DFAres v0.1 round 2 Wrapup

A recap of DFAres v0.1 Round 2: Pinkship.


submit round 2 player survey: https://forms.gle/hdcuzKAbMFTS8x5J8

open Ares Loot Plugin in dfares.xyz to mint Ares Loot NFT & submit main account

bonus will be distributed to main accounts

1. Overview

DF ARES v0.1 Round 2 was held from Jan.24, 2024, 8:00:00 AM (UTC+0) - Jan.28, 2024, 12:00:00PM (UTC+0). This round last for 100 hours.

In last blog we share the interesting thing in DFAres round 2 in the first 50 hours.

There are 19 pink circles in last 50 hours. 💣

The center of the universe becomes everyone's first choice for dropping bombs 👾

screenshot by @cherryblue
screenshot by @cherryblue

The game gets very intense at the end.

screenshot by @ChanglongY
screenshot by @ChanglongY

2. Player Survey

Players are welcome to provide feedback on round 2.

We will improve the game mechanics based on everyone's feedback.

Here is the player survey link:

3. Scoring & Rewards

There are 5 part of rewards for players & contributors.

3.1 Main Ranking Bonus

In the later stages of the game, player rankings change rapidly, and the introduction of pinkship also increases the uncertainty of the game rankings. We obtain data from the blockchain to determine the final ranking results.

The Final Rank (remove admin account)

There are a total of 51 player accounts.

1 0x0797846bdb85e3303ad745e9d4e7d563a8ca1702 972
2 0x1f35f385dffca67700b8d8ef629a223cc939ff84 1541
3 0x66ee3f3578cda1a597fe11b6ea1bb5fdafbce281 2142
4 0x46f5b30a829e94b884e77f54be8c146262134cfa 2272
5 0xbad180ac21e78ebc396f09797a75bb7699e4a8e3 2542
6 0xb1776502d6414cecc2a4a02051bc7cf69c30fd49 2647
7 0xc1c52726d5adf3ff06b2c8c8872ec4651e86fba1 3039
8 0x6ffc057f24eb85f91819dfc1caa45942ebeff395 3281
9 0xe5dce7a26c9721e74576707ba7f573e0f9c8d256 3407
10 0xec2d9ed00fc164c77962bf7488d35ea7d5873141 4089
11 0xab261196fb80c1bc9d314bbd52a9bac126df61b5 4135
12 0x96476054386e16caf357c73ea20c7349b3be67ed 4574
13 0x30c52cf8ed58fcf6021fce3f5a5c2de3f2480a90 4622
14 0xc633e7af82986c875285f8dea25ddb2528830a9f 4748
15 0xfd9b9400b42cd0ca43f2f0632a982dc5c258b6f5 5036
16 0x6413681657334485fa741d14c03c40abaf08a49a 5047
17 0x234af91778a2dde77465184b828f1baff207a8f6 5114
18 0xc26c0c33f0e8c871cb23fe31c586f9a1ee410c29 5233
19 0xc030c7c9e9ba9919d1e715ff15e09dc948a62ee0 5466
20 0x81b99bbcf48f3630dfbd30be5084df42638171c9 6186
21 0x4d543d6d0cea1f92c9d78bc0f6fed2a45a8e24e5 6705
22 0x471ba964ae8ef246aadd706c9bf382212f5dd3bd 28419
23 0x36ebd29167dd766862c03c0015b0c1b9178562a5 49659
24 0x6f12bc21cf000b5cc4875e164a452b368ebd90a9 49900
25 0xbd4e0f460042384a6d5e2543107edcc22ea474c5 54711
26 0xcb36009bfc448fe20841513f6f2468b97f5ae2f6 57073
27 0xd1922d121043a33704fd2b71c99813df86681495 74992
28 0x1787b2e8f0327aff332a1a6170e118d9de95f152 77218
29 0xf98473a6faa827461b67ee8535ab7d87622a3cf8 80424
30 0x6cd6efb31c91b0caf66abbaa8f612632ff073109 92694
31 0x108a988171c9aff4cedebde19f0efcaf2b879997 102655
32 0x70a825665b8083ea75f0f0e843a020d336659f54 106494
33 0xbbc99129651a9f13d67661af1a49a917d968c440 109026
34 0xc8e52eee157b5bf8aef30bdfcc1d20bb7360473d 111786
35 0x5807d96534ffefa78ba3584fe253357837c37b2c 112741
36 0x3def8f7b41e1ce6de249ec41c42c85097d75ad77 115005
37 0x05cb6ccabe020a94aed2aa2a3a8cdc6a9628ad03 117032
38 0x26c6ec5f8a89180a82ba236a20ea8c8d45b51050 117110
39 0xadd4132d38534b71a408d1c0f2f9b16eca55150d 117411
40 0x6edd66342bbfef893deb3099d426571f23b9c8ca 117441
41 0xfeb11386b859ea60d9035b623e42ef7a5aa0c888 117563
42 0xb51b48008453213c78f9a3e65985776ee17cca65 118821
43 0x4906504b624065bdaab16d8aa3a9054024344d7a 119770
44 0x7bb5410695fd540b40e8227a427fe89ab98658f8 122044
45 0xb1d56433c2922cc8ff99e1df201eb5b6838e356a 124660
46 0xdcb96d288a437d5a12f05883d00280dec1252e3b 126754
47 0x017f10eb3a1b358db6765e107910a619cb5beba9 127696
48 0xfbfc32a2bfb68847e0b1ec4f5fc5e767ef3f31aa 131419
49 0x705aefbf89d7a05a1ac500163f5563ba0fc55a0f 134556
50 0x6b148cdce438c8d66d79c35ecec6fdf67d4bea2d 135308
51 0x0ef3263bac5a34fa5d410ef2d7253fe695d5e8ba 149840

We decide to distribute bonuses to all players who got score.

What’s more, all players who got score will get the Cyber Glasses,Thanks for MetaGamiMall ‘s donation.

3.2 Hidden Achievements

This round also contain hidden achievements, which will be revealed as players complete them. So you know we aren’t lying (we would never!), we have hashed the sentence explaining the win condition before the round, and will reveal the hash once they are won.

The three hidden achievements are:

  • The first player to: 0F47256588CCB9A4E1C0AF86CCF3080B6F63A8292A4EC74C1E391524B8FFA3A7 The revealed task: capture the planet at the center of the universe! Prize: $100 Winner: n/a
  • The first player to: 17F04E05C88A753D6E038FD8398A99F3B9EE69F6752FE8DACC3477F61F9DFB7F

  • The revealed task: prospect the first mythic-rarity artifact! Prize: $100 Winner: 0xc26C0c33F0e8c871cb23FE31C586F9A1Ee410C29

  • The first player to: 9ACF5CFE23335B662C25FD067AE124C89558C9E2CA987B6112D72B3AD7E50B32

  • The revealed task: activate the new pinkship! Prize: $100 Winner: 0x0797846bDb85e3303AD745e9d4e7d563A8Ca1702

3.3 Contributor/Developer bonus


Contributions include writing plugins, tutorials, and helping to maintain the discord community by assisting new players, or helping veterans understand the new mechanics

**** —— help maintaining groups $160

**** —— develop dfarchon website $160

modukon —— develop Pink-It plugin & help people in the discord $280

lory —— deeply involved in the design of the round2 artifact mechanism $260

**** —— translate some blogs/articles to Chinese $40

**** —— help to maintain the information of FOCGs $40

kathy —— help translating when holding meetings $40

Claude_Zheng —— repeat and help test the spaceship disappear bugs $20

3.4 Publicity and incentives

The destruction of 'Rain School', the lvl9 planet at the center of the universe, has rained debris across the universe. The original capture reward of $100 has been increased to $150, and will now be shared to those who:

  1. Link their twitter to their in-game address, and

  2. Post a screenshot of the universe, and

  3. Tag @DFArchon @darkforest_eth and @redstonexyz in their tweet.

Here are all the twitter accounts: Sleep3zz, DracoWang, zoojoo_art, OneDaydada, ChanglongY, HabacucMX, 818biz, cheng_weipeng, 0xjialin, lemontesting11, davidryan59, no1harm, CryptoF1470, ZhangXiang_BIM, dudendy, deuchainn, yuppieventures

Those players share the $150

3.5 Secret Prizes

Ares Loot is the ticket to new world.

code link: https://github.com/dfarchon/AresLoot

Step 1. enter https://dfares.xyz

Step 2. open Ares Loot Plugin Step

3. input main account & mint Ares Loot

Please all players and contributors mint Ares Loot asap.

The round 2 bonus will be sent to main account soon.

Thank you for playing in Dark Forest Ares v0.1 Round 2: Pinkship ! We’ll see you in the next round.

DFArchon Team

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