【Feelings】Buildspace Demo Day. I cried because I'm so touched of the lovely people I met. The world is so beautiful.

Thanks Buildspace Nights & Weekends Season 3.

In Buildspace, Farza actually said that it is okay even though there are times when we go down. And, although the alpha version, beta versions of the metaverse spaces I built was looking so funny and simple, so many Season 3 folks actually support me, praise me for the beautiful parts of it, and have deep talk about their projects that would love to collaborate with me. 6 weeks felt so short when we’re achieving our goals taking one step at a time…

Version 2.0 of Mental Health Metaverse Foggy Scene at toplove.tech (Snippet created using jazzify.in)
Version 2.0 of Mental Health Metaverse Foggy Scene at toplove.tech (Snippet created using jazzify.in)

This is what I’m building.

Due to Version 1, 1.2, 1.5 to 2.0, I get to also show the metaverse to the people I met in the past such as the other famous entrepreneurs, local investors met from DreamFactory, insane builders, Unity developers from Spatial and more. All of these connections actually love me. For a moment I thought, how could I have not included that they love me so much in the gratitude journal?

Demo Day 1 (20-5-23)
Demo Day 1 (20-5-23)
Demo Day 1 (20-5-23)
Demo Day 1 (20-5-23)

I have been so harsh on myself. And, I finally know how to love myself the way I love.

We have goals, high expectations and near-to-perfect plans. However, in reality, most of us don’t really achieve them all the time, and that’s the beauty of life.

The beauty of life is to embrace the ups and downs of life. I love to let myself sink into the emotions first, whether it’s happy or sad or anxious. Then, I ask myself why do I feel like so.

After that, I could used the ABC methods, or CBT framework to tell myself the triggers or inner wounds are being healed in which way, for example doing arts, walking in the nature or just plainly meditating.

Then, I would get into the the ‘Fighting Mode’ defined by Farza that we have no emotions attached to us when working professionally on our projects.


Because we’re humans, not AI.

It is all about balancing in our lives.

We don’t have the Perfection vs Errors. It’s more like the Tough Brain vs Rough Journey and the Big Heart vs Small Tasks.

I’ve joined so many competitions, like so many. Some of them are considered as hackathons, challenges, or even exhibitions. But what doesn’t change is the trait of competing lovely people against one another.

Something to tell you.

If you haven’t won, it does not mean that you’re not good enough.

You are always enough.

You are always good.

You are always shining, amazing and deserved to be seen.

I would love to give you a hug during your sleepless nights and midnights being put into building the project you truly love.

I would love to shed your tears if you’ve cried and feel helpless looking at some of the undesired situations that have come up in unexpected ways.

I would love to dance with you under the rain safely while we are waiting for the day that the rainbow appears above the cloud of our projects.

We have to admit this.

The people who love you, see you and trust you are the lives that you have touched and cherished right beside you. They’re the proof that all that you are doing is worth it and would be worth it.

The process of iterating is not a boring process of not being appreciated, but a growing phase that a seed is successfully growing roots that would be deeply rooted into the soil, so that the seed could grow upward in the rest of the following days.[ I’m highlighting it because I feel myself so resonated with it. ]

And, bloom into any kinds of flowers, fruits or unique shapes of weird things upward.

Dancing avatar by Shawn Young in Version 2.0 Mental Health Metaverse Foggy Scene by Top Love Tech (check it out on toplove.tech)
Dancing avatar by Shawn Young in Version 2.0 Mental Health Metaverse Foggy Scene by Top Love Tech (check it out on toplove.tech)

To the lovely 450 people who made it till the end out of the 4500 people,

Thank you so much for bringing good projects to the world.

You are so important and so valuable that nobody could ever replace you. Whatever, I have heard so much about ‘competitors’ in the same field, but no.

I am here to tell you that nobody could replace you. No. Never.

Another could coincidentally have a better business model in the field already. AI could take your creativity as an input. Big companies with big capital might throw even more resources than you could get into a similar thing.

But, hey, only we know why we started. It’s because of love.

I don’t care if I’m only working from a lobby without table and I have to push a table with wheels finding places to build every day. I don’t care when I have to record videos, pitches and presentations where people are just walking around at the background that I have to redo it thousands of times. I don’t care if people don’t care about what I build yet because I deeply know that, it is just a matter of time. When the time comes, I am well prepared with no regrets at all no matter how I do.

Only I know what I’ve been through and I still love doing this. Only I get to experience what I am experiencing. If anything is ahead of me, I’m going to dissolve the obstacles. Maybe with new creations, maybe with new skills, maybe with new models. I don’t care. I am getting over it. I am.

Buildspace ever since 11.11.22 launch (from Unicorn emoji to this)
Buildspace ever since 11.11.22 launch (from Unicorn emoji to this)

Here goes some of my personal details when joining Season 3. With FAQ.

Is it fun? Yes. We even have houses that we choose from, I’m Alterok and we have the most people to mingle with in the Discord server which is even more fun that imagined.

Is it tiring? Yes. But not in the way I dislike. It’s more like so tiring that I’m still not making much progress yet, then grounding, then being encouraged, then getting up.

Is it making you happy? Yes. I enjoy it.

Is it making you sad? Yes. I enjoy it as well.

Does it require high effort? Yes, but high effort on different tasks are recommended by Farza. We even noted on what requires high energy and low energy yet have just the same outcome.

Can it be a low-effort project? It’s a personal choice. I choose to put in my time and effort whenever I can, but still got sick a little on Week 5 & to my surprise, many people marked Week 5 as our toughest one. We set expectations and couldn’t seem to get there when it’s near demo day already. Plus, we’re really loving our projects so much that every step matters.

Do you recommend joining it? Yes, well, I recommend you having a tutorial group or a lecturer who’s guiding you on the technical things involved though. That helps me a lot, but I started out without it so I know how challenging it could be. Unless you’re on the God-like level of developing or creating something in your field, then you only need feedback from the public when launching.

Is it hard? Depends. To me, the toughest part is getting recurring revenue, because I’m too used to only collecting revenue based on customised packages which consumes much time and effort while earning lesser than the others. I come to the realisation when the community have all kinds of creators that gain revenue and users from different ways. It’s a fun way learning from each other and exploring ways that suit us while not getting us burn out.

Must you record videos? That’s called ‘launching’ in the community. A video actually explains and shows something in a way that’s way more effective, I would say. While there are times when I show my vKOL instead of the real face, I’ve tested and learned the hard way that the best way is still to show your face, like, real face and invest a little in the equipment of recording a good video. I bought a small microphone to be attached to the phone so late, like Week 5 and Week 6, to have a better audio, but at least I’ve made it. Wish I thought of it earlier. Also, for the video, we have the horizontal ones that are the main launching videos. Then, we have the optional videos that are vertical to be posted on the short video social medias. It’s fun discovering how I express myself when creating, so I would say that it’s highly recommended from me.

Errors. Bugs. Temporary failures that make us grow. That's me from Week 1- Week 6.
Errors. Bugs. Temporary failures that make us grow. That's me from Week 1- Week 6.
When I was doing my best in marketing on Week 4
When I was doing my best in marketing on Week 4
When I was doing my worst in almost everything in Week 5.
When I was doing my worst in almost everything in Week 5.

Here, I just want to say that, yes. I also thought that gaining experiences from the previous weeks already may make everything that comes better. But, meyh, who knows? There are the uncontrollable factors, the major life changes, the things that come out not as expected.

Also, the ways that work once do not necessarily work twice.

This journey is weird, insane and fun on it’s own because it’s always changing anyway.

I am winning graph (template provided by Farza from Buildspace)
I am winning graph (template provided by Farza from Buildspace)

Rankings? They are temporary. Our love for the world lasts forever.

From 151 to 32 to 49. Ups and downs. Ranking during the last week.
From 151 to 32 to 49. Ups and downs. Ranking during the last week.

Now, what else?

I am here, being myself.

I am grateful for the people who love me for who I truly am.

I love each one of you as well.

Curious of what are the 450 projects that made it to the demo day?

450 projects that have made it to demo day
450 projects that have made it to demo day

Yes, they’re all talented, hardworking and changing the world.

The people who could appear up here have all been through the 6 weeks of submissions (I suppose) and have unique stories of their own. I’m personally touched by many creators who take the time to balance the way they ship their products while marketing on Twitter (mostly) while learning new ways to make their projects approaching the way they love day by day. Yes, we’re been through the timezone difference when Farza is streaming to share us how he succeeded in shipping, but I am more inspired in all the stories of how we laugh on what made us fail hard yet only making us stronger.

How about mine?

Thanks for taking time to know the mental health metaverse, me and the community that I’m involved in. Sending you love no matter which stage you are at right now.

ya that's me on Week 6
ya that's me on Week 6

If you’re also not in Final 32, yet, this season.

You are already Top 1 to make it this far. Each progress of growing counts

buildspace.so/home that updates itself with countdown timers, updates and more...
buildspace.so/home that updates itself with countdown timers, updates and more...
Messin' 'round with Unity during the nights, midnights and weekends...
Messin' 'round with Unity during the nights, midnights and weekends...
When we were picking the only idea on Week 1
When we were picking the only idea on Week 1
When we were setting our goals on Week 2
When we were setting our goals on Week 2

Yes, I got 100 people for real who have come and tested it out. More than that number the next day already. For revenue, if it’s counted in USD, I got 200+, but in my local currency, MYR 1k+ already, so I’ll say that:

I have achieved my lovely goals being set 6 weeks ago.

I love everyone who have loved and helped me with good intention on this journey.

Last update of Season 3 from Buildspace to me & each of the lovely creator.
Last update of Season 3 from Buildspace to me & each of the lovely creator.

Thanks with lots of love.

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