- the source of everything
This handbook is created for fellow empaths – energy feelers and energy creators.
Everything is made of energy. This energy is the underlying field, which holds everything. Both the physical, material and the metaphysical, spiritual. This energy in its purest form is love, it is peace, and it is a united wisdom.
Empathy is then the ability to see into or feel into this energy field. Be it the energy field in oneself, the other, or the environment.
This energy has different qualities and forms, but everything is made of, is held by, and goes back to it. Like this, the material world is made of the same essence or fabric like the immaterial world. The human body, for example, is made of the same “etheric material” as the human thought. It is still the same energy which creates thinking, feeling and the body. The only difference is in the density of it.
We know that the mind and the body is created by, and sits in, the same field, because from our experience we know the mind can influence the body and the body can influence the mind. And so, all materials, planets, thoughts, feelings, the whole Universe, in fact, is a huge field of inter-connected web of energy being. In this lies the highest wisdom. Everything is united by the peaceful energy of love.
When the pure energy flows freely within the environment, it is the most essential expression of the creative force – the life itself. This creative, life-giving, positive energy is always present. It assures the well-being of everything. It is the author of all processes and designs that are perfect and always balanced. We call it the nature.
The nature can be divided, although only theoretically via our intellect, to the inner and the outer nature. The outer nature is what we see around us. The inner nature is what we see within us. In fact, this inner and outer nature is one and affects one another all the time. If we tried to find the line between these two, would we find it somewhere?
The inner nature is the realm of the spirit, of our character, thinking, emotions, intuition, intent, and so on. When we study the inner nature, we call it spirituality. Spiritual teachers from all over the world and from all times refer to this ultimate energy field and give it different names. Emptiness, Consciousness, the True Self, Love, Grace, Brahma – these all are names of this energy web we live in. This inner nature, of course, is governed by the same universal rules as the outer one.
The outer nature is our outer environment. What we can feel through our senses. When we study this outer nature, its rules, and laws, we call it science. Scientists like Einstein, Bohr, Plank, Nernst, Schrodinger, Bohm – each of them too made discoveries to prove the existence of this all-pervasive energy field. Today, many scientists refer to this field as the Quantum Field or Zero-Point Energy Field.
Like this, science and spirituality come to the same conclusions because they study the same nature of things. The inner nature, by design, affects the outer nature and vice-versa. It is the same nature only in a different expression, in a different form. Therefore, if we care for the outer nature, let’s say for our garden or even the planetary ecosystems, we care for our inner nature at the same time. When we care for our inner nature, for our “inner garden” and the Universe there, we care also for its outer expression, the environment which is apparently around us. Like this, ecology – the science of care of outer ecosystems and psychology – the science of care of the psyche, the soul and inner ecosystems are dealing with the same. They are both a spiritual science of the nature.
Human beings are material beings with their bodies and can affect the outer nature directly through their actions, and immaterial or spiritual beings and can affect the inner nature directly through their thinking. Good actions and thinking create a positive, life-giving, and creative energy charge. The steps that are supporting each other are (i) the right (positive) intention which leads to (ii) the right thinking, which leads to (iii) the right action, which leads to (iv) the right energy and feeling, which leads again to (i) the right intention and then the cycle continues.
If these steps are followed positively charged, they create a self-sustaining loop which always supports positive outcome of every next step. However, each of these steps may change, when interrupted by a negative charge. If the negative charge takes over (by way of misguided intention, thinking, action, or energy), it also has the tendency to loop and create a destructive pattern. The longer it goes, the stronger it gets. To get out of the negative loop, one must engage in a positive intention, thinking, action or energy.
Again, because all this is happening in the energy field which connects everything, so are these steps connected by the flows or energy motions - emotions. If these flows are unhindered by negativity, they flow freely both in the inner and the outer nature. We, as energy beings, strive for this energy free flow, which brings the ultimate freedom. False intent, thinking and action, on the other hand, create a negative energy charge, and, consequently, negative emotions. In the mind this is felt as negative thinking and, in the body, as different contractions. Ultimately, negativity can to an extent disconnect and isolate us from the underlying energy field.
It is our goal, as of human beings, to understand what are the right causes which create the positive energy charge in ourselves and, consequently, around us.
The right understanding of how things truly are, is, therefore, crucial, to be able to distinguish what creates a positive charge or invites a positive being and connection, and what creates a negative charge or invites a negative being and disconnection.
The positive charge is essentially made of three basic ingredients. It is (i) kindness or compassion, (ii) calm or dispassion and (iii) connection with everything there is or unity.
The negative charge is, in essence, a misunderstanding of the true nature of things. It slows down or even stops the energy free flow and uses it not for creation, but for destruction.
The energy of kindness contracted by the negative energy charge shows as fear. The energy of calm or peace contracted by the negative charge shows as anger. And the energy of knowing and trust in the inter-connected web and wisdom contracted by the negative charge shows as a feeling of separation, isolation, lack, loneliness, depression, and apathy.
It needs to be highlighted here that each one of us is fully responsible for our own well-being and inner setting. We always have a choice if we go via the route of positivity or else. We cannot be naïve and exist in the world without protecting ourselves from negative influences, bad actors, and difficult environments.
For us to function properly in the world and to protect our energies, we must understand what is good for our system. Our bodies should be relaxed, our minds calm and our hearts at ease. This is how our system works in the best way possible. To keep this tranquility of our system, one must be careful about the environment one is in. This applies both for the outer world and the inner environment. We are responsible for both. One has to have the ability to say “no” to any bad influence and “yes” to all beneficial opportunities life offers to us. Like this we keep our energy balanced.
We understand that our minds, hearts, and bodies are inter-connected. The mind functions as a supercomputer. It is a mind of intellect, logic, analysis, and a mind of intuition. The mind provides for the rational intelligence and the intuitive or spiritual intelligence. The mind, as a supercomputer, can both connect into, and create the outer environment. It can, eventually, like a node, connect to the whole Universe. Of course, it can, because the Universe is an inter-connected matrix of the underlying energy field.
The mind also holds a certain program that we call a character or a persona. This character is programmed by the energies of the sun, the moon, and other planets when we are born. This program may hold us bound to certain reactions, habits, and repetitive thoughts, which pull us away from our authentic way of being. We then do not act in the world according to the Universal laws but only through a limited lens of our programming. Society, family and friends may also add to this program, or rather, we may allow the information and influences coming from the outside to create further misconceptions about the reality of things. The more the mind is freed from its false programming, the more extensively it can tap into the surrounding energy matrix.
How can the mind be freed from its mask, the fake persona? It is freed by the positive energy of love, peace (power), and truth. This energy eventually dissolves the artificial programming and brings about clarity, kindness, calm, confidence and a sense of connection, happiness, and fulfillment. It then moves away from the calculative logic towards relatedness and balance, to the center point of our heart.
The heart provides for the connection to the source. It is a gateway between the subtle energies of creation and our material reality. It is also a place of our third intelligence, the emotional intelligence. Eventually, when the mind matures enough, it completely surrenders to the heart. Our thoughts are then pure and the mind becomes a tool for loving creation.
The body then is like an antenna and a battery. It can both tune into the energy field and hold the energies in. It resonates with certain vibration depending on the quality of energy it holds. The body also provides for the fourth type of our intelligence, the somatic intelligence, which shows as certain bodily reactions, like gut feeling.
What are the ways we can tune into the energy field which is all around us? First, by being authentic. Authenticity is a way of living, which fully expresses our innermost nature - resembles that what we truly are. This is different for every one of us. Therefore, each one of us should fully trust ourselves. Our own truth, which stems from the inner wisdom and individual experience. Because once we start accepting opinions and truths of someone else, we effectively give up our own true expression and insight into the reality.
Like this, when we say “yes” to things we do not resonate with and we do not say “no” to things we do not like, we give away our own power and energy into a cause which is not our own. As a result, our system will weaken, along with our self-respect, self-confidence and our natural energetical and psychological boundaries. So, if we keep denying ourselves, this eventually becomes a destructive pattern, sacrificial and martyr-like way of living.
To understand this is especially important for empaths who have a tendency of over-investing into problems of other people and forgetting to take care of themselves, as a priority. Their energy and overall balance are then compromised at someone else’s advantage. This sort of behavior is a misunderstanding of the unity of all there is. While it is true that helping others is a beneficial activity, it cannot come at own expense. The activity of helping must be beneficial for everyone involved, including for those who are helping. If we are constantly energy drained, tired, and unfulfilled, we cannot even effectively help others. Only our own happiness may eventually be translated into happiness of others. That is the correct way of being. Self-care comes first, followed by people-care and ultimately planet care.
And so, an empath, who strives for balance in the ever-present energy field, takes care of itself by way of following its own heart. There is nothing else to be done, then to follow our inner intuitive nature, which is giving us all the necessary knowledge, even without too much thinking or gathering of information from the outside sources. The effect of the right self-care is happiness, self-love, trust, and empathy towards everything there is. It is the right balance between giving energy and receiving, the correct understanding of when to share and open ourselves to others and when to set firms boundaries. To be truly autonomous, yet united with everything there is at the same time.
Our existence on this planet is a school of learning how to thrive in the Universe, to learn its rules and principles, to eventually live in the state of a total freedom and openness. We are also constantly learning the ability to use the energy field we are in for life co-creation. This energy field we live in is the quietness which is the source of all sounds. It is the emptiness which is the source of all shapes. It is the consciousness which is the source of all thoughts. Empathy is the essence of this field. Empathy is that energy. Empathy is that gentle kindness towards everything there is. You are that empathy. Empathy and empaths are always one.
Everything is made of energy.
This energy is live and conscious.
Thus, everything is alive and conscious.
Everything is part of living, interconnected web of energy, which we humans are part of.
By opening to this interconnected web of energy we gain deep, heart-felt empathy with, and reverence for, all things.
This helps us live in harmony and the right relationship with each other as people and the environment and engage in right action.
Human beings have the (seemingly unique) ability to unplug themselves from this web.
This unplugs us from this sense of empathy and right relationship, and we no longer act with right action.
This makes us ill individually, as organizations, and as societies (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually), and leads us to harming others and the environment. In unplugging and separating off we lose something profound.
Healthy human beings (and so, healthy human organizations and societies) feel part of nature, not separate from it, not above it, not better than it.
Annex 1 – When I started loving myself
When I started loving myself, I understood that at any circumstance I’m always in the right place at the right time. And I understood that all that happens is right. From then on, I could be calm. Today I know: It’s called SELF-CONFIDENCE.
When I started to love myself, I understood how much it can offend somebody if I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time is not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me. Today I know: It’s called RESPECT.
When I started loving myself, I could recognize that emotional pain and grief are just warnings for me to not live against my own truth. Today I know: It’s called AUTHENTICITY.
When I started loving myself, I stopped longing for another life and could see that everything around me was a request to grow. Today I know: It’s called MATURITY.
When I started loving myself, I stopped depriving myself of my free time and stopped sketching further magnificent projects for the future. Today I only do what is fun and joy for me, what I love and what makes my heart laugh, in my own way and in my tempo. Today I know: It’s called SELF-CARE.
When I started loving myself, I escaped from all what wasn’t healthy for me, from meals, people, things, situations and from everything pulling me down and away from myself. In the beginning I called it the “healthy egoism”, but today I know: It’s called SELF-LOVE.
When I started loving myself, I stopped wanting to be always right thus I’ve been less wrong. Today I’ve recognized: It’s called HUMBLENESS.
When I started loving myself, I refused to live further in the past and worry about my future. Now I live only at this moment where EVERYTHING takes place, like this I live every day and I call it FULFILLMENT.
When I started loving myself, I recognized, that my thinking can make me miserable and sick. When I requested for my heart forces, my mind got an important partner. Today I call this connection HEART WISDOM.
We do not need to fear arguments, confrontations, conflicts or any other problems with ourselves or others. Even stars sometimes collide, and out of their crashing new worlds are born. Today I know: THIS IS LIFE!
Annex 2 – Mantra of an empath
I am not here to fix anyone.
I am ready to honour my sensitive nature.
Taking care of my energy is my priority.
Saying “no” is a healthy way to set boundaries.
Self-care is my path to attract amazing people.
I am a super feeler; I have a big heart.
I do not owe anyone explanation why I feel this way.
My sensitivity is my strength and a source of intuition.