
Emma-Jane MacKinnon-Lee

Emma-Jane MacKinnon-Lee

Web3 Fashion, Open Metaverse.
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After the hackathon, keep building — with new updates for the ecosystem

Did you hear? Inari Synth was one of 14 finalist demos held on Wednesday, out of 360 teams completing in the ETHOnline2022 hackathon. After three weeks of hacking on it as a solo entrant repping by extension the DIGITALAX ecosystem, building continues, and there’s already another major update to release.
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Sold Out Soles: Terms of the Deal Not Disclosed

Buy. Copy. Kill.
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Trash the Myths. It's a New Fashion Movement.

The above is a closing excerpt from Malcom X’s Oxford Union Debate, December 3, 1964. It is one of many of the revolutionary speeches that he made as a global voice against racism and a symbol of Black liberation up until his assassination in February the following year.