Thirty days later

It’s been a few weeks since our first post. The project has come a long way in a short amount of time. Forging real world partnerships and Ξthereum based ones. Working out how exactly we are going to deploy this project has seen a lot of threads converge.

We could have done some cursory market research to save ourselves a bit of time but then it would not have come out the way it has now. We had little idea of the depth and breadth of the regenerative finance space. I had not even heard the expression before starting to look into what others were doing.

living | breathing | growing
living | breathing | growing

To start with we tried the same approach as other projects such as Unf_ck The Planet and NFTree embarked on. Even without realising this model had been tried before we did anticipate the difficulty of getting traction without a community first approach. The pressure to do something meant we went ahead. After all the worst that could happen was losing our deposit ie the gas fee. We found that substance matters and wanted to bind each NFT to a number of the trees that would be planted but it wasn’t enough.

Of course we had plans that still needed to be realised. One way or another we would fund them. It came as no great surprise that the initial approach to raising funds was inadequate but the GoogleDoc kept on swelling. I still wanted to buy a f_cking forest.

More than nurturing an ecosytem is the over riding will to design a mechanism that could have a significant impact on how society values nature. We wanted to use blockchain to its full potential - for good. Virgil Griffith probably said it best;

“Ξthereum is an unprecedented arena for playing cooperative games, enabling powerful economic vehicles we don’t understand yet”.

In my own words Ξthereum abstracts value, building new, more meaningful mechanics into markets.  Critically it does this in a way that involves communities - BÚAN will evolve societies relationship with nature through economics.

Now we have a mission worth fundraising for and a vision we can all share in.

The $BÚAN economy is designed in such a way that every token is immutably tied to the ecosystem it represents. This means that everything from the trees planted there to the carbon that is sequestered in the ground as well as the flora and fauna present is accounted for in the token.

As much of the supply as possible will be locked up and the token value itself will be relatively stable. The advantage of holding is that this will be an interest baring asset immune from inflation. Although really what people will hold for is the environmental impact they are supporting.

Making this an attractive investment proposition is mainly based on attracting businesses seeking to offset their impact. There will of course also be the option to automatically divert dividends to the BÚAN treasury that will be used to expand and nurture our natural capital.

Initial token issuance will be based on how many hectares we are able to acquire in accordance with our funding goals being met.


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