Productivity Tips for the Wandering Builder

Maximizing Productivity in the DAO Remote Work Environment

New-age technologies and industries have afforded many people the ability to work from home (WFH). Given the nature of Web3 communities and DAOs forgoing physical office space, remote work has become the standard for building and contributing to digital communities, especially when contributing to several.

Without firsthand experience, many people may not realize the unique challenges remote work presents. Following years of experience with DAOs and other WFH careers, I identified ways to help you, the “wandering builder,” maximize your productivity while working remotely. Here’s a list of best practices and routines that can improve your performance as an efficient and reliable Web3 contributor.

Workstation Setup

First, let’s consider how your home or remote office is arranged. The quality of your tech and the layout of your work desk can greatly affect your productivity. Modern equipment is essential—here are some specific elements that can take you to the next level.

PC and Internet

A powerful PC or laptop with fast, reliable internet is a must. Slow, outdated computers risk crashing under heavy application use, which can corrupt important data. On a busy day in a DAO, you may have 30+ internet browser tabs—including Discord, Telegram, Google Meet, Notion, and other programs—open all at once. Without a capable setup, the load will strain your system and hinder your ability to navigate and complete tasks efficiently.

The key specs to look for when buying or building a work PC are the RAM, the processor, and the GPU. A mid-range PC tower with at least 16 GB of RAM should do well for most professional tasks, aside from video and graphics rendering. I personally use a mid-range gaming PC because it can handle heavy task loads. Also, I can edit and render videos quickly for DAO content creation, giving me the versatility I need to perform better as a contributor.

Having a stable internet connection with 500MB/s to 1 GB/s speed vastly improves the quality of virtual meetings and streaming for live community events, such as AMAs or demos. Don't short yourself on good internet—lower-tier internet packages are slower in comparison and can throttle down if you go over the data limit. If your wifi is spotty or slow, hard-lining your PC with an ethernet cable to the internet router can improve speed and prevent issues with meetings or streaming connectivity.

PC Setup Examples:

Dual Monitors

Connecting two monitors to your PC is one of the best things you can do for increased productivity. Ample screen space allows you to work on tasks while monitoring side activities like Discord and Telegram chats. This is ideal for community managers or for builders who monitor multiple internal project communication channels. Multitasking becomes smoother and more intuitive. Place your monitors side-by-side instead of stacking them, keeping them positioned at eye level. Stacking monitors can cause neck strain and ergonomic injuries over time.

Ergonomic Chair and Sit/Stand Desk

The next WFH optimizations to consider are your desk and chair. Web3 builders spend endless hours parked in front of the computer. A high-quality chair with an optional chiropractic cushion is beneficial for extended hours of Web3 community engagement. Key chair features include adjustable armrests and lower back support. While seated, make sure to maintain good posture and keep your arms level with the keyboard. Consider buying a chair and desk used instead of new from retailers such as Seatingmind. If possible, invest in an adjustable sit/stand desk. The combination of an ergonomic chair and a sit/stand desk can effectively alleviate the long-term impact of prolonged sitting—it’s as crucial as a good mattress.

Ergonomic Chair Examples:

Chair Cushion Examples:

Sit/Stand Desk Examples:


Now, let’s examine your daily routine and consider ways to boost your productive vibe.

Early Bird Gets The Worm

“I work from home. Yay, I can sleep in!” While this may be true, waking up early to start your daily routine can build momentum, boost productivity, and set you up for success. Treat your Web3 routine like any other career. Every day, you likely wake up to emails, newly assigned tasks, and tons of messages across Discord, Telegram, Signal, and Twitter. The earlier you can sort and address all your unread communications, the earlier you can start tackling the day’s to-do list. Everyone is different, of course—optimize a routine that works for you and gets you primed, energized, and organized. Kick-start your day with these early-morning victories:

Take Breaks and Time Off

Everyone needs time off and should rightly take it. However, after years of working in multiple Web3 communities across several time zones, I understand that the 24/7 nature of crypto demands your attention nonstop. Incorporating breaks or taking time off while remaining attentive to work activity is a skill essential to crypto, especially for community managers or builders with tight timelines. Weekends usually offer a lighter, quieter work atmosphere, allowing you to focus on maintenance, cleanup, and accounting tasks that might get delayed during the busy work week. Though you shouldn’t overdo it, occasionally knocking out a few tasks while the office is “closed” is a great way to stay on top of your game.

With this in mind, be sure to take occasional breaks and clear your head. Stepping away from your desk to take a brisk walk with your dog, do yoga, meditate, or even play a quick game can help prevent burnout through the busy work schedule. Keeping your wellness in mind is important for maximizing your daily productivity—and your sanity!

Limit Social Media Activity

Social media sites, from Twitter and Facebook to Instagram and TikTok, are constantly vying for your attention. Avoiding them entirely is difficult, especially since they provide crypto community and industry news updates. If you develop a social media habit, ensure it’s on the side of content creation versus content consumption. Even if your work relies heavily on social networking, try to limit your activities to those related to your contributor duties—and avoid getting lost in the noise.

Use Digital Calendars, Organization Apps, and DAO Tooling

Web3 project management can quickly become overwhelming. Most teams have their own calendars or event logs, but it is still valuable to keep all your own meetings and important events on a personal calendar. While DAOs use apps like Notion to manage team projects, Calendly is a great tool for individual contributor schedule management; couple it with Google Calendar to set notifications. When the need arises, familiarize yourself with common DAO tools and applications to understand their impact on your day-to-day agenda.

These recommendations have emerged from the experiences of the wandering builder working remotely in Web3. Increased efficiency for individual contributors means increased progress for entire communities. With DAOs and Web3 communities leaning into meritocratic ideals, the more we optimize our day-to-day routines and tools, the better.

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