Preempting DeFi Attacks: How to Identify Victim Addresses Before Losses Occur

New research reveals a way to predict victims of DeFi smart contract attacks before they happen. Learn how to safeguard your assets in this groundbreaking study.

In the ever-changing realm of Decentralized Finance (DeFi), the integrity of smart contracts is crucial. The research paper, “Timely Identification of Victim Addresses in DeFi Attacks,” penned by Bahareh Parhizkari along with collaborators from the University of Luxembourg, ETH Zurich, and Quantstamp, Inc., delves into this issue. Published in 2023, their work pioneers a new strategy to bolster DeFi security — by predicting who might fall victim to smart contract attacks, even before these attacks are launched.

Summary of the Research Article

The study tackles the issue of private transaction pools in DeFi, which obscure attackers’ actions and complicate early defenses. Typically, security systems keep an eye on public mempools, watching for anomalies. Yet, this strategy falls short when facing attacks from private pools. In response, the team of researchers has crafted a unique approach. They analyze the deployment bytecode of smart contracts that might be malicious, aiming to pinpoint potential victim addresses before any harmful transactions occur.

Employing this method, the researchers scrutinized 117 DeFi attacks documented from 2020 to 2023 across four different blockchain networks. They dug into the deployment bytecode of these malicious contracts to pull out possible victim addresses. Not stopping there, they traced these addresses back to their deployers to refine their list further. This proactive step allowed them to alert those at risk ahead of time, setting the stage for them to fortify their defenses. The findings reported in the paper are promising, indicating a robust success rate in preempting attack transactions — a potential game-changer in fortifying DeFi security protocols.

The table categorizes smart contract attacks by chain name and method of victim address communication, including Deployment Bytecode, Constructor Parameters, and Attack Transactions, with totals provided for each category. Source: Timely Identification of Victim Addresses in DeFi Attacks, pg. 11.
The table categorizes smart contract attacks by chain name and method of victim address communication, including Deployment Bytecode, Constructor Parameters, and Attack Transactions, with totals provided for each category. Source: Timely Identification of Victim Addresses in DeFi Attacks, pg. 11.

Critical Analysis

The paper’s strength lies in its innovative approach and its practical impact. It doesn’t just boost the detection of potential attacks; it also enables timely interventions that could prevent massive financial losses. Nevertheless, there are limitations. Primarily, it assumes attackers will persist in using detectable methods to encode victim information within smart contracts — a potentially risky assumption. Plus, the methodology might falter against more sophisticated attackers who could change their tactics to avoid detection.

In contrast to other studies that often focus on post-execution attack detection, this paper stands out by emphasizing preemptive measures. This shift marks a significant contribution to the field, pushing the boundaries of traditional security approaches in DeFi.

Highlight: The Most Surprising Aspect

Perhaps the most captivating aspect of this study is its proof that it’s feasible to proactively identify potential victims. The authors showed that in more than 80% of the cases they examined, it was possible to spot victim addresses right from the deployment stage of malicious contracts. This revelation overturns the common belief that attacks are only detectable and can only be mitigated post-occurrence.

The bar chart illustrates the quarterly distribution of Ethereum attacks from 2020 to 2023, differentiating between total attacks and those specifically conducted via Flashbots, highlighting an increase in Flashbots attacks over time. Source: Timely Identification of Victim Addresses in DeFi Attacks, pg. 7.
The bar chart illustrates the quarterly distribution of Ethereum attacks from 2020 to 2023, differentiating between total attacks and those specifically conducted via Flashbots, highlighting an increase in Flashbots attacks over time. Source: Timely Identification of Victim Addresses in DeFi Attacks, pg. 7.
The bar chart visualizes the distribution of potential victims associated with each malicious contract, showing a range from 1 to over 40 victims per contract, with most contracts having between 1 and 10 potential victims. Source: Timely Identification of Victim Addresses in DeFi Attacks, pg. 8.
The bar chart visualizes the distribution of potential victims associated with each malicious contract, showing a range from 1 to over 40 victims per contract, with most contracts having between 1 and 10 potential victims. Source: Timely Identification of Victim Addresses in DeFi Attacks, pg. 8.

Implications and Potential

The implications of this research are profound. Early detection of potential victims could significantly strengthen the security protocols of DeFi platforms, paving the way for more robust defenses against future attacks. This methodology, similar to the predictive agents developed by Forta Network, has already sparked further research aimed at creating even more advanced predictive tools.

What are Forta Bots? Source: Forta Network on YouTube.


This review underscores the transformative potential of “Timely Identification of Victim Addresses in DeFi Attacks” in revolutionizing DeFi security practices. The research introduces a novel tool for battling fraud and theft in blockchain environments, and it paves the way for future innovations in preemptive security measures. Anyone involved in developing, managing, or securing DeFi platforms will find this paper indispensable. It promises insights that could significantly advance the protection of digital assets.

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