【Reflection】Chromotherapy Room in Metaverse: Immersive Mental Health Healing
Chromotherapy demonstration using Artificial Intelligence and XR technology.
Chromotherapy demonstration using Artificial Intelligence and XR technology.

Can 4 tech geeks from different time zones build something insane in 3 days?

The answers will be revealed after reading it.

**[Hackathon giving thanks and story time]

**After receiving the certificate of the Stable Diffusion Hackathon from Lablab.ai in partnership with New Native, Nextgrid, Stability.ai and DigitalOcean, I’ve wanted to thank my team-mates and make a reflection with updates publicly. So, here it is!

In this project, we had two prototypes being done. One was the demonstration app on Streamlit that generates colours and scenery automatically with the Stable Diffusion A.I. plug-in by Stability.ai so that it could heal the user according to a specific situation when the user picks the input as a mental health state, mood, problems etc. by Rushiraj.

Then, there’s the metaverse that I linked the database with the tested prompts to generate the pictures by the same artificial intelligence tool . Then, the pictures were adjusted to a 3D room with the other .glb and .gltf files I’ve designed. Hopefully, in the near future, we will be able to generate some panoramic scenes suitable for chromotherapy using artificial intelligence. The chromotherapy room was built in SpatialXR to provide an immersive chromotherapy healing experience in the metaverse.

Afterwards, Daniele asked us some important questions, discussed with the team and made the business plans as well as the presentation slides. Besides, he also shared the experiences in his previous hackathons with us.

Also, Amar told us about the start-up stories, the errors and what’s yet to come for the challenges ahead. Yes! We’ve made some mistakes and fixed some problems together. As we overcame those challenges with love, we became stronger. Thank you, dear Accelerate Mental Health team creating ChroLove, with lots of love.

A big thanks to our mentors, Ervin, Arjun and the workshop speakers who were helpful. Also, thanks to our community manager, Nasti for checking in consistently and leading virtual yoga sessions in multiple hackathons as well as our social media manager, Olesia for interviewing us and making the event seen by more people.

**[Post-Hackathon updates~!]

**After the hackathon, we still keep in touch and discuss further ways to help the community. What touches me the most is our sincerity and love for the people. Yes! We know that it’s like an alpha version of everything, so we continue seeking ways to improvise it, looking for any chances to make it helpful to the others, for real. I remember how touched I was when Rush told me that he’d be

That’s precious, that’s loving, that’s incredible.

While I join any hackathons, I still ping you all. All the best for what’s to come.

**[Artificial Intelligence could be a blessing or a curse. Make it a blessing together.]

**A free open-source AI text-to-image generation tool, Stable Diffusion. I’ve paid much attention to the workshops held and the presentations made by the other teams. I see teams generating ads with an instant-merge of their own products, creating 3D CAD models out of the tool, using it in the forensic field to generate portraits of the criminals faster, helping creators generate high-quality images out of their professional prompts and more. When I saw it, I knew that the time of A.I. is reaching its peak anytime soon.

The hype of the A.I. might not be as loud as that of the Web 3, which is another significant rising technology field, but the A.I. is accelerating the pace of many industries these years. From my personal observation and humble point of view, it could take over the jobs in the creative earlier than we think. I still remember that I debated the topic of whether A.I. creates better or harm in the workplace, citing Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies by Nick Bostrom. A.I. could definitely be more intelligent than all of the humans when it reaches a stage, so planning out strategies would be better than being ignorant. However, there is always #unpredictability. For me, the #unpredictability is the reason I love and fear A.I. at the same time. But what we could do is face the fears and master the skills, so that we could use it for good.

In all my endeavors, I have kept the following as my motto while accelerating technology advancement.

‘Minimising all the risks while maximising the opportunity technology creates.’

I will continue my journey with it. With love, light and respect.

[Early access to what we build.]

At this stage, we only plan of sending our demo-app and demo-metaverse to the Top Love, a Mental Health Tech Community, Conspicuis, a Web 3 Mental Health Sessions & Event Company, Web 3 mental health communities, mental health clubs, suicidal prevention organisations and close connections for testing. If you are my previous mental health project supporter, we have sent the early access link to our group.

Send me a message on social media, e.g. Linked In if you’d like to look at our prototypes, demonstration on the apps & software for early access before Year 2022 ends. I will send you a link for confirmation.

Lots of love.

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