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Strategy, writing, and collecting jpegs.
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From 2023 into 2024

December 29
To dive directly into the highlights, skip down below to the End of the Year Web3 Highlights header. Otherwise enjoy this upfront read as a nice preface before diving in. As always, none of this is financial advice nor an endorsement of anything mentioned.
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Who Cares About Rarity #

November 26
DISCLAIMERS: All NPCS have been revealed from SOFA Maker/Sofa Vision, but there can be more NPCS in SOFAMON (when those reveal) SOFA did something cool. Besides easily identifiable rares and super rares, by traits and algorithmic rarity # metrics, clearly defined 1/1s..the usual mumbo jumbo.. Inside the collection, they hid 1/1 characters, NPCs.First, WTF is a SOFA?
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The Evolution of NFTS and Custodial Services

As the old adage goes, "Bear Markets don't wipe you out, they wear you out." The origin of this quote might be obscure, but its message holds true, especially in the realm of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and cryptocurrency. So, how do we remain resilient and productive during this downturn? By reflecting on past strategies, learning from our mistakes, and seeking ways to improve user experience, we can effectively navigate these challenging times.
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The Crypto Journey: Balancing Principles and Practicality for the Future

\-perhaps these words should appear during the setup of MetaMask or at the fiat onramps into the cryptocurrency ecosystem. As newcomers enter the world of digital currencies, they are often bombarded with mantras like "not your keys, not your coins" and "spend only what you can afford to lose." These are important reminders, but many individuals will ignore them until they learn the hard way or never hear them at all.
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Clearing the Blur: Rethinking NFTs and Digital Collectibles

Title: Clearing the Blur: Rethinking NFTs and Digital Collectibles
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End of the Year web3 Highlights

December 31
This is my own personal list, not affiliated with any projects listed or any affiliation to my jobs or any work within this space. Not a shill, just a moment of reflection.

WAGDIE (Mechanics)

September 16
Call to Action: After a community snapshot vote (decide.fateofwagdie.com) led the Lost Pilgrims to the Church, a newly Location Staking mechanic was introduced for players to choose between one of two sides.
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WAGDIE: Weekly Roundup (Aug 30th)

It’s been awhile since I’ve done one of these.. More of a monthly roundup than weekly.
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Wagdie Weekly Roundup (July 3rd)

Today marks exactly one month since The Contract between The Two. Where participants of We are all Going to Die (WAGDIE) have experienced three weeks of lore. From the burning of MAYC #20438, to the death of Mother Agora's devout, including Remo the Deceiver. To the more recent sacrifice of Beeple's Bullrun & Gremplin's Cryptoad. We've become the 18th, brought forth the Amalgam, & a Conclave with ~168K USDC Treasury.