Work to Earn is Our Future: Find Crypto Jobs Now!

In the eighth month of the two thousand twenty-second year after the mislabeled year of Jesus Christ’s birth, one thing is much clearer than most of this sentence: bear market times are upon us.

While some still find hope in purchasing multi thousand dollar jpegs in order to gain the privilege to “step to earn,” almost all of the fashionable “to earn” strategies have left their adherents meager bagholders,

Some survive on crumbs of copium.

Most have sacrificed their Web 3 lives on the altar of “it’s all a scam, man.”

Few have discovered an ancient secret, long since buried in waves of UpOnLy and WAGMI:

If one wishes to receive value, one must first provide value.

Or, as your favorite PFP anon might put it, “work to earn is the cleanest trade retail can hope to make.”

And so I humbly set out on such a pursuit, rekt as many of my fellow travelers have been, yet not so rekt as to be without a modicum of resourcefulness.

I came, I applied, and I collected figuring I wouldn’t be the only one interested in following this path.

With just that amount of adieu, here’s the list of pretty much every crypto job site I could find.


Crypto Job Boards

These are the main sites to find a bunch of crypto jobs posted on one board, kind of like Indeed for crypto.

Indeed “crypto” is also on the list.


These are sites for companies actively recruiting in the space.

They’re likely looking for higher end talent since they typically get paid based on the position’s salary.

But it’s worth almost anyone’s time to submit your details as a real human might reach out to you with an opportunity you’re a good match for.

Talent Collectives

Apparently Pallet started an affiliate marketing program because a bunch of people have “Talent Collectives.”

Basically be put on a list of people looking for crypto jobs and companies might find you and reach out.

I wouldn’t expect magic here but it’s free advertising for job seekers.

Talent DAOs

You won’t necessarily find a straightforward “job” here, but a few DAOs have formed around providing services that actually get people paid (for doing things not just from token pumps).

Crypto Companies/Protocols

A few protocols and companies might be NGMI but at least within the last few months someone with the ability to publish job listings thought they had enough money to pay more people to do work.

Added bonus: some of these might actually exist 3 years from now too!

Venture Firms

Retail tradeoors love to hate them.

For those in relentless pursuit of the work to earn dream, some of them are looking to pay people to work for their firm, some have crypto job boards that include companies they’ve invested in.

Almost all of them have as much money as they pretend to have.

Some Other Helpful Resources

Last and least, a few links that might be helpful but the thing about getting a job is that if you just read a lot about how to get a job no one will give you a job.

A small list to short your procrastination:

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