Exploring Fully Homomorphic Encryption: From Theory to Real-World Applications

I- Introduction to Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE)

1- Overview

In today's digital world, the challenge of keeping data safe while still being able to use it is more critical than ever. With increasing reliance on cloud computing and data sharing, ensuring that sensitive information remains secure throughout its lifecycle is a top priority. This is where Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) comes into play. Introduced by Craig Gentry in 2009, FHE allows computations to be performed on encrypted data without ever needing to decrypt it, significantly enhancing data security. For organizations, this means the ability to fully utilize cloud services without the fear of exposing their most sensitive data. Consider the scenario where confidential financial information or medical records are being processed—FHE ensures that, even if such data were intercepted, it would remain inaccessible to unauthorized individuals. This capability makes FHE not only a powerful tool for security but also essential for maintaining privacy in an increasingly data-driven world.

Before the advent of FHE, Homomorphic Encryption (HE) was already advancing secure data computation. HE was designed to allow specific operations on encrypted data, ensuring that information remained protected even during processing. For example, with a basic HE system, one could perform operations like addition and multiplication directly on ciphertexts, which is encrypted data. The mathematical operations in HE are limited to either addition or multiplication but not both simultaneously. This means, if you encrypt two numbers a and b to get Enc(a) and Enc(b), you can perform operations such as:

  • Addition: Enc(a) + Enc(b) = Enc(a + b)

  • Multiplication (if the system supports it): Enc(a) x Enc(b) = Enc(a x b) These capabilities ensure that data remains secure and encrypted during computation, making HE valuable for secure computations like aggregating votes or confidential surveys.

FHE extends these capabilities significantly. Unlike basic HE, FHE is not restricted to a single type of operation (addition or multiplication); instead, it supports an unlimited sequence of both, applied in any combination. This allows for the execution of complex algorithms on encrypted data. For example, with FHE, one can compute any function f defined by polynomial expressions, Boolean circuits, or other computational models on encrypted inputs, such that: Dec(Eval(Enc(x), f)) = f(x) for any computable function f, where:

  • Enc is the encryption function

  • Eval is the evaluation function that performs the computation on encrypted data

  • Dec is the decryption function

This means we can take any computable function f, apply it to encrypted data, and then decrypt the result to get the same outcome as if f had been applied to the unencrypted data. Theoretically, FHE changes the way we handle sensitive information by ensuring data remains encrypted throughout its entire processing lifecycle—from analysis to storage, thus protecting it against unauthorized access and potential data breaches.

Given the complexity and breadth of FHE, it's challenging to cover all aspects in a single blog post. For a deeper understanding, we recommend the series TFHE Deep Dive and Homomorphic Encryption 101.

2- Different schemes, different strengths

FHE schemes allow secure, arbitrary computation on encrypted data. Their utility is differentiated by the core operations and mathematical foundation:

  • BGV (Brakerski-Gentry-Vaikuntanathan) and BFV (Brakerski-Fan-Vercauteren): Both schemes are structured around the Ring Learning With Errors (RLWE) paradigm. They are particularly robust in handling integer operations and employ techniques like relinearization and noise management to maintain the integrity and size of ciphertexts during calculations.

  • CKKS (Cheon-Kim-Kim-Song): This scheme is designed for handling encrypted real or complex numbers and performs approximate arithmetic on ciphertexts. CKKS is distinct in its ability to manage the precision of encrypted computations, which is crucial for applications like statistical analysis and machine learning where handling of real numbers is required.

  • FHEW (Fully Homomorphic Encryption from Worse-case assumptions) and TFHE (Fast Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the Torus): These focus on efficient Boolean operations and leverage the Learning With Errors (LWE) framework. Both schemes are optimized for low-latency cryptographic operations crucial for scenarios requiring rapid execution, such as real-time encrypted data processing.

3- Different techniques, different enhancements

Techniques have addressed many of the computational and efficiency barriers historically associated with FHE:

  • SIMD batching: Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD) batching is a pivotal performance metric in FHE that impacts its efficiency and scalability. By enabling multiple data points to be encrypted into a single ciphertext, SIMD batching allows simultaneous operations on all these data points. This parallel processing capability is especially beneficial for vector operations common in machine learning and statistical analysis, significantly reducing the computational overhead and latency compared to processing data points individually.

  • AVX-512 instructions: Advanced Vector Extensions 512 (AVX-512) are specific CPU instructions that support the execution of 512-bit operations. In the context of FHE, leveraging AVX-512 can improve the performance of polynomial arithmetic, which is fundamental in FHE schemes. These instructions enhance the handling of large data sets and complex calculations by providing the means to execute multiple homomorphic operations in parallel, reducing the time required for computations.

  • Vectorized FFT kernels: Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) kernels are essential for the efficient implementation of polynomial multiplication in FHE. The use of vectorized FFT kernels enables these operations to be carried out more swiftly and with greater energy efficiency. By optimizing FFT algorithms to utilize SIMD capabilities and AVX-512 instructions, FHE systems can perform necessary convolutions for polynomial multiplication faster, thereby accelerating the overall encryption and decryption processes.

  • Noise management: Effective noise management is crucial for the practical implementation of FHE. Noise accumulates in ciphertexts during homomorphic operations, and if left unchecked, can render the ciphertext undecipherable. FHE schemes employ various techniques to manage and reduce noise:

    • Relinearization and Modulus switching:

      • Modulus switching reduces the size of the modulus and correspondingly scales down the noise in the ciphertext.

      • Scaling down: The ciphertext modulus is progressively reduced. If the original modulus is q, it is scaled down to a smaller modulus q'. The noise in the ciphertext is scaled down proportionally.

      • Polynomial pepresentation: In schemes based on the Ring Learning with Errors (RLWE) problem, ciphertexts are represented as polynomials with coefficients in a ring modulo q. Modulus switching reduces q to q', and scales the polynomial coefficients accordingly.

      • Advantages:

        • Noise control: Helps keep noise growth in check during homomorphic operations.

        • Efficiency: Allows for efficient noise management without resorting to more computationally intensive methods like bootstrapping.

      • Disadvantages:

        • Cumulative errors: Rounding errors can accumulate, affecting the precision of the result.

        • Limited operations: Suitable for a finite number of operations before noise management becomes necessary again.

    • Bootstrapping: Bootstrapping reduces the noise in a ciphertext to its initial level, allowing for unlimited homomorphic operations. Unlike modulus switching, which scales down the noise, bootstrapping effectively resets the noise to its initial level by homomorphically evaluating the decryption circuit on the ciphertext and re-encrypting the result. TFHE (Fast Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the Torus) provides advanced bootstrapping techniques:

      • Fast bootstrapping:

        • Blind rotation: Rotates encrypted data based on another encrypted value, reducing noise without revealing plaintext.

        • External product: Combines ciphertexts to manage noise growth efficiently, crucial for complex computations.

      • Programmable bootstrapping:

        • Lookup Table evaluation: Uses precomputed tables to quickly evaluate functions on encrypted inputs.

        • Controlled Multiplexer (CMux) gate: Selects between different encrypted values based on a control bit, enabling conditional logic in encrypted computations.

4- Application-specific optimizations of FHE

The design of FHE schemes often targets specific types of computational tasks:

  • Integer and fixed-point arithmetic: BGV and BFV are highly effective for scenarios that require precise, structured arithmetic operations, such as encrypted financial transactions or algorithmic trading where integer precision is mandatory.

  • Real and complex number computations: The CKKS scheme is optimized for fields requiring operations on real or complex numbers, suitable for use cases in scientific computations where approximation is acceptable.

  • Boolean logic: FHEW and TFHE are tailored for environments that demand rapid Boolean computations. These schemes support operations like encrypted control systems or secure communications where decision logic needs to be processed in an encrypted state.

Comparison of FHE for arithmetic operations

Comparison of FHE for logic operations

Comparison of FHE for arithmetic and logic operations

Noise management and Bootstrapping

Arithmetic operations


  • BFV and BGV are preferable for integer arithmetic, with BFV showing better throughput and lower latencies for deep operations.

  • CKKS is more efficient for approximate arithmetic and fixed-point computations but has higher latency for decryption at small depths.

Logic operations


  • TFHE shows superior performance for Boolean logic due to its use of AVX-512 and vectorized FFT kernels, making it the fastest for logic operations.

  • FHEW is also efficient but not as optimized as TFHE for fast logic operations.

II- Notable productions

1- FHEnix: FHE-Rollups for confidential smart contracts

FHEnix is an implementation of FHE designed for the blockchain ecosystem, focusing on the scalability and confidentiality of smart contracts. It integrates FHE with rollup technology, specifically optimized for Ethereum, but also applicable to other platforms.

Use cases

  • Confidential ERC-20 contracts: Token contracts where transaction amounts and balances remain encrypted and confidential.

  • Sealed-bid auction contracts: Auctions where bids are kept confidential until the conclusion, ensuring fairness and privacy.

  • Private voting contracts: Contracts that allow votes to be cast privately, ensuring voter anonymity and confidentiality.


The core innovation of FHEnix lies in its rollup-based architecture:

  • FHE optimistic rollups: FHEnix utilizes optimistic rollups, a Layer-2 solution that processes transactions off the main Ethereum chain but posts transaction data on-chain. This approach reduces the load on the main blockchain, delegating computation to a specialized node or a small set of nodes, thereby handling the computational demands of FHE more efficiently.

  • Avoiding verifiable FHE overheads: Traditional verifiable FHE techniques require all nodes to perform complex computations and reach consensus on the encrypted state, imposing significant overheads. FHEnix's optimistic approach uses cryptoeconomic mechanisms to ensure the integrity and correctness of private computations without such computational demands.


FHEnix introduces FHE into rollups, offering a practical and scalable method to integrate confidentiality into smart contracts. This solution addresses a key limitation of current blockchain infrastructures: the lack of inherent data privacy.

  • Scalability and Efficiency: By reducing the need for every node to perform FHE computations, FHEnix enhances the scalability of FHE applications. This makes complex applications like confidential smart contracts feasible on a larger scale without compromising blockchain performance.

  • Security and Privacy: FHEnix maintains the security properties of the blockchain while enhancing privacy, ensuring that data remains confidential and secure throughout the transaction process. This is particularly important for applications involving sensitive data that must comply with privacy regulations and security standards.

2- Sunscreen: Integrating FHE and ZKP for enhanced Web3 privacy

Sunscreen is a platform designed to enhance privacy and security within the Web3 ecosystem through the integration of Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) and Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP). Targeted at developers, Sunscreen provides a toolkit to implement FHE in decentralized applications (dApps), addressing key challenges associated with privacy in blockchain environments.

Use cases

  • Financial transactions: Sunscreen aims to protect the confidentiality of financial transactions on blockchain networks, preventing front-running and preserving the privacy of trading strategies and asset holdings.

  • Voting systems: By leveraging both FHE and ZKP, Sunscreen can facilitate confidential voting mechanisms within decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), ensuring that votes are cast anonymously and securely.

  • General development of dApp privacy: Sunscreen enables developers to incorporate privacy features into any dApp, promoting broader adoption of privacy-preserving technologies in everyday blockchain applications.


Sunscreen has developed several key technologies to make FHE practical and accessible for Web3 developers:

  • FHE Compiler: Sunscreen's FHE compiler simplifies the integration of FHE into Web3 applications. This compiler automates the selection of cryptographic parameters, circuit generation, and optimization tasks, enabling developers to focus on application logic rather than cryptographic complexities.

  • Integration with ZKP: To enhance privacy capabilities, Sunscreen pairs FHE with ZKP, allowing developers to verify the correctness of computations on encrypted data without revealing the underlying data. This dual approach not only enhances privacy but also expands the types of applications that can securely use encrypted data.

  • Developer-friendly SDKs: Sunscreen provides Software Development Kits (SDKs) tailored for Web3, facilitating the integration of privacy technologies into existing blockchain frameworks and applications.


Sunscreen is significant for its role in addressing the privacy limitations of current blockchain technologies through practical tools and frameworks:

  • Enhancing developer accessibility: By reducing the barrier to entry for using advanced cryptographic techniques like FHE and ZKP, Sunscreen empowers developers to build privacy-first applications. This accessibility is crucial for the widespread adoption of privacy technologies in blockchain.

  • Practical performance improvements: Sunscreen has addressed the performance challenges of FHE. By optimizing the compiler and integration process, Sunscreen ensures that the added privacy does not come at a prohibitive cost in terms of transaction speed and resource consumption.

3- Mind Network: Leveraging FHE for enhanced web3 privacy and security

Mind Network applies Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) within the Web3 ecosystem, focusing on enhancing privacy and security through advanced cryptographic techniques. It integrates privacy-preserving protocols to address the need for confidentiality and security in decentralized applications and blockchain transactions.

Use cases

  • Cross-chain value transfers: Mind Network enables secure and private transfers between different blockchain systems, including CBDCs and public chains, using its FHE-based protocols to ensure data remains encrypted during transit.

  • Enhanced transactional privacy: By utilizing dual-key stealth address protocols, Mind Network enhances privacy for transactions on public ledgers, ensuring that details such as transaction amounts and participant identities remain confidential.

  • Data protection in AI: Mind Network allows computation on encrypted data, enabling AI applications to process sensitive information without access to raw data, adhering to privacy-by-design principles.


Mind Network has developed a technological framework incorporating FHE and other cryptographic technologies:

  • FHE dual-key stealth address protocol (DK-SAP): This protocol employs stealth addresses and dual keys to obscure transaction details while maintaining the integrity and security of the transactions.

  • Integration with Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Mind Network integrates FHE with ZKP to enhance the privacy of transactions, enabling the verification of encrypted inputs without exposing any sensitive information.

  • Decentralized storage solutions: To manage the large ciphertexts produced by FHE, Mind Network incorporates decentralized storage solutions like IPFS and Arweave, ensuring efficient and scalable storage for blockchain applications.


The technical contributions and impact of Mind Network on the blockchain and cryptographic communities include:

  • Advancement in cryptographic privacy: Mind Network integrates FHE with ZKP and decentralized storage, offering a comprehensive solution that addresses multiple aspects of data privacy and security.

  • Scalability and efficiency: The use of rollup technologies and efficient cryptographic protocols allows Mind Network to offer solutions that are secure, scalable, and efficient, suitable for high-throughput blockchain networks.

III- Challenges in Fully Homomorphic Encryption

  1. Performance bottlenecks

    The computational overhead of FHE is primarily due to the complex arithmetic operations on ciphertexts and the management of noise that accumulates during these operations. Specifically, the multiplication of encrypted data introduces multiplicative noise growth, which can quickly degrade the integrity of the data if not properly managed. This is often mitigated through the process of bootstrapping, which refreshes the ciphertext by reducing noise but at a significant computational cost. Furthermore, FHE operations typically require polynomial arithmetic in a ring, which involves computationally intensive operations like polynomial multiplication under a modular coefficient reduction, often parameterized by large prime numbers to ensure security.

  2. Usability and complexity

    FHE's steep learning curve is largely due to its reliance on lattice-based cryptography, which is less intuitive than traditional cryptographic methods. Developers must understand the underlying algebraic structures, choose appropriate lattice parameters, and manage noise growth—all of which require a non-trivial mathematical background. The complexity of implementing FHE is compounded by the need for precise parameter tuning to balance security, correctness, and performance. This often involves selecting the right lattice dimension, noise distribution parameters, and modulus size, which are critical for ensuring the scheme's resistance to lattice-based attacks.

  3. Security vulnerabilities

    While FHE schemes are designed to be secure under the assumption of hard lattice problems, such as the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) and the (Ring) Learning With Errors (RLWE/LWE) problem, practical implementations can introduce vulnerabilities. The integrity of computation is a particular concern, as any error in the encrypted computation directly affects the correctness of the decrypted result. Moreover, side-channel attacks, which exploit information leakage from physical implementations (like power usage or electromagnetic emissions), pose a realistic threat to FHE applications. Ensuring that FHE implementations are resistant to both cryptanalytic and side- channel attacks is crucial for their secure real-world deployment.

  4. Storage and data management

    The ciphertext expansion in FHE—where encrypted data can be significantly larger than the corresponding plaintext —is a critical issue for storage and bandwidth. For instance, typical FHE implementations might increase the data size by several orders of magnitude, impacting not only storage costs but also the efficiency of data transmission over networks. This expansion is inherent to the encryption process, which transforms simple data elements into complex polynomial structures to facilitate homomorphic operations.

  5. System integration

    Integrating FHE into existing IT infrastructures and applications is non-trivial due to the significant modifications required to handle encrypted data operations. Legacy systems and databases are typically not designed to operate on or store encrypted data, necessitating extensive redesigns or the use of middleware solutions that can handle FHE operations transparently. Moreover, the compatibility of FHE with other cryptographic primitives, such as digital signatures and secure multiparty computation protocols, requires careful alignment to ensure that the composite systems remain secure and functional.

Addressing these challenges involves a multi-faceted approach focusing on algorithmic improvements, optimized implementations, and better abstraction layers for developers. Research into more efficient lattice constructions and noise management techniques could yield significant performance improvements. On the implementation front, leveraging hardware accelerations, such as using GPUs or custom ASICs for polynomial arithmetic, could alleviate computational bottlenecks. Finally, developing higher-level APIs and integration tools that abstract the complexities of FHE can help in making these technologies more accessible to application developers, thereby accelerating the adoption of FHE in practical security solutions.

IV- References

  1. Chillotti, I. (2022, May 4). TFHE Deep Dive - Part I - Ciphertext types. Www.zama.ai. https://www.zama.ai/post/tfhe-deep-dive-part-1

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  3. Fhenix. (2023, December 26). Fhenix: Pioneering A Blockchain Renaissance With FHE. Medium. https://medium.com/@Fhenix/fhenix-pioneering-a-blockchain-renaissance-with-fhe-a98d72f90fad

  4. Gouert, C., Mouris, D., & Tsoutsos, N. (2023). SoK: New Insights into Fully Homomorphic Encryption Libraries via Standardized Benchmarks. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies2023(3), 154–172. https://doi.org/10.56553/popets-2023-0075

  5. Jiang, L., & Ju, L. (2022, March 1). FHEBench: Benchmarking Fully Homomorphic Encryption Schemes. ArXiv.org. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2203.00728

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  7. Mind Network. (2024, June 13). Introduction | MindDocs. Mindnetwork.xyz. https://docs.mindnetwork.xyz/minddocs

  8. Mouchet, C., Troncoso-Pastoriza, J., Bossuat, J.-P., & Hubaux, J.-P. (2020). Multiparty Homomorphic Encryption from Ring-Learning-With-Errors. Cryptology EPrint Archive (Eprint.iacr.org). https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/304

  9. Network, M. (2024, May 10). Mind Network: Revolutionizing Web3 Security and Privacy with Fully Homomorphic Encryption. Medium. https://mindnetwork.medium.com/mind-network-revolutionizing-web3-security-and-privacy-with-fully-homomorphic-encryption-69dbf850e0be

  10. Ravital. (2021, August 30). An Intro to Fully Homomorphic Encryption for Engineers. Sunscreen. https://blog.sunscreen.tech/an-intro-to-fully-homomorphic-encryption-for-engineers/

  11. Ravital. (2023, May 18). Building an FHE compiler for the real world. Sunscreen. https://blog.sunscreen.tech/from-toy-programs-to-real-life-building-an-fhe-compiler/

  12. Zyskind, G., Erez, Y., Langer, T., Grossman, I., & Bondarevsky, L. (n.d.). FHE-Rollups: Scaling confidential smart contracts on ethereum and beyond.

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