twice, you can brand our NFT. Then burn your debt and redeem the SNX.
If your debt increases, sell some SNX back in sUSD to Velodrome. If your debt decreases, you have some sUSD left in your wallet, which you can exchange at your convenience.

Quest 14: Lyra Options.

Required amount: 110 sUSD.
Costs: >$10.
Temporary costs: up to 10 minutes.

  • Go to and connect a wallet, which should have sUSD in advance.
When we buy an option, it costs X, but when you want to sell it, it costs Y. This can affect the value of this quest quite a bit. An example of a Call option on ETH with a strike of $1,200.To perform the quest, the price of the trade has to be >$100, that is, if the price of the option is $100, we have to buy 1 contract, and if the price of the option is $10, we have to buy/sell 10 contracts. So, we need to find a balance between the buy/sell price of the delta option and the number of contracts to buy.
  • We choose an option and click on the green price. For example, the price of the option is $8.88, we need to buy 12 contracts to have a total price of $100+. We just fill in the 12, then "Buy Call."

  • Then go brand your NFT. We can then close the position by clicking on "Close Position", filling in the "Max" opposite "Contracts" and clicking on "Close Position".

Quest 15: Kwenta trades.

Required amount: 110 sUSD.
Costs: <$1.
Temporary costs: up to 2 days.

  • Go to and connect a wallet, which should have sUSD in advance.

  • Choose the market in which we want to trade, I chose ETH. Then click "Deposit", we deposit 110 sUSD. After that, they will be displayed on the trading page.

  • Open a long position by clicking on "LONG" and putting 110 SUSD in the "order size". We select x1 leverage and click on the "Open position" button.

  • After 48 hours, we go to mark our NFT. Then close the position by clicking on "Close" and then on "withdraw" to return the sUSD from the isolated Kwenta margin wallet to your own wallet (you can close your position even if the NFT is not yet branded).

Quest 16: Perp Trades.

Required amount: 110 USDC.
Cost: <$1.
Time commitment: up to 10 minutes.

  • Go to and connect the wallet.

  • Make a deposit in USDC by clicking on "Deposit" in the line USDC and specify 110 USDC.

  • On the left side click on ETH, enter 110 USD as a transaction amount and click "Confirm Long".

  • Then brand our NFT and close the position. The position will appear at the bottom of the page, just click on "Close Position" to close it. Then click on "Overview" on the left and "Withdraw ALL".

Quest 17: Pika bidding and steaking.

Amount needed: 30 USDC.
Costs: <$1.
emporary costs: up to 3 days.

  • Go to and connect your wallet.

  • Enter 30 USDC as the amount of margin, then click "Enable Market Order" and "Submit". The position will appear at the bottom of the page, just click on "Close".

  • Then we go to By default we must be in the USDC vault, otherwise go to it yourself and click "Stake". Enter 30 USDC and click "Stake". Your deposit will be staked for 3 days.

  • After 3 days, brand your NFT and return your deposit by clicking on "Unstake" at

Quest 18: Polynomial Liquidity.

Amount needed: 1050 sUSD.
Costs: <$1.
Temporary costs: up to 1 week.

  • Go to and connect a wallet, which should have sUSD in advance.

  • We need to use USD vault. Just click on it, then enter 1050 sUSD and click "Deposit".

  • Then go to the pools, select the pool DAI and then click on pool sAMM-USDC/DAI (make no mistake).

  • After 24 hours we can brand our NFT. To withdraw the deposit, go to the USD vault and select the Withdraw tab. Click on 100% and request a withdrawal.

Bidding volumes.

Here, as I have already said dozens of times, you only need to fill up the volume of transactions.

I always advise you to take 1 $ETH+, in fact, even with 0.01 $ETH+ you can go and fill up the volumes, the only question is, whether it will count for you.

Volumes can be driven across the following bridges:

  1. Official Optimism Bridge: An unchangeable classic that needs no introduction.

  2. Stargate Finance: A great way to hunt some drops.

  3. Hop Protocol: Another classic that flashes everywhere.

In addition, you can take the bridges that are on the DeFi LIama list (, but in reality we have enough of those that I described above. We make exchanges a couple of times a week, on a large volume if possible. The Stargate idea looks smart.

DAO Votes

A recent trend that allows you to hunt for drops with a few dozen dollars in your pocket. In the case of Optimism, we already found out that these guys review all the activity in their ecosystem.

Optimism's voting system is set up so that you have to delegate your tokens either to yourself or to someone else. Both methods allow you to participate in DAO Voting, but here I advise you to delegate your tokens to both yourself and someone else.

How to delegate tokens to yourself:

How to delegate tokens to someone:

Online activity

Here you have to choose a number of DeFi dumps and other protocols that you will interact with. In general, you can chase the dust. It's much more important to emphasize constant interaction with them. As I said earlier 1/2 time per week will be enough.

I will highlight 5 protocols that received $OP grants:

  1. **Rocket Pool ( received $600.000 $OP.**Want to enter the market of optimism through liquid mining; 70% $OP - Basic Balancer/BeethovenX rETH/WETH pool; 30% $OP - Velodrome rETH/WETH pool.

  2. **Qi Dao ( received $750,000 $OP.**20% $OP - Developer Bounty Program; 20% $OP - User Rewards; 60% $OP - Liquid Mining $MAI on Optimism.

  3. Boardroom ( received $100,000 $OP.\ <!-->80% $OP - Users who delegate

  4. Biconomy ( received $750,000 $OP.\ <!-->33% $OP - Liquid mining and user rewards;\ <!-->66% $OP - Grants and commission refunds.

  5. Hop Protocol ( received $1,000,000 $OP.\ <!-->The commission refund program has been launched.

  6. In addition, you can take DeFi Protocols on Optimism from DeFi Liama (, but again, take within reason, because we still have to return to them.

GitCoin donations

This part I advise everyone to do, even if you are not going to chase Optimism drop, because all this movement looks quite interesting.

For those who don't know what Gitcoin is, I tell you. Gitcoin is a platform designed to raise funding for various crypto projects from ordinary users. Previously we participated in their round 15 and, some projects are developing and giving some subtle hints of plushies.

Now they announced 5 rounds of donations, for participation in which we will get POAP.<!-->If we collect all 5 POAP from 5 rounds, we will get VIP access to Schelling Point in ETH Denver event ( and merch for $150.

Rounds timings:

  • UNICEF: December 9 - December 21

  • Fantom: December 12 to January 2

  • GitCoin: January 17 to January 31

  • Optimism: January 31 to February 10

  • Alchemix: Unknown.

Instructions for participation:

  • Go to GitCoin and connect the wallet

  • Before us are 10 projects, under each need to click "Add to Shortlist"

  • On the right side click on the recycle garbage can.

  • Click "Select" and select all 10 projects.

  • After that click on "Add selected (10) to Final Donation".

  • Send donation, for this we need $ETH in the main network

Read more:


This article was prepared by the Brain Labs community and made available to the public. There is much more information inside our community than is publicly available.

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