Environmentally speaking

To say that Ξthereum is the most environmentally friendly technology on the face of this earth right now might sound totally facetious. There is some merit to that statement though. If you consider that the currency the world runs on at the moment is literally called the Petrodollar, this stance starts to sound slightly less absurd.

But wait theres more…

This isn’t just an environmental matter - it’s a political one too. The cost of the petrodollar is arguably the whole military industrial complex and all that entails. It is an institution that has failed humanity in so many ways.

₿itcoiners have been making the argument that blockchain is a kind of energy storage for a while now, that isn’t a level of mental gymnastics we are flexible enough to make. They will not stop over-securing their network. Ξthereum nodes however are well on the way to reducing their energy consumption down to that of a Raspberry Pi.

Transition to the proof of stake model will finally put an end to energy intensive mining. Instead you will be able to run a validator that pays you interest on the number of coins that you have staked on the network using absolutely minimal computing power.

Following the comparative logic of fiat over the MIC token system you can begin to see how this is one of the most important democratic technologies we have ever seen. With wider adoption it will easily surpass the internet itself in terms of impact and importance.

Smart contracts and tokenisation will usher in systems level change on a scale we have never seen before. When you begin to take into account all the different industries that can be administrated on chain you can really start to see a ‘solar-punk’ type future manifest itself. The world is about to get green pilled in a way that means humanity can really begin to thrive.

Businesses seek out efficiency wherever they can find it and society will too. Disinter-mediating politics entirely may even be an option before long. Transitioning societies operating system to one based on quadratic voting would remove vested interests that work against society from the equation. From being centralised around individuals beholden to their political donors, government itself will become an actually public good.

We see the evolution of the ecosystem start to blossom. Real World Asset tokenisation leads to real world impacts. Those that play to the strength of blockchain; providing accountability and transparency where it is lacking in traditional models.

You can extrapolate that there will be huge potential impact from Decentralised Finance to Regenerative Finance. We are just beginning to see the foundations being laid. With Ξthereum we can really start imagineering society as we want to see it, free from the constraints and vested interests of the legacy economy.


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