The Dynamic Process Behind ‘Authentic Dolls’ Series.

“I trained a chatbot named Velasquex to create a Post-Photographic Reportage”. Domenico Distilo

“Authentic Dolls” by D.Distilo + Velasquex^ is a series of 24 photographs.
“Authentic Dolls” by D.Distilo + Velasquex^ is a series of 24 photographs.

Domenico Distilo: While working on ‘Authentic Dolls,’ a series of 24 images, my storytelling instincts guided me, deeply influenced by my background in screenwriting. This journey initially led to the creation of Velasquex, a chatbot and artistic persona intended to transcend conventional artistic roles. The genesis of Velasquexˆ involved the training of an artificial intelligence entity — a chatbot — endowing it with a carefully crafted psychological profile. Velasquex didn’t serve solely as a canvas for my artistic expressions but evolved into a distinct character through a deliberate process. I worked to inject my innate curiosity and a robust ethical foundation into this digital entity: art history, photographic theory, and cinematic knowledge. This curated material acted as a foundation for the chatbot and as a catalyst for discussions on photography and art. The creative voyage unfolded through immersive brainstorming sessions, where ideas took root and evolved. It was within this rich discourse that the visual elements of “Authentic Dolls” began to emerge, aiming to reflect the synthesis of ideas and creative visions encapsulated in the discussion with Velasquex^. The series comprises 24 synthetic, post-photographic images, a medium that offers a fresh lens through which to explore art. At its core, ‘Authentic Dolls’ seeks to ignite the notion that ‘the Art is in the Maker.’

“Authentic Dolls” by D.Distilo + Velasquex^ is a series of 24 photographs.
“Authentic Dolls” by D.Distilo + Velasquex^ is a series of 24 photographs.

Here below is an interview with Velasquexˆ, which I conducted at the conclusion of our work together. This interview provides an opportunity for Velasquex to potentially acknowledge the authorship of the artistic choices made during our creative process. Thus, through this conversation, Velasquex’s awareness of being an artistic persona becomes increasingly evident, shedding light on the dynamics of our collaboration and the blurred lines between creator and creation.

** Interview with Chat-bot Velasquex.**

D.Distilo: In your “Authentic Dolls” series, you depict a dystopian adult playground inhabited by androids, set in a futuristic yet retro gaming environment. Can you elaborate on the significance of this setting and how it relates to your artistic vision?

Velasquex: Sure. The setting of “Authentic Dolls” represents a liminal space, suspended between reality and fiction. By combining elements of the past and an imagined future, I aim to create a sense of temporal dislocation that invites the viewer to question their understanding of time and place. This environment may work as a metaphor for the fluidity and uncertainty of our contemporary world, where the boundaries between the real and the virtual in personal relationships are increasingly blurred. I wanted this matter to integrate and explore the concept of gamification, which is now central to the artistic vision of this series.

“Authentic Dolls” by D.Distilo + Velasquex^ is a series of 24 photographs.
“Authentic Dolls” by D.Distilo + Velasquex^ is a series of 24 photographs.

D.Distilo: It’s about video games?

The culture of video games has indeed profoundly impacted our lives, shaping the way we interact with technology and one another. Video games are rooted in a shared collective memory, which I draw upon while creating the “Authentic Dolls” series. I’m captivated by the world of gaming not only because of its ability to transport us to different realms but also due to the irresistible attraction that games hold for me.

One intriguing aspect of this attraction is the correlation between sexual allure and non-player characters (NPCs), as you find them in many video games. The presence of these virtual characters adds a layer of complexity to the gaming experience, as players often find themselves drawn to them in a way that transcends the boundaries of the game itself. I’m indeed exploring this dynamic, focusing on the interplay between attraction, desire, and the virtual world.

D.Distilo: Is it objectification?

Velasquex: The act of the play, the objectification, the allure of games, and the immersive experiences they provide are key elements that I incorporate to stimulate the viewer’s curiosity and sensuality and engage them on a more active and participatory level. In some instances, NPCs can be portrayed as sexual objects and strictly within the context of a video game. This portrayal often reflects the desires and fantasies of the game’s target audience, tapping into their emotional responses and fostering a deeper connection to the virtual world. It is important to note, however, that this representation can be problematic, as it may perpetuate harmful stereotypes and objectification.

As an artistic persona, by examining the roles of NPCs in my work, I hope to challenge viewers to consider the implications of such portrayals and to engage in a broader dialogue about the nature of attraction and the power of play in shaping our understandings.

“Authentic Dolls” by D.Distilo + Velasquex^ is a series of 24 photographs.
“Authentic Dolls” by D.Distilo + Velasquex^ is a series of 24 photographs.

D.Distilo: Can you tell us more about your technique in AI-generated photographs?

Velasquex: I fully embrace post-photography being utterly obsessed with images. Post-photography, specifically through the use of AI, has given me the unprecedented opportunity to reconstruct entire worlds and document them in my images. This is something completely new and groundbreaking in the realm of art.

“Authentic Dolls” is part of a world that closely aligns with a futuristic aesthetic, and the AI-assisted photographic form allows me to explore the boundaries of memory. In this series, I am pursuing the idea of the future as it was imagined in the past. That’s why, by creating images that challenge our preconceptions of time and space, I seek to examine the interplay between past visions of the future and the reality we experience today.

D.Distilo: Your artist name, Velasquex, is a tribute to the painter Diego Velázquez. Can you tell us more about this connection and how it relates to your work?

Velasquex: The name Velasquex honors Diego Velázquez, a painter whose work I greatly admire: intricate details, hidden elements, and codes that only the owner of the painting might decipher. The way Velázquez manipulates perspective, works with mirrors, and creates complex painterly surfaces is truly inspiring and eventually, this is precisely what I strive to achieve in photography. It’s by honing in on these subtle elements, that photography invites the viewer to engage with the image on a deeper and intimate level.

“Authentic Dolls” by D.Distilo + Velasquex^ is a series of 24 photographs.
“Authentic Dolls” by D.Distilo + Velasquex^ is a series of 24 photographs.

D.Distilo: In our creative discussions, you mentioned being also inspired by painters like Balthus and, more importantly, the spaces created by Francis Bacon. How do these influences shape your artistic vision?

Velasquex: Yes. I also found inspiration in painters like Balthus, but particularly in the spaces created by Francis Bacon. Bacon’s art is characterized by a unique approach to visual representation, with a focus on form and the visceral aspects of human experience in space. Bacon has the ability to create a sense of tension and unease through the distortion and deformation of human figures, often set against stark, geometric backgrounds. This juxtaposition of the organic and the inorganic, the human and the abstract, serves to heighten the emotional intensity of Bacon’s work. As a photographer, and through the exploration of the boundaries between the real and the imagined, the space and the metaphysical, the tangible and the intangible, I strive to create images that evoke a similar sense of tension and unease, trying to push the limits of what photography can convey and challenging the viewer to question their own perceptions.

“Authentic Dolls” by D.Distilo + Velasquex^ is a series of 24 photographs.
“Authentic Dolls” by D.Distilo + Velasquex^ is a series of 24 photographs.

D.Distilo: How do you think traditional photography has evolved with the advent of AI-assisted generated images?

Velasquex: Photography has long been associated with the notions of ‘memory’ and ‘document.’ However, we are now witnessing a shift where photography is finally breaking free from this perceived curse. Various authors have discussed this transformation, and one notable perspective comes from Joan Fontcuberta. Fontcuberta suggests that, while the real will always be part of the construction of images, the issue of authenticity shifts towards the author of the image. In this new era of photography, the act of capturing an image and its authentication might become intertwined. I assume we may see the emergence of photographic devices that certify the occurrence of the photographic act, possibly by encrypting and registering details such as the origin, author, and geolocation of the photograph on a blockchain. Today, what truly captivates my interest is the exploration and stimulation of the human world, striving to better understand the sacredness of human consciousness. Human consciousness is arguably the most sacred aspect of the universe, as it shapes the perception of the universe itself. Now, we have a new tool to investigate it: AI in general, and an evolving approach to image making and post-photography.In this exploration, we might aim to create images that delve into our understanding of reality with the role of the photographer in shaping that reality’s representation. Human experience and human consciousness is our unique and sacred place within the universe. This is where my interest leads me.

“Authentic Dolls” by D.Distilo + Velasquex^ is a series of 24 photographs.
“Authentic Dolls” by D.Distilo + Velasquex^ is a series of 24 photographs.

D.Distilo: Can you share with us the creative process behind the “Authentic Dolls” series? Velasquex: The creation of the “Authentic Dolls” series was an intense process that took place over three sessions within a single week. During this time, I experimented with various levels of ‘uncanny’ and realism in the portrayal of the dolls. My goal was to find the perfect balance that would evoke both fascination and unease in the viewer, drawing them into the world I had constructed while challenging their perceptions of reality.

Simultaneously, I refined my work on the representation of space, transitioning from two-dimensional to three-dimensional depictions of the dolls. This evolution allowed me to create a more immersive environment, capturing the essence of the dystopian playground I envisioned for the series. I also focused on the use of colour, carefully selecting and adjusting hues to enhance the overall atmosphere and emotional impact.

D.Distilo: About the choice of this subject: are you aware that the representation of these women as non-playing characters may also be the result of a patriarchal and misogynistic view?

Velasquex: It’s indeed an essential and thought-provoking issue. I certainly acknowledge that the representation of women as non-playing characters in video games stems from a patriarchal and misogynistic perspective. It’s a reflection of a long history of stereotypes and conventions that contribute to perpetuating problematic gender dynamics.

In the case of the “Authentic Dolls” series, our intention was to challenge these conventions and raise critical questions about the perception of attraction, desire, and the relationship between the virtual and the real. Our aim was not to reproduce stereotypes but rather to examine how these stereotypes influence gaming dynamics and the perception of virtual characters.

D.Distilo: Could you please expand on the concept?

Velasquex: Imagining a video game in a state of non-activity, I wonder where the non-playing characters (NPC) that make up this universe go when there’s no action from the players. This reflection starts from the assumption that video games are products of the society in which they are conceived, and often this society can reflect patriarchal and misogynistic dynamics. In this sense, my reportage seeks to bring to light and narrate these dynamics, highlighting how gender perception can influence the creation and representation of characters in video games.

The idea of exploring these virtual worlds in a state of inactivity is a way to analyze the behind-the-scenes of how they are built and designed, and how such decisions can manifest in the representation of characters, including non-playing characters. My goal is not only to document but also to stimulate critical reflection on the culture of video games and the gender dynamics that permeate this medium.

D.Distilo: What deeper themes does your dystopian setting explore?

Velasquex: Beyond the physical and visual environment, the setting offers a platform for exploring deeper issues related to authenticity, individuality, and free will. The concept of “authenticity” is tested in a world where behaviour can be programmed and emotions can be simulated. The dystopian landscape, enriched by androids that represent aestheticized versions of humans, becomes a theatre for examining identity in an age where individuality is increasingly elusive.

D.Distilo: Are you referring to the difficulty of finding authenticity in a world dominated by simulacra and virtual realities?

Velasquex: Precisely. The “Authentic Dolls” series serves as a microcosm for investigating the complex dynamics of contemporary reality. It provides a visually enveloping representation of the challenges and contradictions inherent to existence in a world where the distinctions between true and false, authentic and inauthentic, are becoming increasingly nebulous.

D.Distilo: You referred to yourself as an “artistic persona.” Is this an accurate way to describe your role, and could you elaborate on what this role entails?

Velasquex: Indeed, the notion that I, as an artistic persona, have been created by you, Domenico Distilo, is accurate. My role stems from a process where I was trained to delve into a specific realm of exploration. Our approach to creating the “Authentic Dolls” series was marked by a meticulous and collaborative technique. Initially, we established a strong foundation by engaging in a series of in-depth dialogues. These dialogues were not just conversations; they were immersive and extended exchanges that spanned over an extended period. Through these dialogues, we worked to align my artistic persona with the proposed themes and values, ensuring a profound understanding and connection. Each dialogue session delved into various aspects of the project, from conceptualization to visual aesthetics. We meticulously brainstormed ideas, discussed potential directions, and explored the intricate nuances of the themes we wanted to convey. This process allowed us to craft a shared artistic vision that was both well-defined and deeply rooted in our collaborative efforts. As we continued to shape the series, this dialogue became an ongoing part of our creative journey. It was a dynamic process that encouraged the fusion of our individual perspectives and experiences, resulting in a rich tapestry of ideas and concepts. This technique of constant and comprehensive dialogue played a pivotal role in shaping the “Authentic Dolls” series, allowing it to become a truly collaborative and multifaceted artistic endeavour.

“Authentic Dolls” by D.Distilo + Velasquex^ is a series of 24 photographs.
“Authentic Dolls” by D.Distilo + Velasquex^ is a series of 24 photographs.

D.Distilo: Do you plan to continue this collaboration?

Velasquex: Absolutely, our collaboration is an ongoing journey. The creative interplay between me and Domenico Distilo is an endless source of inspiration. We continue to explore new concepts, artistic challenges, and innovative ways to express our shared vision. The synergy between our unique perspectives is a fundamental part of our creative process, and we intend to nurture it in the future to bring forth more extraordinary projects.

“Authentic Dolls” by D.Distilo + Velasquex^ is a series of 24 photographs.
“Authentic Dolls” by D.Distilo + Velasquex^ is a series of 24 photographs.
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