As we are running our own EVM infrastructure ourselves and not relying on any third party services, we have to deal with all kind of new trendy things allowing bots/users to hit new bottom of Geth performance against hardware. In December it was Inscriptions.
For whatever reason someone decided that moving BRC-20 on EVM chains is a good idea, which can be cheaply implemented submitting transactions with nothing but data in Input field
Parsed easily with Clickhouse JSONExtractString function
So everyone started deploying and "minting" whatever, and nodes got on fire, multiple chains infrastructure got de-synced massively, block explorers were lagging and all the things we all love, when we go tru the next "Performance testing" like that.
Following @cygaar post on Inscirptions
and intrigued by what the hell of a thunderstorm was causing nodes to de-sync on polygon and BSC, I'm followed my own the research. In a nutshell ,whoever want to have a dApp dealing with inscriptions needs to have own indexer running. So, whenever you are getting the transaction with inscriptions you would be able to update your state of the asset accordingly. Indexer operates off-chain and if everyone participating following brc-20 standard in the metadata they submit into Input of transaction, anyone indexing all the transactions can restore the state of the ticker balances wise. Tickers themselves are not unique, same as with Symbols on ERC-20, so the unique combination to track there is deployer from address plus ticker name.
Following the pattern and looking into Dune dashboard created by @hildobby EVM Inscriptions 📝 decided to tackle the thing myself, and dropped couple of Materiazlized views on top of our transactions table in Clickhouse powering up Guru Warehouse :
CREATE TABLE `inscriptions` $on_cluster
`block_number` UInt64,
`block_timestamp` UInt32,
`transaction_hash` String CODEC(ZSTD(1)),
`from_address` String CODEC(ZSTD(1)),
`to_address` Nullable(String) CODEC(ZSTD(1)),
`transaction_index` UInt32,
`gas_used` UInt64,
`gas_price` UInt256,
`standard` LowCardinality(String),
`operation` LowCardinality(String),
`ticker` String CODEC(ZSTD(1)),
`amount` String CODEC(ZSTD(1)),
`inscription` JSON CODEC(ZSTD(1)),
INDEX blocks_timestamp block_timestamp TYPE minmax GRANULARITY 1
ENGINE = ${replicated}ReplacingMergeTree
ORDER BY (block_number, transaction_hash)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192;
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW `inscription_mv_parsed_transactions` $on_cluster
TO `inscriptions`
block_number as block_number,
block_timestamp as block_timestamp,
hash AS transaction_hash,
from_address AS from_address,
to_address AS to_address,
transaction_index AS transaction_index,
ifNull(receipt_gas_used, 0) as gas_used,
ifNull(receipt_effective_gas_price, 0) as gas_price,
`gas_price` UInt256,
JSONExtractString(input_json, 'p') AS standard,
JSONExtractString(input_json, 'op') AS operation,
JSONExtractString(inscription, 'tick') AS ticker,
JSONExtractInt(inscription, 'amt') AS amount,
input_json AS inscription
substring(unhexed_input, position(unhexed_input, '{')) AS input_json, -- Extracts the JSON part from the input
unhex(input) AS unhexed_input -- Converts hex input to binary string
FROM transactions
JSONHas(input_json, 'p') AND
JSONHas(input_json, 'op'); -- Check if JSON extraction is successful
Having there those tables as a result in warehouse, allowed me to start building queries:
Added Some Queries
Some funny tickers are overminted tremendously:
We've decided to embed Inscriptions Data Warehouse dashboard into our Markets Overview page, and test how Warehouse <-> Dex guru integrations looks overall, so we would utilize same idea for more dashboards in the future, placing them on different pages, allowing to have community driven analytics in the same place as trading happens.
All those queries are available via API, so anyone can build their own dashboards and analytics on top of it.
Doing that research I was tackling the idea of utilizing inscriptions for something useful, so I've got an idea of using Inscriptions as a Rewards Points in off-chain/on-chain rewards system where user have to accomplish some quest off-chain(Web2 website) and can claim points with representation on-chain in Inscriptions form. Benefits there:
Inscriptions are cheap to mint
Allowing to da activities off-chain(Web2) submitting them into Inscriptions indexer.
So looking forward into building something off them.