Investment Tutorial
December 3rd, 2024

While we wait for a complete video (which might not be possible), here’s the step-by-step flow to purchase your tokens:

1. Access the Reservation Page

Once the reservation page is active, you’ll see the first screen stating “Your investment in Elys Network.”

  1. First, fill in the Investment amount section with your investment (Note that in our case, the minimum is $100).

  2. Second, choose crypto payment (here you'll see all the networks supported).

  3. thirdly accept the terms is continued on the next page.

2. Accept Terms and Continue

Then you'll come to this page, where you'll see all the supported channels again.

As a reminder, you'll need gas fees to pay for the transaction.

  • Ethereum / Arbitrum / Optimism / Base = ETH

  • Solana = SOL

  • Avalanche = AVAX

  • Polygon = POL

Make sure you have your USDC + enough to pay your transaction.

  1. Click on Complete payment

Then this page will appear:

  1. Accept the terms and click on Accept and continue.

3.The Most Important Page

Here you will need to :

  1. Choose the Network on which you have your USDC (before any confirmation verify this section.)

    1. If your USDC are on Base, please choose Base.

    2. If your USDC are on Polygon, please choose Polygon

  2. Next, you'll need to use the QR code on your phone to send the transaction (if you want to use a phone) or copy the address.

This part is the most important, so make sure you've copied it and check the address.

4. Send your funds using your wallet

  • Rabby:
  • Metamask:
  • Phantom:

Here is the most important part.

  1. Click on the send button, the wallet will ask you what you want to send and to whom.


  3. Choose USDC

  4. Paste the Address that Republic gave you (COPY IT AGAIN IF YOU ARE NOT SURE AND VERIFY)

  5. Click on send

REPUBLIC ADDRESS is the address you have right here on republic and you should have copy

As you can see in the example below :

  • Ethereum + address

For metamask:

Paste the Republic address here and click on continue

Choose the amount (Should match what you want to commit) and Click on continue.

If you have any question or any doubt please ask us first.

An important point: don't rush, even if it's a FCFS there'll be ELYS tokens for everyone, if you don't get the 30% bonus but the 15% because you couldn't be quick enough it's no big deal, it's always better than losing your funds because of a mistake.


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