


Web3 stuff
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#20 Web3 social opens a new design space

September 24
Web3 social is the collection of protocols, applications, and tools to create a more decentralized, permissionless, fair, and open social media experience. Web3 social utilizes blockchain technology to maintain these properties. The Web3 tech stack has several layers: blockchain layer, storage layer, social graph layer, application layer, and infrastructure layer.
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#19 AI NPCs and user acquisition in the metaverse

September 22
First, we had the tools to assist us physically. Toolmaking is still one of the defining features and possibly what gave us the upper hand during the evolutionary process. Then came answerphones, chatbots, self-service vending machines, reception bots, and voice assistants to assist us cognitively. Assuming that the emotional domain is separate from the physical and cognitive domains (and I am not playing with the semantics), we have not scratched the surface of how algorithms can fulfill our emotional needs.

#18 Robots to meatspace are what humans are to the metaverse

September 22
I want to walk you thru this argument:
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#17 Personal Boundaries in the Metaverse

September 21
According to Urban Dictionary, tea-bagging is “continuously crouching on a dead body in a video game”, especially the face area.
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#16 Blocking people and ads in IRL and in the metaverse

September 21
First-generation adblockers are usually the browser extensions people use on their web browsers such as firefox, opera, brave, chrome, or safari. Adblockers save a lot of data (i.e., your internet package), protects you from malware and scams from malicious ads, and saves you time by allowing you to browse faster. In this post, I will speculate on two things: ads in the metaverse and blocking real-life billboard ads and IRL people using mixed reality glasses.
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#15 Resurrecting dead people in the metaverse

September 20
Nope, this is not a meme. You can resurrect dead people in the metaverse. Maybe not the ones that have passed away up to this day, but the ones who are connected to the metaverse.
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#13 Digital Fashion and the Metaverse

September 18
I bet most of you have a whole-ass wardrobe of clothes and you simply did not have any occasion to wear most of them. Shirt + underwear for Zoom and trikini for the beach are quite trendy at the moment.
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#12 Innovative metaverse use cases

September 18
I am going to present some of the possible virtual reality use cases that are still not explored.

#11 Metaverse Interoperability: Why is it so important?

September 18
1\. What is it about?