Community Updates Q4 2022

We're done with 22! With so many events, experiences, and community innovation for Ethereum Honduras, we took the year by storm and have a stronger community that's excited and committed to what's coming in 23. International and local events, projects, volunteer activities, and just good old communication got us to this recap of our last quarterly.


Veni vidi vici. 3 Hondurans went to DEVCON V, this action lit a fuse for the Ethereum Honduras community to go and make a mark in DEVCON VI, we did that with 32 Hondurans representing the country! We sent out a call to award scholarships, 44 applied and 17 of the most committed and active members of the Community were selected. 6 of our community members presented in conferences and workshops!

We came back pumped, did a meetup around our experience in DEVCON VI, and pitched some project ideas, including hosting an international event in Honduras. We also did a brief survey to get a better understanding of what caused the most impact, and came across some interesting results from Devcon:

  • 2 scholars found jobs on ZK Scroll & Lalaland.

  • 7 projects with Honduran members were presented to the DEVCON VI CLR round: Ethereum Honduras, SIDIT Protocol, POWART, Web3 Beach, Shy Panda, EdTechLatam DAO, and H.E.R DAO LATAM.

  • Countless networking and connections were established.

  • Infinite Garden, EFF, Bitfly Beacon chain, Eth Latam Community Panels, Demystifying Layer 2, Gubsheeps blockchain gaming, & AVSA were some of the most popular topics of interest.

Hondurans in DEVCON VI, Colombia 2022
Hondurans in DEVCON VI, Colombia 2022


We were excited to contribute to ETH Latam by supporting the launch of CLR DEVCON VI Round aimed at funding Latin American projects, making the first time such a large-scale funding call was launched for Latin America.

Participating throughout the whole process, sharing our experiences about past CLRs in our country, helping vet proposals, supporting the projects that presented proposals, and once the voting started, we generated three video tutorials on how to obtain DAIs on Arbitrum, how to vote on the CRL platform and how to get verified on BrightID.

During this time, we got 1,299 hits on the 3 videos. We also did a Twitter space to present all the different projects, and 58 listeners tuned in.

As the Ethereum Honduras Community we obtained ~$4K, which we will use to fund multiple activities during 2023. It was amazing to see how this joining of international effort yielded benefits for other Latam communities & Honduran projects!


NFT, The Future of Art

The firstEdition of a Honduran digital art exhibition in NFT format was a resounding success! The event was designed to capture the attention of local artists, enthusiasts, and creatives to learn about the advantages of turning their art into NFTs, the opportunities of the web3 market and provide a space for all to appreciate this new artform. 

A one-day event in a shopping center where the public was able to attend presentations and workshops alongside the exhibition. More than 14 community members volunteered, taking up different roles including receiving visitors in 2 stands, an Ethereum Honduras onboarding and La Bitcoinera a Crypto ATM for them to acquire ETH in case they wanted to buy an NFT. Of the countless visitors, 34 claimed their POAPs, approximately 5 got a crypto wallet, and 53 signed up to be contacted for future Ethereum Honduras events. 

If you want to see  a wrap of the event, check out the thread we prepared:

SRS & Christmas get together

It was a great year, full of events, projects and overall community growth. To prepare for 2023, we decided to celebrate with a Christmas lunch and the first edition of the Strategic Revision Session (SRS) Community. Attended by 22 community members from different cities in Honduras and who have led events and constantly dedicated their time, ideas and effort to strengthen the community.

We had a great time and at the end we did a brainstorming activity to map out events, topics, and some projects we want to carry out in 2023, setting the foundation for our roadmap for 2023.

Brainstorming time. Ethereum Honduras 2023 roadmap planning
Brainstorming time. Ethereum Honduras 2023 roadmap planning



During the last stretch of the year, we did 2 meetups before December. As soon as we got back from DEVCON, we did our panel with a recap of the 5 community members with different profiles: a developer, an artist, a social entrepreneur, a business entrepreneur, and a self-proclaimed eth-geek. They talked about how important attending these international events are in terms of networking, motivation, and good old learning. One unexpected outcome was realizing just how much potential we have in our country and how much we can contribute to the global Ethereum Community.

The second was a Woman in Tech Meetup, aiming to attract more women to get involved in the tech world and more specifically in the Ethereum Ecosystem. A panel of 3 Honduran women from different tech backgrounds shared their experiences, ideas, challenges, and opportunities for others to get on board. It was a mixed crowd of 34 people that attended to share ideas and pizza.

Community Work Sessions

After DEVCON there were so many ideas that within the community, we saw fit to dedicate some time to tending our garden. So we held 3 online community sessions to talk about values, community participation, and also differences in our work styles.


Macao Tech organized an online Hackathon during a weekend in November. College students and web3 enthusiasts worked using the Ethereum platform. We had a total of 10 participants, organized into 3 participating teams, of which 2 completed their project on time. Teams were judged according to their technical skill (50%), the novelty of their idea (25%), and the transparency of their project (25%). 

The prize pool of 400 DAI was divided into 300 DAI for the winning team, and 100 DAI for the runner-up. Ethereum Honduras collaborated with the prize and some assessment of the event. For the Community, it was a pilot run for hackathons we want to do in 2023, the organizers came up with useful lessons and cool ideas for future events.

Ethereum SPS reignited! San Pedro Sula is known as the industrial capital, one of the first cities to start organizing crypto meetups years ago. This community self-organized and reignited after DEVCON VI, rebranding from BUIDL SPS to Ethereum SPS, organizing their first meetup of 2022 and more to come for 2023.

Ethereum SPS Meetup
Ethereum SPS Meetup

We are glad to report that Ethereum La Ceiba is officially starting up. We have been cheering them on, providing assessment and logistical support to 2 new organizers that want to start their local community there. La Ceiba received a CLR grant last year and they took some time learning from other community members on how to start their activities, they even joined some meetups and events in Tegucigalpa. They have a plan for 2023 so we're excited to see what they come up with!

We teamed up with Macao Tech online meetup where we talked about Community Growth. We discussed how to approach diverging views and how to address community issues.

We are excited to contribute to this regional initiative that allows for the creation of a latin american community. We have taken up the commitment of contributing to grow the ETH Latam community by participating in the weekly meetings and working on resources that help consolidate the web3 communities. Sharing our experiences and lessons, to implement projects and programs gave us the chance to be a part of the Public Goods work team and set the foundations for CLR funding rounds aimed at this field of work. 

Social Media

Through this last quarter, we focused on increasing our social media reach and worked on creating a new strategy for what we want to share with our community. We realized that they appreciate informative content the most. So far, our results have dictated a great improvement in our metrics with much more activity output across both Twitter and Instagram. We were also able to launch our official Ethereum Honduras community-dedicated Discord to transition our community hub to this platform in the upcoming months. Lastly, we were able to position our efforts on LinkedIn. Our metrics break-down for the past 90 days is as follows: 

  • Twitter: 140 tweets, with 160 new followers and 16454 profile visits. 

  • Instagram: 115 posts, with 219 new followers and 1589 profile visits. 

  • Discord: 55 members of our community have joined our Discord community.

2023 here we come

2022 gave us a million ideas and to-dos, we came up with a Roadmap for next year's projects and events. This is the result of the SRS brainstorming as well as the core teams' proposals, which in a nutshell are:

  • A list of topics for meetups around the country according to the community priorities.

  • Special events,

  • 3 programs will run all year: Discover, Learn and Seeds to implement different projects and calls.

  • Attendance of some international events as well as collaborations to contribute to the global Ethereum Ecosystem.

The roadmap also aims to pick up on some important issues for the community, such as values, meritocracy, and infinite gardening. Hoping this tool allows us to work together coordinating the core team responsibilities with all the volunteer initiatives. 

All this could not have been possible without the Ethereum Foundation’s Ecosystem Support Program, we are infinite thankfull for all the help and belief in our community. 2022 was a defining year for Ethereum Honduras for all of us and we are so thankful to all our members & collaborators. 

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