Impact now

Flipping metrics in favour of biodiversity and regenerating nature does not have to be an arduous process. It needs to be incentivised properly. Policy changes take time and often come more in the form of a stick than a carrot. A stick that is often brushed aside and disregarded completely.

Natura 2000 .vis
Natura 2000 .vis

That isn’t to say that policy isn’t useful - even if it isn’t effective, at least it shows good intent and an understanding of the underlying issues. What really needs to change to complete the feed back loop though?

Society itself needs to feel a connection to the value that nature and biodiversity provides. This is where the impact certificates that we are developing come in.

The European Union has done a whole load of foundational work that helps inform priorities. In fact Europe as a whole probably has some of the most comprehensive data available for any region.

In parallel to all of the other work that we have been doing to develop an effective impact certificate we have been mapping green field sites that can potentially be acquired for afforestation or re-wilding.

Fifteen years without livestock grazing
Fifteen years without livestock grazing

Have been blown away by the initiatives around the country that BÚAN has connected with so far. From temperate Irish rainforests on the Wild Atlantic Way to those that are effectively resetting nature by excluding livestock. The effective return from inspiring and incentivising just a hand full of people is inspiring.

One initiative that personifies our own approach is the Hen Harrier Project. Carrots galore in the form of payments for land owners that deliver results. They are also actively engaging with technology to support their objectives. Trialling drones for example to create digital landscape models that help manage wild fire risks and highlight invasive species in a scalable way.


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