Unveiling Caldera's Public Testnets
March 30th, 2023

Caldera’s Testnets Are Live!

We are excited to share that Caldera has officially opened two public testnets!

Caldera is already live, running multiple production rollups on mainnet for select projects. But we wanted to open up public Caldera chains for the broader Ethereum developer community to test with.

Since we support multiple settlement layers, we’ve deployed one testnet on Goerli Ethereum, and the other on Polygon Mainnet. These testnets have been launched to showcase the power of Caldera chains and provide developers a first-hand experience of building on Caldera. The two testnets are:

  1. Testnet #1: Deployed on Goerli

  2. Testnet #2: Deployed on Polygon Mainnet, utilizing USDC as the chain’s native gas token

Check them out at https://testnet.caldera.dev.

Discover the Power of Caldera

These public testnets have been designed to be open for all developers and users to explore and interact with. Developers can now deploy smart contracts and connect to them via common tools like Ethers.js and Thirdweb, and users can add the testnets to their wallets, interact with the deployed contracts, and experience what it’s like to use a Caldera chain.

Caldera chains are EVM-compatible, and work with all of the tools that developers and users are familiar with: from wallets like Metamask, to front-end SDKs like Ethers.js and Web3.js, to development environments like Foundry and Hardhat.

Along with the testnets, we have deployed a few applications to enhance the user and developer experience:

  1. Faucet: Request funds for use on the network

  2. Bridging Interface: Seamlessly bridge assets between networks

  3. Block Explorer: Monitor and analyze transactions, blocks, and addresses

  4. Calderamon: A demo app enabling you to mint an AI-generated monster NFT.

What’re the testnets for?

These public testnets exist to demonstrate the capabilities of Caldera chains and provide developers a way to quickly and permissionlessly test out their development workflows.

The testnets are meant to exist for demonstration purposes only. Do not move large amounts of funds to the testnets. The testnets may be reset at any time.

This is not an incentivised testnet and participation does not confer a right to any tokens or renumeration of any kind.

Caldera's public testnets are a significant milestone in our journey to make blockspace inexpensive and highly available. We look forward to your valuable feedback as we continue to develop the Caldera ecosystem. Happy building!

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Caldera is always on the lookout for talented builders who share our passion for enabling blockchain developers. Check out our job postings to explore opportunities to work with us.

Deploy your own chain

If you're interested in deploying your own blockchain using Caldera, we'd love to hear from you. We’re already running multiple rollups in production, live on Ethereum and Polygon mainnet.

Get in touch with our team to discuss how we can help bring your vision to life.

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