Haptic forests

One area of focus for us at the moment is to develop an effective means of displaying quantitive information for our certificates.

Coming up with a satisfactory means of communicating information through the simultaneous presentation of words, numbers and pictures can be a challenge. It’s a universally transferrable visual language of its own that can be hard to nail down but well worth the effort.

We want to induce the viewers to realise the substance of the certificates. At a glance they should be able to get a feeling of the health of the ecosystem and the scope of it.

A central part of the certificate is the imaging of the site which can initially be a topographic or choropleth map as it is before afforestation. Including how the ‘greenfield’ site will be developed into a native woodland with details such as the number of trees of each species that will be planted.

We want to induce the viewers to realise the substance of the certificates. At a glance they should be able to get a feeling of the health of the ecosystem and the scope of it.

The certificates also need to reflect the growth of the forest and biodiversity of its ecosystem over time. As with the series of NFT’s that we published, there will be a stark difference between the greenfield site that we begin with and the lush native woodland that we will end up with.

Images are the most effective means of communication - we really want to push the boundaries when it comes to the visual display of quantitative information. Discerning what metrics to pay attention to in the first place has been an important part of the whole process.

We are fortunate that technology is on our side and we can provide end users [of our certificates] with an effective impression of the forest. Besides imaging we are also working to integrate sound-scaping technology that will listen and learn to recognise signs of growing biodiversity.

Besides acoustic ecology and imaging we still have plenty of data points left to develop from weather, wildlife and surveys of flora and fauna. Whether we include these as part of the NFT-certificate or in the context of a wider overview is something left to determine.


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