WTF is the #PepeWorldOrder

If you’re reading this, I have good news for you.

Your diagnosis arrived.

You’re 100% autistic. In possession of the most powerful mental weaponry known to man. Immune to WEF propaganda, automatically on your government’s watchlist, and completely unhinged.

I guess a congratulations is in order. But what does life on the spectrum actually look like?

Well for starters, you gain access to the most [redacted] project in Web3…

Spectrum Pepes. The memetic atomic bomb and inevitable winner of the NFT culture war.

In a world of platitude dog derivatives and woke monkey PFP posters, Spectrum Pepes is the REAL vaccine (no clotting) to the NPC mind-virus, caused by normie crypto adoption.

It’s simple really…The Pepe World Order doesn’t care about cycles.

The Pepe World Order doesn’t care about trends.

And members of The Pepe World Order do NOT take their meds.

Because we’re proud holders of the world’s most visually autistic project. Merging three decades of cybernetic warfare with the internet’s biggest meme.

Spectrum Pepes boasts an art style that quite frankly dunks (with extreme prejudice) on all other iterations of Pepe.

Handcrafted by 1Lucky1 (ultra autistic anon), the traits are loaded with a healthy dash of the ‘tism, making it immediately recognizable in an open sea of blandness.

I mean, where else will you find an NFT imbued with the essence of a biblically accurate angel?


Or one dressing like your favorite fed, with cat ears, while hovering over the flat earth?


Or one wearing the holy garments of Crusaders in the Backrooms?


Exactly. Comfy beyond measure. The only Pepe project that makes sense.

The Spectrum Pepes Timeline

Our story starts with an improbable chain of events. Beginning with a kratom-fueled social experiment from CT’s favorite far-right Latina enjoyer, [redacted]. And following with a community of rugged autists taking over an unexpected NFT project, shitpoasting to new heights.

Let’s get you up to speed…

May 9th

  • [Redacted] begins raising funds for $AUTISM experiment

  • Dopamine starved Crypto Twitter degens, bored out of their minds casually send 370 ETH to what could have been just another rugpull

  • A flurry of NFTs are given away to hype up the coming project (Remilio, Pixelady, Schizoposters)

May 11th

  • Surprisingly, it’s not a rug pull, $AUTISM is live and people aping left and right

  • All those who took part in the fundraising, get an airdrop of $AUTISM

May 13th

  • $AUTISM contract is renounced, it’s all in the hands of the degens

May 14th

  • Rumors of an NFT begin circulating in the CT hallways

  • Soon enough there is a first mention of an NFT on $AUTISM Twitter

May 16th

  • Spectrum Pepes is announced, $AUTISM holders will get initial minting rights

May 24th

  • Spectrum Pepes official Twitter kicks off

  • The mint starts, anons are ecstatic, their trust has been repaid, free stuff in a bear market? Whoah

May 25th

  • $AUTISM owners get 10 free mints instead of the initially proposed 1, hype is steadily growing

May 26th

  • Spectrum Pepes get revealed. Up to this point, anons still don’t know what the actual NFTs look like

  • Surpasses all expectations. Easily the most detailed Pepe (and meme) project on the blockchain

May 29th

  • Pepes fully minted max supply reduced from 6900 to 5500

  • $AUTISM hype starts dying down, and anons who exited in time begin ordering Filipino brides by the pallet

End of May/Start of June

  • Worrying signs that the Spectrum Pepe project is dead on arrival

  • “Not on my watch” someone shouts from the other room

  • Undisclosed anon and amphibian enthusiast gets involved in the project, initially a minter and buyer, he seeks a more hands-on role

  • Project saved and new ATH floor reached

  • Efforts begin to coordinate the creation of a community on Discord


  • Original ideators of the project step aside, ownership is renounced and it’s all in the hands of the newborn community

  • An unofficial plutocratic leadership takes shape, they see the writing on the wall and the huge memetic potential of the project and adopt it as their own

  • Marketing efforts start ramping up

  • Project running on minimal funds and delusional optimism


  • Community decides to take the project to the next level in preparation for the coming bull run (frog season)

  • Help comes in the form of guerrilla mercenaries from the murky East

  • Things start getting autistic fr

2024 onwards

  • Spectrum Pepes shake the NFT market (1eth floor), chaos ensues, monkey PFPs on suicide watch (selling at a loss to get onboard with SP)

  • Normies in disbelief, frog holders euphoric, autistic community now steering the ship

The Pepe World Order Established

“There will come a time in the not-so-distant future when NPCS kick their own asses for not sweeping SP under 0.2 ETH as the holder count approaches 5k+ out of nowhere and everyone wants a piece of SP, the premier autistic propaganda meme to provide safety during WW3 and the last golden bull run.”

Internet culture as an art form

Now let’s take a deep dive into the traits that make the 5500 Pepes memorable, adorable, and just the right amount of deplorable.

Keep an eye out for the rarest ones!

Backgrounds (181)

The most diverse trait collection by far, you will see Pepes chilling on every plane of existence there is.

Contemplating life from a Van Gogh painting, reminiscing about his frens while in snowy Japan, or taking important calls from the Based Department in his office.


Skins (49)

Pepe comes in all colors and textures. The quintessential trait that makes pepe your own.

They start with the regular green skin, but then we have unique skin types that progressively increase in rarity: like Tobacco Leaf, Solid Gold, Diamond and Wagyu. (don’t ask)


Mouth (48)

From Pepe’s mouth, the truth of Kek comes forth, sometimes in a whisper, other times it’s a thunderous roar. Your Pepe will be grinning, or smirking smugly while puffing on a cig. His mouth will express his feelings, happy, sad, angry, it’s all there!


Eyes (50)

Pepe’s eyes stare into your soul, even if he’s wearing heart shaped sunglasses. You will find him beaming lasers or with blood shot eyes. Blame it on the devil’s lettuce, but don’t lecture him, he’s been through a lot.


Drip (62)

Pepe is always dressed to impress, regardless of the occasion. Whether he’s a detective investigating a crime in a noir movie or clad in the dark knight armor, ready to vanquish hordes of penguins.

Catch him wearing one of the stylish designer attires with effortless swagger.


Head (72)

Whether it’s a top hat, Donald’s wig, or a Sharia compliant polyester niqab, you know that Pepe will rock it and turn heads around.


Weapons (55)

The blockchain is the Wild West, it’s dangerous out there, and pure autism doesn’t cut it sometimes.

Pepe stays strapped. What’s your weapon of choice anon?

Whatever you need, we got it.

Will you stab and slice with one of our mighty swords?

Will you turn your enemies into Swiss cheese with the trusty AK-47?

Or maybe you prefer to Bible thump the unholy into oblivion.


Spectrum Senses (25)

Never seen before traits that encompass Pepe’s latent powers. They appear as small icons in the top left of your NFT, granting Pepe the ability to direct 5G radiation, summon the Great Old Ones, or just to be silly at all times.


Angel Numbers (14)

Numerology is intertwined within Pepe’s metaphysical nature. Blessed repeating angel numbers will adorn your NFT and guide you to good fortune, and if you are lucky enough to find the highly sought after 69…

You know what that means, we don’t have to explain.


There’s no other NFT project that goes as far into internet culture to wage memetic warfare against the normiefication of Web3.

Q & A

“Is there an official Discord?”

OFC there is:

“Is there a manager I can call?”

No leaders, this is a functional anarchy, SP is 100% community owned.

“Is there a roadmap?”

We put our trust in the Spectrum. All roads lead to Pepe.

“Will price go up?”

The Golden Bullrun has been invoked, the halving is around the corner, Pepe is the chosen memecoin for this run. (you do the math)

“Why are your Pepes better than other Pepes?”

What other Pepes? The attention to detail in our project remains unmatched, and our art is the best art. The NFT made by autists for autists.

“Do I have to be on the spectrum to be a SP owner?”

No. But you will be. You become what you hold.

“Are you guys funded by the WEF?”

We are the final stage of the WEF. Klaus Schwab is on our payroll. We’ve been in charge the whole time

Can you feel the energy shifting, anon?

After two bearish years, it’s all coming together. Everything is gearing up for Pepe’s triumphant return.

Your task?

To be on the right side of history…

Where to find us

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