Arbitrum is the daddy of L2’s, boasting greater TVL and a broader array of actively used dapps than any other network. With $5.8 billion in assets swirling through Arbitrum’s optimistic rollup, and close to 1 million tx per day, it’s a veritable monster that can hold its own against any chain, be it L1 or L2.
All of this economic activity brings its own challenges, of course, not least from an observer’s perspective. How do you map it all? Or rather, how do you track the parts that are of interest and screen the rest? You’ll be startled to here that our answer here is Cielo, which was designed to cut through the noise and amplify the signal.
Cielo web app: your mission control for creating themed lists of active Arbitrum traders
Cielo Telegram bot: your alert system for catching interesting Arbitrum tx in real-time
But there’s also a whole lot more you can do on Arbitrum using Cielo. Check this…
If you’re already following a bunch of wallets in Cielo (you can track up to 250 for free), there’s a simple way to see what’s happening on Arbitrum. In your Cielo feed, just click the Tx Types & Chains menu at the top of the page and select Arbitrum. Voila: you now have an Arbitrum-only feed showing what traders you’re following are doing on the L2. This is great for getting an idea of what protocols and tokens are seeing action, forming a foundation for further exploration.
Decentralized perps exchange GMX is the most popular Arbitrum application to date. Even if you’re not actively dabbling in perpetual swaps with up to 50x leverage, monitoring the traders who do is a valuable exercise. Especially when Cielo makes it so easy to identify the best GMX traders. Cielo’s explore page is filled with public lists created by other users. This one features GMX traders with a monthly profit of over $50K and you can follow it in a single click.
There’s much more to Arbitrum than GMX of course. Cielo tracks and labels all of the most popular protocols including Radiant, Gains Network, Camelot, and Abracadabra. There’s a few ways to create a Cielo list containing Arbitrum power users. GMX’s trader leaderboard is a great place to start.
Another option is to view the Arbiscan block explorer for a particular token, say ARB. Under the transfers tab you can view the latest ARB tx. Pick one whose size and labeled destination interests you, click through to the tx and hey presto, you’ve just gotten the wallet address of an ARB whale. Alternatively, work your way down the holders tab, copy addresses at will and add them to yout Cielo.**
Speaking of tokens, Cielo lets you track up to five tokens for free in the web app and Telegram bot. Click the tokens tab on the configure page and enter the contract address for an Arbitrum token you’d like to follow such as SPELL. You can then set a minimum swap size (e.g. $10,000) and receive an alert anytime anyone makes an onchain swap involving that token.
You can also enable token tracking directly within the Cielo Wallet Tracker bot: click the blue menu icon followed by the top option that appears – Add new wallet or token – and follow the prompts.
Block explorers aren’t the easiest medium for decoding complex transactions. For instance, this is clearly a GMX trade of some sort, but can you tell what’s happening? Cielo can: it extrapolates the data and presents it in a human readable format.
If you’re an Arbitrum loyalist and Twitter regular, it’s very easy to create a themed list in Cielo in a couple of clicks. Using Twitter’s search function, you can find and follow accounts with “Arbitrum” in their bio and an ENS address. Then hit the Twitter Connect button at the top of the configure page to import all of these wallets in one go. Congratulations: you got yourself a bunch of high value wallets that are focused on Arbitrum.
There’s a lot going on throughout the Arbitrum ecosystem and we’ve barely scratched the surface. If you’ve got additional tips for making sense of Arbitrum using the Cielo web app and bot, hit us up in our community channel. As we continue to add new Cielo features and add labeling for emerging protocols on Arbitrum and the other dozen-odd EVM chains we monitor, onchain tracking is going to become even easier. This isn’t even our final form.